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1st for legs
>Nezha still not impregnated
>want to be friends with perrin sequence buddies
>play red veil and steel meridian a lot because fuck yes best offerings
>meridian are against perrin
>perrin are REALLY against meridian
nth for fairy tits never ever
It is possible to be align with all syndicates. But, it will take a fuck ton of time, the efficiency list is on the wiki.
Am I just imagining it or did DE stealthily nerf the drop rate for anything that's about to be vaulted?
I swear I haven't seen a single Nyx Chassis from the last 7 Neo N1 Radiant squads. It used to drop every 2 or 3 runs.
>zanuka hunter decides to wait for the ONE mission i decide to level some unranked shit to come get me
>same for shadow stalker
>or the triple trouble
I legit think this is intended.
If you are a Nyx, you should abort.
Content update ANY DAY NOW DE.
Have you been stockpiling your resources guys?
Titania build requirements might be high.
>inb4 5 tellurium each part
>15 tellurium for frame
I'm waiting for the fact each piece needs like 5 Argon Crystals and 10k Cryotic and 10 Tellerium because fairies are sparkly or some stupid garbage
If its that insane I'll just buy her.
Not a problem, even nitain.
I might just outright buy her if her quest is gated shit like limbo's i.e. requiring a 12 hour clock to craft parts in order to progress.
What's this spookdrop?
Didn't they say that her quest has something to do with Syndicate?
>tfw you're not a vetern player with a giant stockpile of void alloy plates
Even after draco is gone I still have to farm that tileset.
It's obviously New Loka.
>Didn't they say that her quest has something to do with Syndicate?
So then they'll just have your main syndicate be the quest giver, just like rathuum. I really doubt it'll have anything in common with your regular syndicate alert.
Buying her right out the gate, why take plat from goys if you cant spend it?
I can't imagine how fucking shit it must be for new players right now. Fucking hell, why even play at this point?
I just said fuck it and maxed out both Steel and Red while getting full negative with the other 4. Got what I wanted so now I'm gonna go to Loka for that sweet Tigris
Need assloads of credits in a short time, what do?
It's only game my friends mutually play.
You should do that right fucking now.
Loka and Perrin are going to require a Vauban Prime and a Nikana part to replace for Nyx vaulting.
You're gonna do it in the most roundabout way and dump forma, a reactor and soon to be a vauban helmet and assload of creds on sacrifices instead of paying 20 plat in trade chat?
do some lor raids. Even though they nerfed the credits for raids you still get at least 150K each run.
I've been logging in without missing a day since I downloaded warframe back in february and yesterday was the first day I didnt.
Feels good.
Solo hierachon - run 1 excav - extract.
Combine with a booster.
As long as you also remember to keep buy plat like a good goy
If you have Chroma (and possibly 40 plats for a booster) go to Akkad.
If you have a Frost and a Synoid, go do Hieracon, point at the ground, spam LMB and extract after 200 cryotics if you want 2 chances at cores.
If you have a few people who aren't retards, speedrun LoR again and again, preferably with booster.
Sell your duplicated mods and shitty BPs psst, Oberon BPs
>If you have Chroma
I never understood this chroma thing. You only get extra credits from enemy drops while using effigy. That can't nearly be worth much. Way more efficient to just to raids.
You do not need, you want. Huge difference.
feels good to have 60mil credits at the moment. Can't wait to get 100mil
It's not the effigy bonus. It's the effigy efficiency. You can AFK through the entire Akkad run with Chroma and 2 pizzas.
It's just brainless and requires minimal input, that's why it's popular. The bonus killing credit is just cherry on top, if you have a 4-man squad with 2 Chroma and a Nova, Akkad can easily exceed 34k credit reward per 3 mins run. If you are alone, still 22k per run net profit, substracting the 2k credit used for building pizzas.
It used to unintentionally apply for mission end reward too which made dark sector spam so much more rewarding to bother with.
Proper picture
Nigga I'm buying her Friday
>DE is planning to release today
See you guys next week!
A...are you mocking us?
No no nonono - /WFG/ LOOK A WEAPON BUFF
They are not going "ship" the update to PC. Just more lies to keep their sheep observing.
I repeat you forum-shitters who spy here.
>Was lurking around a little bit
>Found this.
I didn't know what to expect...
>we did it reddit!
