WCS Circuit Championship 4h 17m
GSL Code S 13h 47m
GaYoung Kim 3 hrs
The United States. ^O^ Washington, d. C on my way!
WCS Circuit Championship 4h 17m
GSL Code S 13h 47m
GaYoung Kim 3 hrs
The United States. ^O^ Washington, d. C on my way!
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reminder that koreans are all christians and so are we
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""nice""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" tryhard OP thread, faggot/idiot/religous nut bag
G*d bless
>christians ITT
>masters league minimum
>zerg/terran players
>the atheist
>bottom of diamond league
>protoss player
>christians ITT
>the atheist
>implying we're not mostly intelligent atheists and its not just some christfag or muslim trying to start shit
>ironically the atheist is the one who has imaginary friends
the romans did that idiot ~_~
1st for aphrodite getting blacked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why do you think theyre called roman noodles because theyre so cheap?
because the jews are so cheap, idiot
put 2 and 2 2gether sometime moron
the jews are to make a profit if it was jewish it would be expensive rofl what a fail
i saw real jews on the train today
they were waiting for a taxi transfer for over 2 hours
it makes me think that they chose the cheapest option and were waiting just to save $10
honestly i was scared if they had bombs
zerg are the darkest&edgiest. they are the athiest drug users
protoss are babbys who are already baptized sometimes
terrans are the only ones who know that god gave his only son to us: jesus christ our savior, who died on the cross for our sins
we don't like limp wristed atheist marxists faggots OR jesus "turn the other cheek and please fuck my wife in front of me" christcuck
and we HATE pedos like mohammed
there is nothing wrong with being a virgin
word we hate shitskins most of all
read the scripture
uhh, martin luther got a few things wrong i think?
fucking IDIOTS
"The" Prophet is NOT a pedophile you fucking retarded idiots
I bet you would never say something like that to me in person
thats why we're catholic
atheists don't know the first thing about islam all they can do is call mohammad (peace be upon him) a pedophile (not true)
word he fucked a 9 year old but it's not like he enjoyed it or anything
it's weird but my knees smell good
its more like his dick has a mind of its own
a pigdick
false. do you see what I mean?
still not a pedo
islam had hundreds of prophets LOL
dont forget he got thigh jobs daily from 6-9 y/o
ill restate that he was """"""""THE"""""""" Prophet since youre an idiot and couldnt comprehend my last post
*fucks a 9 year old*
one more step towards becoming the perfect being
was gonna omo but remembered they're all shitskins :/
you have to be 45 years older than her at least
im back
where were you?
we were fucking
GSL Code S 12h 54m
TY vs Rogue
GuMiho vs Classic
didnt you go to mc donalds with your mom?
i was banned. fricking janny x_x
i think he "ate" his moms mc fish if you know what i mean lololololol
i dont get it
>i dont get it
what's wrong with being a virgin
dont you just hate it when you make a great shitpost but the post you responded to was so early in the thread that you wont get any (You)s
i dont get pussy
I """"""""""GET"""""""""" """""""""""PUSSY"""""""""""""""""""
IF YOU """""""""KNOW""""""""""" WHAT I """""""""""""MEAN""""""""""""""
we like kbp here
stay safe brotha
i just put mine in my front right pocket
>It is known as the difficult task to pull off going out and getting drunk for nights in a row. Preferably Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Although a difficult task, it has been achieved by the man himself known as KPB.
sometimes i dream of saving the world... saving everyone from the invisible hand
the black man's hand?
one that brands us with an employee badge... the one that forces us to work for them…
what's kbp?
the state?
stick my tongue in it then stick my weenie in it...
only if it's clean though i dont want kimchi dick
the jews?
the one that controls us every day without us knowing it... the state? illuminati? idk?
come on guys black jokes aren't funny
so explicit O_O
>reference from ilovescience.com, a facebook meme website
>hitler was basically a meth head
dang that's fricken based
hitler was a crazy homeless war vet
hitler is my great uncle
is what i tell goth girls
cant remember the last time i talked to a girl
just spent the day assembling a desk
korean girls
reply to me and we can change that
i meant a girl with two x chromosomes
i used to live with a skorean girl and her food was gross
but skorean girls are nice and friendly compared to other asian girls
gross why would we want to talk to some fat boygirl lol
so based he put omni in his twitter handle
does omni mean wikipedia lol
im 7 years older than my sister but she makes more money than me already lol
yeah, but you're not female so you win
young girls get good jobs because they are expected to do lewd things with the boss
if they don't the boss will quietly resent them as long as they work there but once they turn 30 and start getting ugly no one wants them so their prime is over lol
be confused because we play horde
i didnt walk into a bg because we arent playing wow after the mess wod was
wrong we play every game blizzard releases