League of legends general /lolg/

Snuggly plushy QT edition
Welcome back Lendo.

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Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.


Xth for Katarina
best girl


this desu senpai

I bet your going to reply with that one dumpster pic

Its already been posted unfortunately

What do you expect from the new rework the Yorick? i its rito so maybe same bullshit 3x passive or heal dmg or something new but will fail. i hope they dont fuck up this time.

Xth for this

are we posting anti-waifu/husbando stuff now?

I hope its good. I have every yorick skin 200k mastery points and level 7. If they ruin him im sending a bomb.

I'm hoping it'll be sion-tier good

Uh thats a pic of best waifu, not a dumpster m8

>cancer fill puts me as support
>actually win

explain this dotards

My only hope is that they've got a good track record with the latest BIG reworks (Sion and Poppy), so it has potential.

we can only wait and prepare user...

3 hit passive
%missing health healing

Yorick can summon a barrel ghost that explodes upon death.










xth for best OTP.

Vlad is for worship

>making the new thread super early for the sole purpose of shoehorning your ebin waifu for everyone to see
>doesn't even post all the links
Every time. When will we stop this shit?

"support can't carry"

Is a meme spouted by bronzies when they pick stupid shit like Lee Sin support and start feeding like the retards they are.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


They're probably gonna remove the sustain or atleast give it more counterplay, having 2 ghouls chasing, one slowing the fuck out of you and the other healing him to full is cancer

Nemesis Draft is the worst alt mode
Some thing every time
>everyone picks trashcan champs
>turns out someone is a one trick pony on one of them and wrecks everybody else who don't know what they're doing
>and/or someone afks

>not a carrying role

You're supposed to feed your ADC and a well-fed ADC is a fucking nightmare.

I want to go skiing in Orianna.

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This guy HAS to be an intimate friend of Niels.

That's fucked up

and extermination.

Thank you. I was about to post.

Ghosts everywhere ala Malzahar

i almost feel... human

Thanks friendo

>play nemesis draft
>all is going fine until one of our team members picks jhin for enemy team against our trashcan team comp
>"oh sorry guys I didn't know how this mode worked"
>we still beat them

Their jhin was still majorly fed and beat the shit out of everyone til we backdoor'd, but still

why riot dont bring again urf or one for all in aram ? these are funny,no fucking nemsis draft or another bullshit.


Unless they fuck it up. Please don't fuck it up.

i expect something very similar to what they did to taric

Insert mini-game shit here, etc. etc.

Maybe some kind of mini game passive where the champs you kill leave a dead body, and if you go over to said dead body and bury it, their soul then turns into some special soul-stolen minion/ghoul ala Mordekaiser's ult.

Unable to connect to chat you may reconnect manually, yet when I click reconnect it just loads and displays the same text.

Anyone else having this problem? Any solutions?

You know what's going in her, don't you?

I like Ascension. It's different. But nemesis is just SR with trashcan champs. Even siege is better

Restart client

Not that user, but I thought Taric's rework was pretty decent.

Ryze's rework was shit though.

Yorick will have Gravekeepers ult from hon and the ability to resurrect friends or enemies as zombies


%damage guaranteed

Step away from my girl or so help me!

I did. Not working

>ghouls becomes and ability with charges
>yorick can use that to revive dead creeps

yeah, i wasn't refering to taric's as a bad thing
very good visually and a very distinct kit, not bad at all but not great like sion's or shitty like ryze's

>but I thought Taric's rework was pretty decent.
He's fun as fuck.

How do people rank up in this game? like for real.
I make so much progress then i lose it all to troll or garbage teammates that bought boosted accounts. I have been cycling between gold 5 and 4 for a month now because of this.
No matter how good I play I cannot make up for the shitty teammates its ridiculous.

I want to say "Riot, don't fuck this up", but I have to admit, that I trust them at this point. Sion relaunch was glorious, Poppy is great (despite the nerfs tho) and Ryze is at least better than he was before.

As long as they Memento Mori, I'll be glad.

So after Warwick's rework, who do you think is next in line?

My best bets are Urgot and Nunu.

can we just have urf again at least that shit is fun for a few games

A good Soraka can carry a game if her teammates have at least half of the brain.

holy shit kog jung is so fun
first clear is a bitch though
i go golems>red>base>blue>gromp>gank,is there a better route that i dont know of?

No, Nunu won't get one. Other than Urgot next year will be Evelynn's year.

I belive that Taric's peel is THE best out there.

I'm really hoping for Amumu.

Taric was great, he's still fabulous as fuck and his kit has the same functions but way better except the ult which is miles better. Only bad thing was that top Taric was killed.

I like how Sion's ultimate alone got him a shitload of fanart. It really shows when they get something just right. Hope Yorick and Warwick get the same treatment of just going balls to the walls awesome.

>has one peel ability
>better than thresh/nami/lulu/janna

Lendo is a master of making great reaction images.

Huh, It says that im disconnected from client chat for some reason. Everything else seems to work fine.

Riot client shit itself again? Relogging doesnt help.

you guys think they will drop the shovel from yorick's design?

He only has a single obvious cc though
And his ult, while good, requires a lot of forethought and prediciton, and also doesn't save you from cc

>trying to play Vayne for the contest

Holy shit this champion is just not fun to play, how can people take this shit? Her laning is so bad and all her skills are so janky

I'm picking another girl to play for, either MF or Sejuani

Amumu's kit is pretty good though, he just needs a visual update more than anything else.

I forgot about Evelynn. Considering the radical design changes seen in her new splash art, it seems likely.

Wake me up

I'm a big fan of unpopular champs so I'm both hyped and sad, sort of like when Taric's rework happened.
What's on Yorick's back though? The banana shape is genuinely baffling me. A shield maybe?
Also, note hands rising out of the earth in the middleground.

Same as me

Amumu is strong already. I belive we can expect VU tops.

You forgot about Taric's rework which was fucking great.

Does he have tentacles? Sickles?

Oh god can you imagine if yorick becomes a hunchback fuccko like this guy?

experience changed

as my friends who play her full well knowing we'll probably lose, they said they play her so the 1 in 5 games where you actually get fed it's worth it

It's Lucian and Wukongs dinner.

Looks like it could be a piece of a tombstone of sorts.

Yorick is already a hunchback. I expect they might turn up a bit on the Quasimodo similitude, considering his backstory was that he's basically a poor deformed guy that died a virgin.

Eh he just needs a VU and maybe some changes on his E. It's nice but I feel the damage blocking thing could be changed to something better.

>Yorick's rework is probably gonna be out in a months time.
>WW's VA has already leaked, will probably get early next year.

Damn they're churning these out fast. I remember we were waiting an entire year for Sion's

gross what is that thing from?

>damage noc with only 4 kills


sometimes ur just unlucky

god damn it

Experience Status: Changed

>Finally gonna get a real necromancer champion that isn't a memepick


im running ghost instead of ignite on annie mid wish me luck boys

>yasuo on your team feeding
Every time


Basically lovecraft meets japanese tentacle porn meets a shitload of meth. Also werewolves


>mfw my random gifted undertaker yorick will probalby look sweet

I hope he's a jungler, but I can't imagine trying to balance a jungler with pets, they gave up with malz and elise's spiderlings have been nerfed soo much

Xth for Lendo

Plz make more funnies
or lewds

>implying Yorick won't be a walking meme with %hp damage, 2 ground based dashes, invulnerability and a 3-hit proc passive

My bad, and hell yes it was. Never had such a homo boner before.