Uhhhh didn't they say Friday.....
It kinda sounds like they're trying to hurry the devs to push the update tonight.
Pretty sure the consensus is today. The dev stream posts say they'll "hopefully" be streaming the new update if all goes well.
It's either Today or Tomorrow straight from Rebecca's mouth.
more broken shit soon
>straight from Rebecca's mouth.
Like the combined volume of DE's jizz she has to chug every morning and throws up shortly after for everybody's amusement.
post the sorties already
Is there an image or google doc listing all the relic rewards by rarity/ducat value?
not bad aside from the boring ass MD
Ayy easy mode.
IF only it was Eximus stronghold on Mobile defense
Tell me when The Silver Grove hits so I can take this noose from around my neck
>25 cores
twist my nipples and call me a princess. why do i even bother with this
>there are people who do sorties
>knowing the rewards they can get
>knowing the relative rarity of rewards they can get
>yet still
>they do sorties every day
>they are STILL
>still disappointed by their rewards
I've got an Excal, a Loki, a Rhino Prime and a Nezha. What frame should I try and get next? I want one that can be useful for crowd control, like slow shit down or hang it up. Is Nova good for that?
>there are still people who dont get all the rewards and then farm cores
>needing another set of Nezha parts
I have everything else, Nezha can go to clan tech for all I care.
In fact I just realised I picked up all the Trinity Prime parts at some point. Is she good at crowd control?
I'm aware at this point that the frames I play aren't really good support frames. Bar Rhino's roar or Loki's radial disarm I don't have much which helps the squad.
yes Nova is excellent
You know you can simply go to the wiki and look over their abilities.
Trinity is full support, Nova can CC with Molecular Prime, Loki Radial Disarm + Augment is pretty good CC at max range.
She offers no crowd control of her own besides the almost worthless stagger on her energy vampire. But she fuels your team with unlimited energy for spamming their cc.
Your squadmates will probably call you a disgusting healslut cumpdumpster cocksleeve and they'll be right so be ready for that.
or you could check the frame guide, which provides better frame assessments and build guidelines than the wiki
Shit, sorry, I'll try and stop being a pleb who can't help himself. Thank you though.
oh boy
i hate frames with frilly clothing best frames dont have shit hanging
shit clipping its a nono
>or you could check 'my' frame guide,
fix that for you
what did he mean by this?
Yea, I have lots of plat
Why does every fucking autist in this game have no idea how to do spy missions?
Why are you pubbing spy unless it's your friends?
Headshots from explosions on all explosives got nerfed
So next tuesday then. DE needs to stop buying their clocks from Valve.
>not soloing spy missions
Spying is EZPZ if you can git gud
And I say that as someone who's bad at sorties
muh Endo
Trinity P has no real CC but she's fun to play and a great support (basically infinite energy supplier for you and your teammates, which means constant heals too)
She excels in any mode where everyone is grouped up (Excavation, Defense, etc.)
>there are people doing sorties before the update that hits today with the gold core to endo change
Is there no way to check if someone had a previous name before their current one?
At what point should I attempt sorties? They say level 40+ but obviously you can't reach that so how do you know? Are they endgame?
Pls respond
So, update today or what?
don't want to be in this shithole longer than needed.
>Two frosts in hieracon
>one going full melee
>RNG favors his honurable fighting style
>Pls respond
fuck off tierqueer.
isnt the whole point of changing your name to avoid your shitty past/scams etc?
for what purpose
just try them, if you get your shit pushed in you're not ready
>Are they endgame?
what did he mean by this?
But TQ does sorties every day and has over 100 raids. Not sure who you think he is, bub.
>pubbing spy
that includes you by the looks of things.
duration + efficiency loki, as much run speed as you can fit. stay invisible, kill nothing, run through like a mad cunt, finish it in five minutes.
Is there a better way to get Argon than just going into the Void and hoping for drops?
August 18th!
Syandana might be an interesting buy...
Going into the void with a cat and hoping for drops
you'd think if the people who mainly use the name changing feature were scammers DE would would allow players to check their past names
I just need to know
>mfw I figured out how to do the Ruk sleek consistently with a 100% success rate
>mfw sub one minute< orokin cell runs
>mfw pubbies are begging me for the knowledge as I rush us through run after run after run
Also adding onto this.
But I don't have a cat.