Wells Fargo AMA
what has this site become? fuck off to leddit
nigga if you dont have questions, great, but its an easier site to do amas on.. would you rather me do a separate one here?
Fuck off redditfag
ur a special kind of stupid arent u?
Fuck off reddit fag. Saged and reported
then ask questions here u fuckin fag
Eat a bag of dicks fgt
sup faggot
how big is your dick? are you gay? What do you think of bitcoins? Are the Wells Fargo student loans a good deal or are they a scam?
you should NEVER mentioned reddit on this place.
all private student loans are a scam, but with college as expensive as it is, college is a fucking scam too..
im not gay
average size dick
didnt even know bitcoins were still relevant, used to mine them years ago, thought they died ever since teh US Gov started mining them with server farms
yeah im seeing that now. im just lazy and reddit is so much easier to have AMA on
How much money did you make off bitcoins?
Does Wells Fargo do student loans for schools you no longer go to (i.e. transferred from one school to another)? Do most places do loans for the situation mentioned before?
Also, mind doing a new time stamp?
probably a good 2 grand back when it was easy as fuck to do.
for transfering schools i honestly would be able to tell you. I'd ASSUME so but it also wasnt my department. I know the basics about them
heres time stamp from the one i just put in pol
what do need to have to buy a house? i got good credit
how much money should i have saved up. i want a decent normie home in a white neighborhood with picket fence and garage
if its a first time buy, you can do FHA but youll be paying mortgage insurance, BUT you only have to do about 3% down on an FHA, good way to start out
not gonna lie was expecting questions about the fraud shit they just pulled but ok
also it's not just good credit. Dont apply for any credit for 6 months before getting a house, and have good credit HISTORY
R8, H8, masturb8
my oldest account is 5yrs old but this says 34M for some reason
thats really good, dont know the length of time for the Credit Inquiry,
length of credit i think is average, but even still shouldnt be 34 minutes
Fuck off dumb ass.
>various threads across various boards
>chooses the one he doesnt like
i dont understand but ok
Where and what did you study?
Also, what's your yearly income before tax?
What do u think of the Wells Fargo 401k 2060 fund and where do u think I should put my 401k money?
this board is pretty slow. try going to /b/. i dont know much about business and finance but i do love money
i didnt study anything anywhere. I was a good salesman, and that got me the title of
"youngest banker in the region who didnt start as a teller"
in process of going to college soon
got the job at 20, if i did good comission, yearly salary was between 35-40k a year
im in /b/ already
And did you enjoy the job itself....?
yes and no. Hated the management and the ridiculous goals, loved meetin people/ making connections and helping people. Plus i have some funny ass stories from it too
Mind telling any?
i have one pretyped that was fucking amazing that you guys would love let me go get it
This one time near the end of my employment I had a guy come in cause he was having problem doing his own image upload for his debit card so he could get a custom picture on. He was kind of nerdy, could honestly tell he was socially awkward and shit. Luckily I'm good at dealing with these kinds of people since I used to be the same way, right? So anyway, I called the back office and was on hold a while and just talked to the guy, come to find out he said he was trying to upload some artwork that he paid for and owned onto his card. I ask him what it is,
He pulls up a picture of a fucking red panda female furry in a fucking thong and shit staring out a castle window
I realized what this man was and I had to fight every fucking urge I had not to lose my mind in laughter. I obviously knew now why they wouldn't let it on his card, but acted as cool about it as I possible could and I was on hold still
The back office finally answers and I talk to them and pretend like what he wants is totally cool
Get transferred to like a fucking regional manager
I am LEGIT honestly TRYING to let this guy have a fucking fur on his card
Mostly for the meme
Finally the manager says "ok well I'll make the final decision let me pull it up" and then she goes completely silent for 10 seconds and asks "um...have you seen it. The picture"
I laugh and say "yes I have"
She says
"Um....well....ok....we at Wells Fargo are making the decision to decline this request as it does not fit within our rules or what we want representing our company"
I laugh and say "yeah I figured ok thanks"
Tell the dude it's not happening and he is just like "ok well I have another one I'll try but thanks" and leaves
I had to go on break right after because I was losing my mind
we also had a guy in training who tried to look up *insert important politicians name here* on our system (in case this is a need to know story) and the feds swarmed the building and interrogated everyone for a about 12 hours and the dude got fired obvs
Kek any other?
that one right there
also my area got a LOT of celebrities. One time snoop dogg came in and needed to do a wire, when he walked in ENTIRE fucking place smelled like fuckin weed in 5 seconds flat. he asked if i smoked weed and i said
"well speaking as a wells fargo employee, youre god damn right i do" and he laughed
best day of my life
well it was fun then
>serious discussion
>on forutne
Kill yourself
I'm just not expecting any story you might tell that revolves around Wells Fargo ' s fraud b/c you don't/didn't play a major role for the company.
quite general question : how will fraud influence actuall earnings? will it hurt only because of loss of consumer trust?
Would John Strumpf give me 2 million if I asked nicely?
I'm surprised no one said this yet but kill your self. heck, I'm surprised you haven't killed your self yet.
I want to be a personal banker at Wells Fargo what do i need to know? I used to sell credit cards at Best Buy with 25% APR :^)