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xth for post em

honestly lance bass and joey fatone were way better than justin timberlake in nsync

Lulu is the cutest!

Jhin BEST husbando.

dragon trainer trist is cuter desu

Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

xth for i miss you senator armstrong

Wait what? He's gone? Did he finally snap?

Killed himself a while ago.


Xth for Katarina
best girl

Why is shyvana standing on a Udyr?

man I wish I had more alcohol to kill myself with

because they work as a team together

Because they're the same champion user.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>a Udyr
What, you're telling me there's more than one?

she's MINE, buttface!


>SKT Kalista

Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated... but we are IN-itiated, aren't we

Shen is a lot of fun, I solokilled ekko twice

please be gentle

Rito is finally considering adding 10 bans on ranked.
>After the pre-season, we’ll look into potentially changing to 10 bans in draft games

How does it feel being a dead weight to your team? Don't get me wrong, I fucking love Mordehue, but he is just so useless against anyone with half a brain cell.

Is vayne breedable?

what the fuck is going on with new Vlad

how is this shit balanced? 3 items and you become literally unkillable while also shitting incredible amounts of damage in an area

riot??? hello????

people are picking a lot of riven and yasuo top, even more don't understand how to lane into morde. first blood feels good man

This is what Plat 2 looks like

>131 farm in 22 mins

warwick must have been busy

Vlad is love Vlad is life
Vayne is one lucky grill
Lewds when

Warwick pinged me to do herald around 15 minutes, then took it instead of giving it to the guy with two teleports, and then took over my lane entirely while I farmed the jungle and roamed around ganking and diving

Oh yeah Morde can dominate the laning phase. But once late game comes around he's the same as Yorick: no mobility or tankiness mean he gets instantly blown up if goes in. He can work but you need a specific team comp with a lot of initiation.


you were the choosen one, user

my mate and i have been fucking around with a kalista/morde bot lane for keks. it's fun, but VERY rough.

i'd love to play leona again if playing support didn't mean getting roasted by your adc for 20-45 minutes

Level 6 must be fun tho.

Vayne got cheeks

you got something against nautilus, m8?

>Last pick is mid
>We've got AD jungler and tank top
>He hovers Zed
>Which makes our team full AD
>Please no please no please no please n-

to quote warwick, it is only enjoyable when they make effort to escape my grasp

leona is shit and poppy are shit

reminder that if a champion you like isn't on this board your taste is more than likely shit


feels good

where is the punchline

>not liking being pushed up against the wall by the cutest shortstack of puffy cheeks and bad navigation

what champs are more abusive than illaoi right now?


Very much so, but shes a high class woman accepting only high class males to make a proper heir for her.
If you manage to beat her down on her own game she will turn weak, her legs will become like butter and her womb will become receptive.

Shes very much like Fiora in that regard, except Fiora is all about fencing and proceeding rape. Vayne is more refined and excepts you to not only outpower her but also outsmart her.

When do rune sales change? I swear the same runes have been 50% for the past month.


what the fuck is going on with new Ekko

how is this shit balanced? 3 items and you become literally unkillable while also shitting incredible amounts of damage with triforce

riot??? hello????

what the fuck is going on with new Graves

how is this shit balanced? 3 items and you become literally unkiteable while also shitting incredible amounts of damage in an area

riot??? hello????

people really underestimate the damage that shen Q does

>retards being retarded
>this is plat 2

Way to be redundant.

I agree that ekko played it poorly, but do you think I made mistakes here? If you wanted me to turn and fight, ekko's jungler wukong was in the area so I didn't want to risk a 1v2


>/lolg/ shitpost on top of league reddit


no bully
I got 4.8k ip. Should I buy Sejuani or wait for Illaoi?

Illaoi is fun.

save up for tentacle lady of gank me and i kill you

Will I be able to dust all the project cores/blueprints that I got?

i need a nickname for one account onlyteemo helperino

>onlyteemo helperino

You just solved your own problem


>% health true damage
Please just take me back to season 2 or 3, for the love of god

>That OP image
Vayne wishes she had ass. Annie and Jinx are bigger than her.

This one?

Are shields sustain?



They prevent you from taking damage.


only if you time them well

Ey Veeky Forums, a couple threads ago I asked for advice on a renekton game I played.

I'm back with more advice seeking with this game as I honestly have no idea how I could've played differently to prevent this outcome.

How do you prevent yourself from feeding in a matchup you get completely destroyed in? How do you not let the flaming teammates tilt you?

>get in fight
>Go down to 10% hp
>Enemy has lifesteal
>You have shields
>They heal back up to 50%
>You only have your shield
>Next fight they have much more health than you since you couldn't use your "sustain" to actually heal yourself

Why am I in harms way if I'm playing Janna?

Why am I low on HP? Am I not using my shields correctly?

should i play taric or janna if i wanna get good at supporting?

teaching love

scroll down a bit in that thread, you'll find the shyvana copy-pasta, from a guy with a teemo flair no less.

well for a start you picked trundle into a bruiser rather than a tank, which was your first mistake.

Yes that one

In terms of attrition in fights, yes. For example shen's passive shield acts as sustain, instead of taking poke while csing and healing it he can shield and have the shield soak the poke while he grabs the creep.

However between fights shields are not sustain



I was counterpicked, he was last pick top as I was third pick.

Taric for getting good and not winning much at first when learning but carrying later after mastering.

Janna for winning alot and trying less.

Is there a way to change your login username? (not the summoner name, I know you can change that)

I fucking love good Ekko players.


Okay so I have two mastery shards for Darius to make a level 6 mastery emote. Thing is I have no blue essence, no Darius shards and no Darius permanents, whatever they're meant to be.

If I spend 1700ip on a hextech shard from the store, will it give me one thats usable for Darius or could it be something completely unhelpful?

Nope. Your stuck with MozarellaCuck for life. Sorry not sorry

Are there any plans to remove dynamic queue after worlds? I want the gane ti be fair and not be the filling gap in "who has the better premade with skype ladder"

Darius is the 4th most picked top, you should expect that someone is probably going to play him. You need to pick safe tops if you are the first pick.

Janna just presses E and the occasional R and gets carried.

This means you rely on you collective of retards to know what to do.

You're better off playing soraka instead because she can heal the retards and help them kite team fights with the AOE slow.

Sorakas ult is also more useful in some situations.

Say your top laner is taking a bad trade you just press R and he wins.

>good ekko
Prepare to be disappointed

They dont have any plans on removing anything lyte made before he dipped.

>skeleton lover

No, and they've been tweaking the matchmaking since release to reduce the advantage premades have.

They're getting it closer to a 50% w/r.

It's here to stay.

It's random, but you can dust whatever you get for blue essence