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>Character Planner
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>tfw you'll have to go through the DLC on NG+3 when it finally comes out on your main character
Artorias an edgy lanklet
Never gets old.
>it's another Asylum Demon
>it's another Smelter Demon
>it's another Cleric Beast
Claim your waifu
I want a Bloodborne sword moveset in the DLC
Repostan in new thread.
How safe is save switching?
What I mean is, if I want to have multiple builds on one character, can I just swap saves in and out more-or less freely?
Will that result in a ban?
>profaned flame came from the sky
>people looking through telescopes in the profaned capital
>angels are associated with the sky
What did they mean by this?
He was able to hold a greatsword with those arms?
Me on the left
I did DaS2 DLCs at NG+3 first time.
>Gank Squad
>Blue Smelter
>the gauntlet before Sir Alonne
better yet
>invading people with NPC summons
>Frozen outskirts Vengarl had over 25k hp
Starting a new character for the DLC, what should I make?
>It's the Asylum Demon, but on fire and with literally 2 new moves
>It's the Cleric Beast, but on fire and with AoEs
>It's the Last Giant, but wearing a different costume, using an actual weapon and having a completely different moveset
2 did it best.
Those are statues of people raising structural columns.
Bow+Dagger build
>kill Yoel
>"Lady Yuria..."
Were they fucking
Seriously, From?
Yep, why do you think she doesn't marry you, and never cleans up Yoel's corpse? She's still fucking him after he's dead
>kill Assassin
>"Lady Yuria..."
Were they fucking
>kill yoel
>doesn't thank for the gift of death
>stays dead
Who is the worst Souls letsplayer?
But who can forget
>Its the Asylum Demon, but with 2 more moves, and not on fire
I know who the best Souls player is
It updates when you reload don't worry
Killing undead for sport, uh?
Threadly reminder that adjusting recovery, damage, or stamina consumption will never fix the following:
All Katana sprinting attacks
Gotthard's Twinswords and Drang Twinspears rolling attacks
Carthus Curved Sword two-handed light attack.
These must be changed to something completely different.
Also, anyone want an FC?
Dedicate one ringslot to a pillar ring and you'll be able to effectively use literally every single weapon in the DLC barring MLGS-style pure caster weapons.
This way, you can test every single weapon and decide which ones you want to actually build around or upgrade for other characters.
As for what to actually use, try to limit yourself to only 1 upgraded weapon so that you can save all your upgrade materials for dlc toys. In all likelihood, there will be at least 5 boss weapons and probably just as many twinkling weapons.
>be me
>be giant
>some cuntslave called vaindick or something invades our country
>hear he's stolen something from us
Sure, let me set up my XBox
Irithyll sewer FC with the skeleton spider bug thingies when. Spawn from Distant Manor bonfire, short walk.
>All Katana sprinting attacks
Personally aside from the Washing Pole and maybe the Chaos Blade, none of the Katanas are long enough for this to be too much of an issue.
>Gotthard's Twinswords and Drang Twinspears rolling attacks
Gotthard's needs to be nerfed, though for some reason with my own experience I feel like the Twinspears version has worse tracking, along with the inherently less damage it has.
Yeah nerf the speed of this, though all Curved swords 2HR1s are the same so it needs a class wide nerf save for maybe on the Painting Guardian Sword/Rotten Ghru Curved Sword.
Hold up turning on my gameboy color
got a cable link?
>tfw i'm on ng+7 with five of my main chars
FC would be nice
Sure. Just let me get my neo geo
Like this?
How many of you retards aren't actually on PC? If system isn't explicity stated, it's safe to assume it's not a consolepleb.
Irithyll Bridge FC today boys.
any good faith builds with a spear?
is dex/faith enough?
Bro, more people are playing this game on the PS4 alone than the PeeCee.
The Xbone doesn't matter.
The Dragonslayer Spear/Swordspear are both options but they both work far better as 27/40 quality weapons with minimum faith to wield them instead of investing in Faith. If you want to go full Faith use a Lothric Knight Long Spear or Saint Bident buffed with Lightning/Darkmoon Blade.
In this general? That's a good joke
>Irithyll Bridge FC
Please no.
Just use gottards
Or a Carthas
with 40/40
HAha i hate this..
Stomp buff ideas, pick one and only one:
Stomp itself remains unchanged, but every attack and motion in a UGS' moveset becomes instantly cancellable into stomp, allowing you to cancel attack recovery, interrupt your own attack start (for fakeouts) or stop charged R2 windup to de-commit.
Stomp instantly restores current poise health to 100 upon use, allowing you to refresh poise health on-demand
Stomp has a brief window of parry frames after startup, during the active hyperarmor
Stomp becomes instantly cancellable into a roll or followup if you take a hit during its hyperarmor, and the followup attack is slightly sped up when this occurs.
Stomp now has a hitbox that staggers anybody touching or immediately in front of you. The stagger lasts long enough to combo a followup and deals as much stamina damage to shields as a kick
Stomp is now true hyperarmor and cannot be interrupted. This true hyperarmor extends to any followup attack, too.
Stomp enables DaS1-style poise for 5 seconds. This buff behaves as a weapon buff, and deactivates if you remove the UGS or two-hand a different weapon.
Stomp restores a flat amount of stamina on-use
Stomp causes oncoming attacks to bounce off and stun the attacker.
I see what you're trying to do, and it's really stupid. Please stop.
Great Scythe, Pontiff Knight Great Scythe and Great Corvian Scythe
Tell me about their differences.
i like that one
>this upset he got meme'd on
Corvian is the best on literally any build. Great Scythe is slightly worse. Pontiff Knight is the worst unless on a pure dex build and has an even worse WA then the already useless Scythe WA on top of that.
Parry, I miss super parrying.
