mage MD5s:
mage MD5s:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for disc is garbage
from this point onward, the thread will remain normal or else
xth for when will these fucking warglaives drop
illidan you jew it's like 9%
Never 4get
>tfw no Khadgar bf
xth for rate and hate my mog
oh hey is the based couple
>mfw big butt fempanda in slutmog
so the power....of precision goblin engineering.....
I'm surprised to say it but I'm actually liking the nex invasion XP scheme.
If you're on the ground actually doing stuff, it's a huge XP increase both per invasion and overall.
Just got two levels at 86 in a single invasion.
High elf / 10
good look, bad staff choice
best /wowg/ op in ages
>tfw no Gul'dan bf
Welp time for sleep
>Emotional muh honor meathead
>Good for anything but sex
Pls, he is a sex toy at this point
>furry shit
report the op
What are the most annoying/expensive professions to max out? I have one of every class either at or near lvl 100 already, so I'm mostly basing my choice off boosting professions.
I already have maxed: alchemy, blacksmith, engineering, jewelcrafting
fuck off ralf
Reminder that in order to shitpost freely and have shitposts about you not get deleted, you must be an A-list /wowg/ celeb like Icy, and the holy trinity of trannies.
It's a long road but you can start by joining
frigg off normie
for you? public speaking
gonna be using my 100 boost on a warlock since he is my last guy not at 100.He is 90 right now from the mop boost. What professions should i give him if all i have is JC and Talior
NA /wowg/ guilds:
No Fun Allowed (Illidan, Horde)
RIP in Peace (Sargeras, Alliance)
Whisper anyone online for an invite.
fuck off mane. who is better then garrosh HUH?
Tailor and Enchanting
JC and Enchanting are the only particularly annoying/expensive ones
Everytime i think the OP cant get worse
it does
Hello, what's everyone gonna do tonight?
I want Medivh to bully me
>Babbu is carnivore
xth for report ralf and dont reply to him
Thanks, big guy. I'm leaning toward just boosting my druid as designated miner/herbalist.
I'm testing out WoW from a starter account, desu it has literally turned into a version of gw2 with the legion stuff. But fails at that because of the zone phasing.
Did you report it? With enough reports a janitor will delete the thread. Do you part.
Pandas are for rape
>target the same person entire bg and make friends with them afterwards
>female character
>chest transmogged as wild gladiator's tunic
>legs transmogged as warbear woolies
How fucking original can we get?
Pic related obviously.
Completely superior in every way.
Smarter, more powerful, free of stupid limiting shit like honor or morality.
Need to photoshop the delusional retard in there too
Why is WOTLK so fucking comfy?
I don't care if mechanic wise it wasn't your favorite, it had excellent story and aesthetic to it, plus the best weapon models
>The community doesn't do a great job when something is 1% better and they claim it is the only viable option and everything else is garbage.
blizzard calling out wowg
thanks to the op. im thinking about female panda asses
He is kind of edgy. Tell me story of guldan. He looked like a cripple at the beginning thats what i know.
why doesn't the new default nameplates track slows? pretty much the only debuff i really want to see
pvp affliction talent build? i dont know shit
Level my femgnome (finally got to draenor, trying to marry yrel)
Level my fempanda (drunk but motherly mistweaver monk spamming dungeons)
Why would anyone photoshop you into that picture
dumb frogposter
the damage control by blizzard can only be summed by by Principal Skinner
>Playing my new DH
>Decide to leech an invasion with a particularly active group ganking the events
>Raising fishing
>You Recieve Loot: [Darkwood Fishing Pole]
Thanks guys :^)
Holy shit, destroyed
Well all villains are usually edgy
This is his origin story where he blasts all his bullies, and most importantly the disgusting "elder" who had all the power in the clan to stop the others, yet didnt help him, instead he chose the easy way out and gave "Advice" aka meaningless words because he was too worried about upsetting the balance instead of doing what is right.
Then you should check out the audio drama, it has 4 parts. This is the first, others should appear after it ends
Damn his voice is so awesome.
Dont worry, i ll photoshop him
rape trannies
im going to try and marry your female panda ass
>tfw ralph is too autistic to understand he just got roasted
>its another episode of 'complaining about pvp on a pvp realm'
more like CM_Bore
If you see a monk on a flying carpet it's possibly me
It was excellent because it carried so much from TFT, but they still managed to drop the ball hard
>check a specific names availability on my servers
>everywhere taken
>check on one of the most populated servers
fuck it I'll just make another druid on a completely new server
>want to xfer my human warrior to horde
>dont know what race
i have too many tauren (maybe not), forsaken has crap armor and walks stupid, orc is hunch back and ugly, and belf is belf
reminder that pandas are not for lewd
go fem orc
>it's a retard doesn't know how CRZ works and thinks it's been in the game since vanilla episode
Not today Mr Shekelberg
I miss my girl panda friend a lot
Love that episode
Reminder jinyu and hozen would've been better than playable pandaren.
>Main realm has 12/12 characters
>Flipping through random names
>Get this
I was fairly surprised, sure it's WrA but still.
Pandaren were a mistake
Is he a cripple? He looks really like it at the first one.
i miss your pure mini green waifu friend. mini female panda is cute too
How long would it take me to get from 90 to 100 if I AFKed in an invasion zone overnight?
>horde panda trying to compare themselves to alliance
I would have left you too you gross piece of shit. Go take a shower
Why does everyone who plays an elf wish they were a girl?
i don't tho
Because male elves are effeminate fags and female elves are the epitome of femininity. Kind of like Asian men/women.
Why cant i transmog my Headless Horseman sword!?
........ She was so perfect. We both got jobs though now so most likely won't raid seriously.
I'm happy for us, we'll always be friends
We all smell of turtle, don't you dare tell me to shower spinny head dog They were alliance anyways ]spoiler]
Fuck off ralf
>archeology equipment is still not in the heirloom tab
thats gay
>tfw to shy and autistic to have friends
>the endboss of WoD is just a recolored Draenei
>Blizzard got this fucking lazy
i just deleted it all
what are you gonna do about it
>tfw Spear of Xuen saved for transmog
>fails at that because of the zone phasing
why would you do that though?
ralph pls go
What even is this on about? XP?
MrRobot / sims