>Best Clam Edition
>where do i find platoons
join the Veeky Forums channel and beg for friends
or the teamspeak at thedigit.net
>Best Clam Edition
>where do i find platoons
join the Veeky Forums channel and beg for friends
or the teamspeak at thedigit.net
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for anime
Eternal reminder
baka desu senpai
This post reminded me, can someone repost the torrent link with everything GuP ep/movie etc.?
Why do you have so few t10 tanks senpai?
this? nyaa.se
there's no movie though, but just search for it on nyaa
>Come to take a look at the generals after two months
>It's nothing but GUP and plsgo WN8 blogging
Welp I guess we're done here.
That's the one, thanks user.
Another yellow peasant gone, nice!
>b-but it's the teams I swear
I-is WoT dead?
dutch tanks 2017 XDDDD
Fair and Balanced
We're just enjoying SKORPION MADNESS
Any tips for AMX M4?
>tfw no British gf
If anyone of you fags are gonna give WG sheckles save yourself a couple dollars by buying giftcards from raise
>burger king voucher redeems tank
Fucking what?
select openbucks payment type and you just put in the code they email you, it says voucher but its the same as a giftcard
The chinese mediums have quite thick guns
Time to claim your tankfus
claimed best tank
record so far is 14 skorpions in a game.
>not having only scorpions on your team
I miss the good old /wotg/ days...
How the fuck do I do damage
click on the enemy tanks
click on the red tanks
How do I do more damage
click more often on the red tanks
click more often on the enemy tanks
>swedish tanks coming
also ghost shells confirmed
beware of slippery rocks
was the rock ok?
It was lubed up real good and I was gentle.
>WoT today
>not available in your country
>not having the song automatically playing in your head upon seeing the name
>tfw the scorpion made me fall in love at first sting
I'm almost at my limit now.
Please help. What should I do in this tank?
I liked the AMX M4. Play it like a support behind the other heavies and punish enemies that overextend.
Remember that you're quite fast so you can relocate where you are needed.
If you're top-tier vs lots of lower tier tanks you can play more like regular heavy.
>you're quite fast
35 km/h with high terrain resistance.
just farm damage like a pussy and enjoy the wn8 padding
upgrade the engine asap and stop driving in swamps
So I managed to hook a friend into the game (yes, I am satan) and he is kinda overwhelmed by everything. I can't remember how I learned all that shit myself, but is there some (somewhat) up to date video on all the important mechanics?
I know QB sometimes talks about how camo works and stuff but
a) QB is a faggit, and
b) it so spread out and impossible to find
its all in the wiki
camouflage mechanics are still the same
just search for what you want
>wot bush mechanic
>wot camo mechanic
>wot spotting mechanic
and why dont you like QB?
Do you actually like QB?
Answer the question.
His fake personality he puts on for his videos is.. off putting. Also he clearly doesn't want to do what he does for a living. Dunno why he thought going full stream is a good idea a few years back.
>fake personality
>clearly doesn't want to do what he does for a living
I never noticed any of that. Then again I dont watch his streams, just youtube.
Is AMX 50 100 worth it?
Tbh i cant blame anybody for being awkward/ having to hide their awkwardness during streams
most of the time nothing out of the ordinary happens and there is only so much stuff to talk about before it gets repetitive
If you know how to and like playing support, yes.
Dude this thing is a monster. What are you complaining about? the only thing bad is the armour and thats solved by using corners and angling just like you would in the IS or IS 2.
Your high pen lets you fight tier 8 heavies from the front and gives you a fighting chance against tier 9s as well. The mobility is also pretty good.
The tank also works well with a high alpha platoon mate as you fill each other's weak points.. Me and my bro roll with him in the A44 and me in this and unless we are bottom tier we do pretty well.
>it's a team rushes cap for your first x5 win episode
Nippy newborn is actually quite good sometimes. He delivers a lot of information on new tanks and general play tips and is a pretty good guy to his fans.
Like everyone he has flaws which are making videos too long by going over nearly every single stat of the tanks and being overly judgemental of people's play style in replays he sends in.
