/bdog/ Black Desert Online General

boats n shiet gamescom edition

Gamescom developer diaries:

Korean gobbly-gook:

>What is BDO?

Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It's a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.

Info from the site: i.imgur.com/r7VvB6h.png

discord.gg/0vYcIJNhxt5cd4pK (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds


>Maps and nodes


>Useful Links
Wiki: blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Database: bddatabase.net/us/
Skill Calculator: blackdeserttome.com/calculator
Class Armor Sets: wodox.imgur.com/
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU

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Post more of you're waifu!

is that they're gamescom booth?

as an Australian thinking of trying the game, what class would you reccomend since the whole Australian latency issue?

Any class.



are those all alienware?

I think it says HP on the far left.

>no LEDs
Too low profile for alienware.

Simmie was a mistake

Guys, how are my waifus?

Cute and/or sexy if you think so.


>when you use a photo of your waifu in the middle of a blink instead of a regular photo

They looks like little girls.


Then they're perfect.

she must have dry eyes


did she commit sudoku?


is wizard always OP or does it stop at 45?

I like the Ranger waifu... too bad rangers are sluts.

Personally prefer women.


That feel when the game starts to get boring because you have no friends to play with.

get friends



Too adorable

ranger. you probably want to avoid melee

>keep atleast 150mil liquid in my bank for weeks while rolling night vendor
>get nothing of interest
>spend 100 mil the other day on costumes/rolling jewelery because bored
>still roll night vendor for shards to sell
>roll a 110 mil kzarka for my class that I can't purchase

8/8 m8

where'd you get your template from?

Post asmr you listen to while grinding.

Is it possible to see which channels are the most popular on a server? Would make finding groups easier.

Why didn't you just sell some costumes after spending 100 mil? You would've made that money back in 2 minutes.

I hope this come back next month

All the stolen Japanese ASMR channels that get taken down within a month.

Because I didn't think I would get a roll, especially not a weapon, armor I wouldn't care too much. If I had a spare $150 I would rather buy a prostitute, If I cared about 100 mil i'd power grind for a day.

How much is the highest priced item the night vendor can sell? Just wanna make sure I always got enough.

Like 300m?

Damn, what is it?

Kzarka probs, the prices vary

I'm seeing people say to stop taking the other daily scrolls and just get moghulis. Is it really not worth it to do the others?

they probably just trying to get people to do their shit scroll with

Fine, back to taking bhegs all day erryday.

So doing the daily attendance for a month will basically net you a costume for your character, right?

grinding for like 5 hours at sausans gets you a costume bro

Is this satire? I think their name was something like MsLongLegs.

Maybe the dude playing it likes long legs dude

Sorry, I'm new. What are sausans?

Yeah, but her face. That's her idle face.



Grinding for 3 hours in real life gets you a costume too.

post more waifus you faggots

Or 1 hour with a decent job

Look dude I can see you're having a bad day but we don't have that rude, or lie about our wages here.

$32 an hour is more than enough for a costume. I'm making bank baby. I'm a godamn capitalist, it's what I do.

Please don't project your shitty day onto mine either.

I wish you could afford to make a better waifu with all that money


I forgot to add that that's a high-paying job, not a "decent" one. Of course, what's decent is subjective, but let's go by the common definitions here.

Wasn't going for quality so much as smug. Does she at least seem anywhere near smug to you?

Looks like she's had a botched surgery.

If you have a decent job, are you really grinding at that point?

The word rat came to me

No kidding. That mouth was pretty fucked up and it took me probably a couple hours to make it right over a week. Little tweaks here and there.

I still can't get it right. Now my tamer looks like that fucking muslim ranger from a few months back.

Your first mistake was fucking with the defaults.

Anyone got any good silver farming nodes? Post them please

I save my map locations out of pure autism mining. Sharing is caring.

>"I will now start to keep my silver"
>buy new outfit


stop this I don't want to get a boner in the office

More of the taller one.

Sorry, user.
I lost track of her, sorry. I thought she was strength training, but I guess not.

Great you've made me contemplate going to jack in the bathroom

Well, it's your choice.


Made a friend!

post erp logs

Nah, nothing like that. We just passed each other in town and we both immediately turned around to look at each other's character. We laughed and then dueled and then he had to go.

get some fucking body mods thats hideous

That's cool. Good on ya

Elaborate. What do you want modded and why?


Too small

How's this?

wrong underwear




dark elf when?

Maybe end of year if lucky

After wizard and witch awakenings

Finally got that tri weapon.
Next stop: +15 those Bheg gloves.

At least post an image of your waifu.