why make food in 2016 when i can just order fresh, healthy food and work more, spend more time with my family, etc?
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Do you make enough money to have someone cooking for you make economic sense?
If so congrats.
If not get off your lazy ass and cook your own meals.
i make decent money. why spend hours cooking that i can spend with my SO and maybe even work more? they deliver me these meals and i have options to choose from.
Why not cook with your SO?
That stuff is more than going and getting chipotle.
>and maybe even work more?
Because you won't work more.
You will become complacent and lazy, used to other people doing all the cooking for you. You will start to view it as a birthright when in reality you should be doing it for yourself.
This is the nature of men, you are not above it.
because i'd rather work and buy it. it doesn't make sense economically to spend time going to store, buy food at store, spend time going home, prepare all the food, cook the food, serve the food, etc.
how about i take the time that i would spend cooking, and go to the gym instead and workout? cooking is overrated if you think about it.
You wont.
You will simply continue to justify your laziness just like you are now.
Not the guy you're responding to.
I've skipped out on meals because of having to get things done, and I've skipped out on getting things done because I've desperately needed a meal. My life has gotten so busy in the past that I literally didn't have time to cook, so I just ordered cases of nutritional shakes to dump down my throat as quickly as possible.
Why haven't you invested in URRE yet?
How much do these cost per meal? Is it cheaper than just going to chipotle?
It's still going to be reheated, so unless it's cheaper, there's no point in my just going out to eat fit something fresh.
Why scratch my back when i can call my philipino assistant to do it?
Prices are on the website found here
Dude we're on Veeky Forums.
Let's not kid ourselves here, the vast majority of people on Veeky Forums are not extremely busy executives.
>$9 for something that gives me 300 calories
How about no. Buying ingredients and cooking yourself is the cheapest and healthiest way to go. It doesn't take a lot of time unless you're a complete idiot.
That includes delivery and the fact that they buy the ingredients and cook it and deliver it fresh to your doorstep.
>That includes delivery and the fact that they buy the ingredients and cook it and deliver it fresh to your doorstep.
Well when you put it that way... it ONLY costs me $90/day or $2700/month to eat all my calories this way!
So these average ~$8 per meal and you have to pay a delivery fee.
Not really with in my opinion, because they're going to be reheated, and you can eat out fresh every meal for that much
B-b-but what if I make $130/hr and I'm super busy that I need to hire servants because I'm so important?
Love this roleplay board
Neither am I, I'm just an overworked wagecuck trying to get his life together.
Hurrr what is meal prep
it takes less than an hour to cook most meals
This, the food delivery craze is over. Restaurants exist, fast food exists. There have been startup after startup shut down in this sector because people just stopped ordering.
Must. Find. Next big thing. Now.
There are ways to eat cheaply and quickly if one so desires. Get a crock pot.
i bring hummus and pita to class.
cheap as fuck to, especially if you make the hummus yourself
>people on Veeky Forums claiming they don't cook because their time is "more valuable" for other things
Had a good chuckle, thanks OP.
This is like people who want to get in shape but "don't have time to go to the gym."
You brave motherfucker, hummus makes me fart like a cow.
farts are small price to pay for a dish that can be made in many flavors and tastes
mediterranean food is bomb as fuck
True. True.
For a single guy the answer to this question is very simple:
Practice intermittent fasting and eat once per day. There are a ton of health benefits, and it's saves time.
Personally, I rarely cook and budget $600-700 a month for food. This is for decent stuff, not drive thru.
If I cooked I would probably make a lot of crock-pot and pasta dishes. This would easily half the budget, or I would include a bit more sea food.
The time saved may not seem like a lot, but compounded over a lifetime it sure is.
The last point I want to make: No insulin spikes throughout the day. This means a consistent level of energy throughout the day.
I've been living like this for 2 years and am happier than ever.
I make $300/hr at my important job. I just happen to also discuss ways to succeed on Veeky Forums
I don't cook at home.
I eat inexpensive fast food, hit up the convenience store that is 40 feet away from my house, and I go out and usually have left overs for the next day. If I do cook at home, its usually stuff like eggs, oatmeal, PB&J sandwiches and other things I can make quickly. I just don't eat shit like quarter pounders and big macs. I don't eat out of boredom, I skip a meal every once in a while because I was busy and forgot. I spend about $100 a week on food.
When I stopped giving a fuck about food I dropped from 220lbs to 160lbs within about a year.
I currently spend $280 a month cooking for myself, and I spend recklessly on foods, ie buying name brand over store brand. My time spent shopping and cooking isn't worth more than $4200 a year difference for eating out, so I cook.
Fuck off shill
what? are you guys retarded or something? Just do cocaine. You will get more stuff done AND save money on food. I swear Veeky Forums sometimes you just don't think clearly
Nice advertising faggot
/Sage and reported
So each one of these meals is gonna cost you $15 or so, and in exchange you save roughly one hour of work. Much less in reality, but we'll just say an hour.
