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No Place for Children Edition

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hana song

three capital letters
printed in gold


NAME ONE(1)(UNO) counter

Change it to "D V and A" so it matches the song you fucking sperg


Fancy suits!

Waifu ages

D.Va- 19
Ana - 60
Mei - 31
Mercy - 37
Pharah - 32
Symmetra - 28
Tracer - 26
Widowmaker - 33
Zarya - 28

is mine



Fuck's sake Blizzard, can you do something to help Symmetra?

At least change up her E?


Lena Oxton

If you already have an ult, are you actually being detrimental to your team by taking potshots at the choke point to feed enemy support ult?

Most of the Overwatch girls have reasons to explain why they don't look their age.

Mei was in cryostasis for years.
Mercy's healing tech keeps her looking young.
Tracer can control her personal timeline and thus her age.
Widowmaker is a zombie with a slowed heartbeat.
Symmetra is an uggo siren seductress that bends light to make herself look appealing.

It's kind of bizarre, really.

D.Va confirmed for PTP

The coolest!

Mcree Pharah main trying to play reaper. How do I stop dying.

they should just take her out of the game and think of a better idea for a support. Everything about Symmetra from her looks to how she plays is terrible. A complete mistake

Yes. Unless you think you can get a kill on an enemy while staying safe yourself then all you're doing is feeding the support ults/giving their dps the chance to charge their ults.

can someone post what the new ranks look like, i'm not sure what platinum looks like

>that bends light to make herself look appealing.
It's not working.

>tfw never get any appreciation
>play nothing but tank/healer
>barely get any votes over the past several days
>even when i carry with zarya, not a single vote
>hanzo gets 3 votes while i get 0

Awww, she looks so cute he-WAAAAAAIIIIIIT A MINUTE.

Mei's body is begging to be impregnated.

any tank
any sniper

Your just trying to get that mating press image posted, aren't you?

mei is too fat to get pregnant

>there are people who actually use the emote wheel thing
>there are people who don't have each voice line/emote bound to a key

Please post QTmaker


Isn't mercy older, she's just genetically enhanced to live longer and age slower?


i just ripped the ages from the wiki, i assume they are legit.

>too fat to get pregnant

if only this were a thing...

>That one retard that thinks McCree's ult is bad that is always here

Goddamn, get good already.

How do we fix mercy?

That not how it works.

Source: all the fat white women niggers knock up.

why do people always say this? Where are they getting it from?

The new buffs should be enough.

please send help

>dat ass
>that qt face
>that blue skin
>when the *dinks* are so good one of the enemy switches to Widow just to die
Why is she so perfect?

Why does Mercy stuff her bra?

>play Lucio
>7,000 healing
>break it down at perfect moments to save the team
>we win
>0 commendations, some lucky faggot with POTG gets 5

>someone else plays Lucio
>3,000 healing
>we lose even

Wasn't she familiar with soldier, rein, eaper, and ana? Or was she a 5 year old then? She also says to mei that she keeps her looks with science

>you will never impregnate all of them

The conversation between Mei and Mercy seems to point to Mercy doing something to herself to slow/halt her aging + plus her animation that has her pulse and imply there isn't one making her biology seem odd/modified.

this piece of ass is fucking trash


>bastion and torb will never be buffed
Shitty life

Just got Zarya's Weightlifter skin.

Now I have all the summer legendaries

Only bought 24 boxes.

Again I'm pretty sure the devil models were going to be "Young Mercy" originally then they added the lore that she doesn't age/slows her aging (they do it on the fly they said) so they scrapped the model and repurposed it for the devil stuff


Why would her tits be smaller just because she's younger?

Girls develop their tits at a young age to begin with then they dont get any bigger, unless they get fat/pregnant

>Getting a legendary for a character who you already have a non legendary skin for that you prefer

>It's a QP match that has 2 Rein 1 Bastion on top of the cart

>get Tracer's Ultraviolet skin
>already have Posh

Cutest and best pairing

But I only want Tracer

So Mercy has been pregnant before and therefore not gay.
McCree x Mercy confirmed.