>Stomp now has a hitbox that staggers anybody touching or immediately in front of you. The stagger lasts long enough to combo a followup and deals as much stamina damage to shields as a kick
>GA Warcry causes oncoming attacks to bounce off and stun the attacker.
>GH Perseverance has a brief window of parry frames after startup, during the active hyperarmor
>nerf the 2hr1 speed of every curved sword with the falchion moveset (CCS, SCS, carthus shotel), keep scimitars the same
>change washing pole running attacks to overhead slashes
>nerf tracking and speed of gotthards to be in line with twinspears
>double the stamina cost of successive rolls (16, 32, 64)
>make estus healing gradual and remove the ability to move while sipping
>decrease glaive hyper armor to be on the save level as curved greatswords
>increase Heavy scaling by 20%, remove Sharp STR scaling and add 3/4th that amount to DEX
>STR adds 0.5 equip load per point after 40
pvp fixed
Any word on the DLC yet?
Are you supposed to use shields with a UGS?
Seems like I'm incentivised to wear poise though.
>5 main chars
It was released last week? Where have you been? It's already slowed down now that everyone finished the last boss in it. Last boss was Emmy herald as a full dragon
hawk ring is pretty worthless
even moreso if you're using black bow
Hornet Rings
Everything else is tolerated, However meta weapons and tactics are strongly discouraged, as they are non-conducive to a healthy fight club environment and encourage shitposting in this general.
So I guess I'll use the great scythe because the corvian looks like ass
I wish the Spine Scythe from DaS2 returned
Hold on lemme turn on my NES.
Holy fuck guys i've never noticed that beach before. Is that the DEE ELL SEE? Or perhaps is this the Age of Deep Water?
Shit I want to participate so bad but still 1 hour and half before I get home
Shit spot will not attend.
I was watching some guy playing DaSII. He was going through Earthen Peak and it made me wonder: How the hell do you go to Iron Keep from Earthen Peak?
>700 AR scythe
I miss it
Signs down you ninny
It's bad textures that's all
What is the most meta weapon that is not banned?
>Dancer of the Boreal Valley
>get raped
>get raped
>pretty much every boss in Dark Souls 3
>get raped
>Soul of Cinder
>kill it on my first try
PC could mean anything.
Well you should have lots of experience fighting that boss if you played dark souls before
cardcaptor sakura, blessed astora leosword 2hrR1 spam, BK gargoyle leospear turtle, rolling bloodhards leoswords
Discouraged =/= banned
>Stomp enables DaS1-style poise for 5 seconds. This buff behaves as a weapon buff, and deactivates if you remove the UGS or two-hand a different weapon.
>Stomp has a brief window of parry frames after startup, during the active hyperarmor
>Stomp causes oncoming attacks to bounce off and stun the attacker.
The nature of heavy weapons is that it encourages defensive play to draw people in contrast with fast weapons that encourage aggressive spam and combo in order to stunlock.
>Stomp itself remains unchanged, but every attack and motion in a UGS' moveset becomes instantly cancellable into stomp, allowing you to cancel attack recovery, interrupt your own attack start (for fakeouts) or stop charged R2 windup to de-commit.
Encourages aggressive follow ups (chasing people) which isn't their strong point.
>Stomp instantly restores current poise health to 100 upon use, allowing you to refresh poise health on-demand
Quite possible to just keep spamming until that poise is broken again and leads to constant draining of FP from stomp and HP from tanking while the enemy can repeat doing this after exhausting their stamina.
>Stomp becomes instantly cancellable into a roll or followup if you take a hit during its hyperarmor, and the followup attack is slightly sped up when this occurs.
Bloodring or the problem with double rolls make people impossible to catch in the first place.
>Stomp restores a flat amount of stamina on-use
>Stomp is now true hyperarmor and cannot be interrupted. This true hyperarmor extends to any followup attack, too.
Nothing changes except an extra attack to spam so long as your opponent laughs at you from a distance.
The choices that punishes people from being too aggressive and locking them close to you are good. Big weapons = Stay the fuck away
>check drop from storm beast
>Shard of Cloudstone
>check other drops from storm beasts
>Shard of Cloudstone
I never finished Dark Souls, only SotFS.
I'm ashamed to say it, but I never beat Quelaag.
What's the point of even finishing ds3 if you never finished ds1
Anyone up to help me with Burnt Ivory King? I get assfucked in 90% of attempts because all the NPCs are on my ass and my NPCs are retarded.
Gotu fampy putting sign by bonfire
>what's the point of playing the best game in the franchise
What if there was a petrification hex? You breathe out a cloud grey smoke to petrify things, but you also eat half of its effects. So either build up some resistance, or make your casts count. This would make From have to give bosses petrification resistance though.
My chars name is Harry, what's yours?
>best game
I'm sorry but that's wrong
+6 here but I made NG characters so I will probably play it with them first and do it with my "Main" one later in case there are rewards you only get on higher cycles.
I already made the mistake to do my first Fume K***ht try on NG+7 in DkS2. Damage sponges are just not fun
>best game in the franchise
>Never finished DS1
Wrong opinions have been detected!
But it's scientifically proven that you can't enjoy ds3 without having played ds1, demon souls, and blood borne to understand all the references made to past souls series games
>implying I need to get all the reference to poke a hollow in the face with a halberd
What the fuck are you
Why are you so big
What's WRONG with your HANDS
Moon man. put sign ring on if you need to.
if you get bow but don't return to firelink, can you get cat ring or just creiton's stuff?
>Saint Bident
its fth scaling is so garbage that it deals more damage raw than uninfused with 60 fth
Exactly, which is why you want to ideally use it raw with one of the buffs on it to maximize its damage while taking advantage of its long range.
You get cat ring in firelink, so just creighton's stuff.