/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #342

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #342

Another Mediocre Skin Edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E
Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

/ssg/ Rankings: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DXPfisMr4PO93itW9rDez5BK9PlK3iwbPBHALyLmKco/edit?usp=sharing

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

Aug. 19th - Aug. 20th: Angela, Blade, Jade Rakshasa, Latios, Dale, Duke, Vonchi

Current events:
Being Together with Friends: 8/4 - 8/19
Video Sharing Event: 8/12 - 8/31
Elise Boss Match: 8/19 - 8/21
Muriel Rival Match: 8/7 - 8/21

More info can be found in-game

Previous Thread:

I love Silla

I love cock


>didn't update draws

>teamwork events

What the fuck does Victoria WANT

She's thunderslut level retardation


Aug. 26th - Aug. 27th: Kyoko (Ardor), Cynthia (Thunder), Linmay (Whirlwind), Dynames (Light), Ronald (Dark), Baltheon (Dark, Legendary), Serestia (Dark, Legendary)

Sep. 2nd - Sep. 3rd: Kevin (Ardor), Z077 Cashlove (Thunder), Magnus (Whirlwind), Kei (Light), Lindberg (Dark), Shu (Ardor, Legendary), Jiho (Ardor, Legendary)

someone remember to add this and update the events next thread

She looks like an alien

you look like an alien

I really NEED that Bell skin so much...