If during that hour, you could make more than $15, then it makes financial sense to do this. Maybe you're a digital artist or something and in that hour you can do $40 worth of work. But if you'd make less than that (say Mturk or some bullshit) or, much more likely, you don't make any money at all when you're not at work, then it doesn't make financial sense.
Now whether you're willing to pay money for the convenience, that's up to you.
cooking IS quality time with your family.
getting nice ingredients, making dinner together, eating while chatting, then fucking in front of the fireplace
doesnt get more 10/10
When I was a student I was spending 50 bucks a week on food, and I thought I was eating well.
Mainly chicken curry/similar for lunch and lamb dish for dinner with plenty of veggies with both.
Cheap lamb since straya, but chicken costs a shitload more than the states.
I honestly couldn't imagine spending much more on food since I never bothered with junk food and shit.
It is very hard to find actual healthy premade food at a decent price. Making it yourself can be orders of magnitude cheaper.
Although you have to know what you are doing.
my dream is to be able to buy lunch every day while at uni. obviously that's gonna cost a bit, but holy fuck it'd be so good to eat whatever i wanted instead of just sandwiches
>$700 a month for food
m8 you either live in NYC and buy all organic or are lying
Ok guys this is what you do.
Crock pot food
chipotle but make sure to get heaps of stuff
oatmeal for breakfast
lots of veggies
no soda or cookies or chips
coffee at work
reusable water bottle
pasta and meat sauce
IF is a good idea too, but I get too damn hungry and tired during the day
>Crock pot food
your power level is showing user!
As already pointed out these "meals" are under 400 cal. Unless you are a skeleton that's not a real meal.
My tdee is about 3k calories which means I need to eat 8 of these fucking things a day to maintain my gains. Which also means one days worth of food now costs me more than a weeks worth buying it and preparing it myself.
> good price
> good taste
> quality ingredients used
Pick two.
Cooking at home will always have a better value than a service like this.
Link just got done eating a $15 chipotle burrito
+Chipotle. I got a huge veggie burrito with brown rice, black beans, steak, tomatos, onions, lettuce, hot sauce. Only like $8 for a massive burrito that kept me full all day.
You can eat really healthy and really cheap.
Lean chicken
Buy fresh stuff and concoct! I made a spinach mushroom egg omelette with garlic, parmeson cheese and siracha this morning and it was delicious and healthy.
>paying a 1000% markup on food
holy shit Veeky Forums
Some people have taste buds. If you're going to eat packaged shit like that you might as well scarf some twinkies and then smoke a $20 bill.
>Not eating most of your food without preparation and pressure cooking your meats and vegetables.
You'll never make it brah.
I spend $56 a week on food and I eat healthier than 99% of this board. I'd rather fall for the agricultural Jew than the prepared food/restaurant Jew.
Haven't eaten out in over 3 months and when I did last, it was for an interview.
If I'm in a social setting I'll just get a coffee (black) or a salad (without dressing ofc).
ask for two scoops of rice
both kinds of beans
double meat but it will cost extra
everything else that is free
then the burrito will start to rip so they'll ask you if you want a second tortilla (always answer yes) or if you want it rewrapped.
never tell them what you had unless they are charging you for something extra. never mention you had double meat if they don't ring it up
t. guy who eats at chipotle almost five times a week because it is across the street from his office
i am so fucking sick of chipotle but i can't beat the price and i can't leave my 12 hour a day wage slave job for that long
Why not just buy soylent?
If you're that concerned about it just buy cans of tuna, trail-mix, milk and bananas. Dirt cheap, healthy and no prep required. If you need extra protein for the gym, buy some whey to mix with the milk.
Boom. Better than your shitty idea.
What kind of wageslave are you user?
Start are your future plans for work?
>m8 you either live in NYC and buy all organic or are lying
Not NYC, but fairly HCOL suburban area.
Why would I make that up? Is it really that hard to fathom that someone who never cooks and eats good food manages to spend 20-25 a day?
its at a large private technology company. I do market trend and research stuff. just putting in the grunt work before I apply to graduate school.
Budgeting 101: Calculate how much your time is worth per hour, what do you make in a day? divide it by 24. That's what your time is worth in cash. How many hours did your $6-8 premade meal cost you?
Let's see shall we?
>You make 100,000/year
>That means you make about 273ish in a day
>That means each hour of each day brings you about 11.40
>a $6 meal for 1 person has just cost you 30 minutes
>3 of those is an hour and a half per day
>does your spouse work? If not, then that's 3 hours a day spent on just the food
>1 hours worth of groceries can buy you enough to eat for more than 1 day
>you can cook most things in 30 minutes or less
most pasta dishes, you wait on the pasta to boil longer than it takes to make the sauce. You could make a fucking home made pizza, you could do all of this with your spouse, take some of that food to work with you, it's even better than any pre-packed anything.
If you are overweight, it takes 1/1000 the effort to not eat the extra calories than it takes to burn off the extra calories.
It takes 2 minutes to eat a 300 calorie candy bar.
It takes 30 minutes to burn that off with exercise.