>pull a high cailibur game
>get one shot of before getting oneshot by arty
>lol here is your 5x 100xp
Such is the world of tanks life.
>get ace tanker game
When does the Skorpocalypse end? It's getting irritating.
>2 more weeks left
yeah nah we're fucked for a while
>not enjoying getting fucked by downtiered Grille 15 with full turret traverse
perhaps you should buy one as well tovarish))))))))))
>For courage resistance ;_;
I want a tank with auutoloader. Currently looking at AMX 50 100 and AMX 13 90.
In your opinion, which one is better/more fun?
>Clip every equal tier heavy you see
>fighter harder opponents with a worse gun and less hit points and 13km/h more speed
Up to you mate
13 90 if you like scouting
How do I keep my WN8 at 1488?
What about T69?
Keep playing well.
it's alright
definitely the 13 90, more hp to farm, better camo, smaller tank, etc
But 1390 has better camo and reload quicker
czech autoloaders are more fun
Stop playing
1390. Zoom around like an annoying little cunt and blast your entire clip into distracted enemies, then drive off into the sunset as they curse autoloaders.
It barely has any advantages over the 50 100 except 3 more degrees of gun depression and has a worse gun. speed is the same too.
it's not even comparable to the 50 100, it has 4 shells in the drum, fast interdrum reload and much faster drum reload
Get both, don't be lazy.
The T69 clip does half the damage of the 50 100 magazine meaning you have to load another magazine to do the same damage as the 50 100.
it takes the 50 100 10.92 seconds to kill an IS-3
It takes the T69 35.89 seconds to kill an IS-3
plus the 50 100 has excellent pen. The T69 is an inferior tank.
>implying it doesnt take twice as long to empty the 50 100
>implying you always can just sit there and dump it all
My calculation are based on both tanks having a full magazine loaded encountering the rear of an IS-3 so all shells pen. Encountering an IS-3 head on will still allow the AMX 50 100 to kill the IS-3 taking only 1 shot of damage in return or 2 if the 50 100 misses/bounces a shot. The T69 would take at least 3 shots of damage in a head on engagement.
The logic is sound but if that isn't enough here are the average damage stats per tank. The superior tank is clear.
T69 - 969.96
AMX 50 100 - 1,183.67
you're calculations are irrelevant and your logic retarded because that wont be thesituation even half the fucking time
One tank does more damage on average its not gonna be the worse of the 2 mate. The data is there check vbaddict for more if you want. The T69 performs poorer than the 50 100 apart from doing slightly less spotting damage.
>it's better in this one situation therefore it's better in every situation cus i said so
these aren't accurate
Look at the fucking damage you damn retard.
>In WoT you win the game by damaging the enemy.
>The tank that does the most damage is the best performing tank that match and hence gets the most credits and XP excluding premium bonuses.
>the 50 100 does more damage than the T69
put the 2 together and work it out.
How so? by all means provide me with a difference source of information
>Look at the fucking damage you damn retard.
>T69 has 100 more DPM
get fucked, cunt
T69 does less damage but has higher win rate
>Look at the fucking damage you damn retard.
>In WoT you win the game by damaging the enemy.
that's dumb
You sure are a toxic asshole senpai
You are telling me to base results on 456 battles rather than the average of 10s of thousands? Did you do statistics on maths at high school?
Shame it has 50 less pen so you arn't even gonna pen all your shots.
If you want to a medium with a worse gun performs better than a heavy that goes as fast as said medium with better gun you can but you are only fooling yourself.
He puts on a fake personality, lots of streamers do like total biscuit and lirik. They'd be boring otherwise
QB is much worse. You can tell that he genuinely doesn't enjoy streaming.
>456 battles
are you pretending?
Circon is even worse, he was forcing himself to play wows last night like he does every day
QB is making good money, definitely in top 20 earners on twitch, his sub count seems low compared to his viewer count but he's a shameless cunt with sponsorship from g2a :)
is it worth my shekels?
is it better than an IS-3 to farm credits?