rengore edition
/lolg/ - league of legends general
It's an "undead with green glowy shit everywhere" episode
fiora nerfs when
Why is yorick carrying a big banana on his back?
xth for good feelz
yasuo mid buffs when?
the champ is legit trash mid
It good to pack lunch.
like how do you deal with this cancer
no hopes no dreams
not lose a skill matchup so hard so early.
Who wins and why?
Damn that card is shit
don't feed her 6 kills retard
Rox, but I say KT wins this first round with the Ezreal pick
>lvl5 vs lvl3
>fiora doesnt even hit any weakpoints
>riven misses her Q but still goes in
yes lets nerf fiora for no reason at all
Who are the champions who you can only be REALLY GOOD with or REALLY BAD with.
No middle ground.
Drag under is strong enough to be picked early in drafts and this is just a cheaper DU if you use it on something like a level up creature.
"OMGG why is this duelist with more gold then me able to melt me?!???/?/"
It's almost like top lane is nothing but a game of gold advantage. Try not feeding.
Any of Bronzodia.
Riven, Yasuo, Lee Sin, Zed,
So this is worse than drag under in 99% of circumstances? And even then you have to use it on the creature with a counter to get the advantage, even if it's not the most dangerous creature? Unless the format was slow I wouldn't pick that up early.
Nigga fuck Gangplank
My favorite part is when you went back in for no discernible reason.
Also never using your stun when she's on top of you.
Fiora doesn't need nerf you need better decision making.
>illusion creature tokens
>clearly devils
well, who were you playing?
why do ppl hate you?
you're just an autistic one trick like marine or riddler that loves his champ
>b-ban vlad hes t-too good!
10 bans when? i want to ban actually impactful champs like lulu and janna instead of fucking useless shit like jhin or vlad (who i 1shot every teamfight anyway)
hes obnoxious, im sure he'll drop to d5 when riot gets round to nerfing wukong
Why is support so easy to carry on, bros?
People who play league of shit are degenerates and they should all be gassed to death.
Either play Dota, the true and only ASSFAGGOT or don't play any at all.
Kench and Karma carry
Rest are just doing your job
Because you're probably not a fucking retard.
Is it wrong for me to want to impregnate most of the female champions?
>third world weeb
fuck off you autistic mong
>watching korean challenger zed players
how the fuck do you get this good at the game
this cant be pure talent this HAS to be autistic amounts of time invested in the game, I dont care if theyre just amateurs in soloqueue this shits retarded
how do you use stun if not when fiora is next to you
user please
riven is melee
fiora is literally ranged justliked yasuo but melee somehow too
fiora gutted when
yasuo gutted when
lulu buffs when
The point of card design isn't to just one up other things. Not every card needs to be strictly better then another. This is especially true for commons. Sometimes a weak spell is still good enough. A bounce for 2 is still a cheap bounce.
This card is designed to be in a set with a lot of counters involved. Some examples would be: A set with a lot of planeswalkers (The spell hitts nonlands), level up, or charge counters.
He makes illusions because he is an illusionist. They blow up because he's also a fucking asshole and finds self-destructing things to be entertaining.
yes! remember to always use protection!
no it proves that you are a health male who has no desire to defile your family heritage with homosexuality
riot does not even know wukong exists
also i play eve, shaco, kha and talon
tbone is dat u???
No you see I want to put babies in their bellies.
That planeswalker makes devils, either make him make illusions or call them what they are.
Also a set with lots of planeswalkers is a retarded idea.
Oh good I thought I was being a crazy autist.
Isn't the game about planeswalkers fighting each other?
>this cant be pure talent this HAS to be autistic amounts of time invested in the game
You haven't watched any documentary on Korean PC bangs? Kids literally live there, some have known to die because they forget to eat and sleep. Staying in there over the weekend is a pretty common thing
Koreans have 0 hobbies aside from computer gaming
>playing malphite
>ult yi in melee
>he alpha strikes it
>type wp in all as I die
The player is a planeswalker in the lore, but planeswalker cards are very infrequent. Most of the time there's 5 unique planeswalker cards every 2 sets, totaling 500 cards .