Because getting taller/larger breasts is a common way of depicting an aging woman in fiction

>been grinding my ass off since the beginning of the event
>hate overwatch now
>all i need is one of the tracer skins and i'll be happy
>open 100000th crate
>four (4) duplicates

Do I get Genji gold gun because he's my favorite hero or just wait it out?

Since when?

Boobs/no boobs is a way to show the difference between a woman and child, but larger?

Boobs dont work like that

buying crates increases your luck with ones you get from leveling

>4 minutes of objective time
>genji with 1 (one) deflection kill gets all the likes

I just don't care anymore

I'm ready for the event to be over so I never have to be disappointed to open a box again.

>defence characters will never be fixed

They're all based around a gimmick that is very effective and annoying against shitters, but next to useless against experienced players.

If you buff them to the point they're useful in higher level play they'll be overpowered against shitters.

Of course, as the shitters get better, they would learn to counter them, but instead they would whine and bitch incessantly, and Blizzard doesn't want that.

she's only 20 years younger than all of them. assuming she joined up at 17 she could have been there for the entire life of it, or a later addition to the team.

Its not good as an offensive ult, all the other assault heros have better kill everyone ults.

If it's any consolation, user, I always give it to objective time cards.

I have no idea dude, I play Pharah, Zarya and McCree pretty much equally and do OKAY but my McCree needs serious work, tired of having a sub 45% accuracy.

Where does it store what your rank was last season? Can't seem to find it.

Might as well buff them because Torb and Bastion and Mei and the like are already good against shitters and they already moan to blizzard about them being OP.

At least Hanzo is good now on the PTR. Mei still needs a little bit more.

Hopefully Bastion is next on the list to be looked at.


>teammate got a 40% kill participation card with x kills
>i got a killstreak card for x-1 kills since i didn't die at all
>everyone votes for the other faggot
People are dumb

>Since when?
For years.

It's how it's done in like 99% of manga/anime dude

I swear, every new picture I see of this pairing is weirder than the last one.

reminder to stop giving healsluts mvp card votes
you're only encouraging them

So what's new from gamescom besides the new short?

Don't worry, it'll peak once it gets to the unbirthing.

It doesn't because blizzard is fucking retarded

He objectively did better than you in kills.

Some of them are pretty bizarre. This one's alright tho.

>Implying you wouldnt want someone who would unquestionably pocket you every game

As a tank main, I never get healed enough.


There's some eichenwald gameplay but that's not really important.

>do ~15k dmg with pharah
>enemy rhein has ~14k dmg blocked
>they still give me likes

>not voting for the guy with a 39:0 kdr

its canon that widowmakers skin is cold and blue.

enjoying fucking a corpse.

>Torb and Bastion and Mei and the like are already good against shitters and they already moan to blizzard about them being OP.

Could you imagine what it'd be like if they were made any better?

I agree they need to be fixed, but could you imagine how much whining Blizzad would get?
I think they should react to it like pic related but I'm not sure they'd be able to keep doing that.

Yeah sure and while he was dead and being useless I was on the point zoning

It was a tracer too so I can guarantee most of his elims were just from tickling people while I was shitting out damage the whole time

You mean the one with the stupid fucking fetish for retards

>guy with a korean name is playing widow
>here we go
>get killed and watch the kill cam
>his gun is snapping around the screen and perfectly shooting people through tiny openings

Literally every time. Why are asians such blatant cheaters?

>A woman can be a multidisciplined doctor by the age of 17 to a degree where she is soon scouted by an elite international agency to be essentially #2 in their R&D department.
>But she can't get bigger breasts, because that breaks my suspension of disbelief.
Anime is a hell of a drug.

>defense heroes are all gimmick heroes
>not like us elite characters who jump around throwing weak ass ninja stars until our ult builds up.

this meme needs to die.

>As a tank main, I never get healed enough.

Why the fuck do healers not target the "free ult charge" class?

Pls no

Why am I okay with this?

>5 golds as zen
>was experiencing tranquility that match
>get a card for the meager amount my ult healed in a clutch

Every Fucking time. I was head shot ting and wrecking shit. Pretty sure they weigh cards on doing your 'job'.

>gget a card for zen: 93% of match on fire
>thats busting ass out of the fucking gate
>A reaper gets all the votes for 11 souls consumed

he was at least 7 seconds away being useless