Ult after he Qs?
they go to school 14~ hours a day though
So this set is trying something different. That's not a bad thing even if it's a step in the wrong direction they learn and then out comes a new set like magic the gathering.
>yi never Qs but just slaps malph with AAs while malph awkwardly wanders in circles waiting for the Q that never came while his health pool drains away like water from melted snow a warm springday
dude you literally posted this same screenshot on an older thread, only this time you cut out the part where you see who you duo'd with. fucking autism
No, why?
he was saving it
>Season one of league had about 60 champions
>10 free champion rotation
>Season 6 has 131 champions
>10 free champion rotation
How about that.
>giving pray ashe
Holy fuck KT getting bodied
>literally refreshing /lolg/ for 12 hours
Talk about autism, you disgusting fuck. I had to leave last time so I didn't see any responses.
Shut the fuck up. Maybe think about eating the shit underneath your kitchen sink and doing the human gene pool a favor. Know your place, you dirty little shitstain.
Anyways what league girl do you want to see get a baby belly because your seed hit her egg.
Alternately which league dude do you want to knock you up?
I have too many to count.
wew lad relax
>exploiting some normie casual who's not even autistic enough to buy bloodlord or perverted enough to buy soulstealer, or 90s enough to buy marquis
a true vlad would have pooled your jump
I'm very calm. You're a faggot. No one wants to interact with you, so neck yourself. Don't respond to me again.
>Sit in mid on immobile midlaner
>Get ashe arrowed
>Don't have cleanse
>Everybody jumps on me and I die
>2 minutes later get hit by another arrow
>Still don't have cleanse
>Everybody jumps on me and I die again
I want soraka to impregnate me
What a fucking edgelord
Both of you left the discord for no reason :(
>open 2 chest
>get 2 mecha zero sion
>almost never played this guy
riot is sending me a message how do you play this guy and stop giving me skin for him please
I'm starting to get the hang of Goku jungle
Still gotta work on not dying so much, but that'll come with experience
Also holy shit Rox is popping off, how did they get 4 globals through pick/ban
Because league has a very shallow pick/ban system.
These teams are fucking terrifying.
Bans on shit other than globals
Eg Nid from kt, and gnar/gragas/jhin from rox
I think kt needs to deny ashe from pray somehow
>gank top, let top get the kill
>immediately pings me to leave cause I assume he doesn't want me to take any cs, which I wasn't going to do anyways
>ok, I'll be cool about it, whatever
>he later comes into my jungle and takes gromp, doesn't ask just takes it while I'm at wolves
>come to his lane and take a whole wave, then come back and do it again later
I'll admit is was a childish and dick thing to do, and if it weren't Normals I wouldn't have done it, but you can't just say 'don't take my cs' and then come into my jungle and take mine. Fuck that hypocritical shit.
Cute late game Kog.
Congratulations to your 2016 World Champions: ROX TIIIIIIIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHS!
>that build
you disgust me
So /lolg/ if you had to pick between consensual sex in the missionary position while being in love with for the purpose of procreation with full intent of raising a family together with Riven or cutting your dick off which would you choose?
In the lane it's not just about the actual cs, it's the wave positioning. Your laner wanted the wave in a certain spot, so he left enough creeps alive to ensure it would be there after a recall.
What's worse is when you need to hard shove and bounce after a kill but your jungler just runs away even though you'd be fine with giving up cs
id convince riven I wanted her to use her third Q to jump on my dick, then get her to E into me while she's on me
then since her cooldowns are blown i'd kill her
provided you have a dick or?
Can I do it with this Riven?
I wonder how bad she smells. Isn't she basically a hobo
the first one but only once we're married and financially secure
Stop bullying riven
I want to
Finals will be EDG vs Rox with EDG winning
I'll bully her with my dick if you know what I mean. But only if she takes a bath
Only 3 games into my journey of learning him
I'd appreciate any tips.
That's a man so no.
Obviously not a question for femanons. Women; must have everything explained to them. The dumber sex.
I assume you could make her take a shower or something.
Solid plan.
Please explain what do you do to her if not bully her?
>westbabs think they have a slight chance
top kek
tsm is gonna get absolutely fucked
>so no.
Damn, because I would totally push the cucumber with him.
fuck you soulless gooks
[ching chong stars playing]