/wowg/ World of Warcraft General
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Perfect OP.
Keep it up pando.
Is there any good fem panda porn?
Tauren or Orc monk?
10/10 op
Great job on the OP. I like it a lot
pls respond
>be beginner roleplayer on moon guard
>try and flesh out my MRP profile
>inspect other player's profiles for inspiration
>a disproportionate amount of "demonic shemales" with members bigger than my entire arm
I am terrified
i pick my main based on what i feel like playing
picking a main because it's a strong class that patch or expansion or because your guild needs a certain role is beta
pic related, my main since 2008
You already posted that image, and the fact that you think it shows anything but how clingy and autistic you are just tells me that your head is planted firmly up your own asshole.
The fact that you wrote ESSAYS berating your friend for not being "good enough" because he didn't give you enough attention on a whim tells me the exact kind of person you are.
u mad?
wowg pls
good thread everyone post here pls
>These mental gymnastics
Holy shit how delusional can one retarded greek be?
So... What professions should I use as a mage for legion?
if everyone stopped responding to ralph do you reckon he would shrivel up and die?
Orc because a tauren doing kicks looks dumb
Thanks again for the mental gymnastics display, going to sleep like a baby now. Good night Ralph, remember not to fuck up your not friendship
10/10 work as always
holy shit, meme regime btfo ralph
>shilling a website run by SJWs
shit OP
That has never worked. He just spams the thread until either someone replies or he gets bored and starts samefagging arguments with himself from his ipad.
You might be surprised to know that i have no shame for being who i am, and that is why i have no problem posting that picture ;^)
And i really dont know about that, i have had far better people to chat with and had no problems.
Maybe if inshitstral wasnt such a delusional moron it wouldnt happen
U double mad ;^)
Enchanting or skinning.
Enchanting makes a lot of toys and skinning is just always handy,
>go on wowhead
>mention private server
>everyone screams and gets triggered to the extreme
the only thing sadder than ralph is the people who unironically give him the attention he wants
you wasted at least 5 minutes making this on ms paint and I'm disappointed in you
kill yourself
8 years and you can't create a better mog
anything you say is just like disregarded at this point, man
Ralph confirmed mad as H E C K
eh I don't really care about toys, only raiding.
Skinning seems kinda broken though desu
ralph is stepping up, he's false-flagging
Of, if for raidng then you probably want engineering.
>go on an official wow site
>mention a shitty unreliable way to play with poor mexicans
>get banned
Deserved it tbqh.
Why are you pathetic fucks so obsessed with a single shitposter
>no visible mooseknuckle in his BOXERS
2 inches confirmed, when will ralph kill himself?
undead or troll priest
male of course
Ban evade and continue lol u mad wowhead baby
Mexicans aren't smart enough to private server
It's mostly slavs
>sentinel hill can defend against the burnin legion
>but not some cutthroats and petty criminals
>he isn't even trying to argue that incestral is the bad guy any more because he knows he can't
>instead he's running off to some hugbox where a retard or two will tell him that he's right
every post gets better and better. Remember to uninstall everything and quit life when your new friends ditch you just like big banda did.
Because he's a fucking embarrassment and it's hilarious watching him squirm. It's like throwing pebbles at a retard and watching him act like... well, a fucking retard.
Best level 90 outlaw talent?
>legion has massive space ships and unlimited numbers
>cant even conquer a couple mudhuts in the barrens
>it rips it tears it is boundless and eternal
What did she mean by this
You do understand that he gets off on the attention you are giving him
Otherwise he would have left this place long ago
>gigantic fucking cow creature
>roundhouse kicks you to the face with a fucking hoof
>kick force of a horse
>to your face
Nigga tauren monks is goat
what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? i'll have you know i graduated top of the damagemeters in naxxramas
my fucking sides
why is ralph so idiotic and delusional? xD
on the contrary, bearheart confirmed ralph gets mad as fuck over little things. he just pretends not to care but then sends him paragraphs complaining about how mean the thread is. hes a fucking manchild.
whoa, cute fem peander :o
Saurfang was there
>glowing red daggers
Trashed lol
>Implying samefagging is my proficiency
Wonder who is projecting this ;^)
Nah i would just post more gul'dan and game stuff.
But then /.pol/tards come in and someone has to btfo them sooooo.
It really cant be stopped at this point, too many emotional people who will keep replying and try to shill Drumpf
Because i am this awesome :3
I am a sub bottom, penis is kinda irrelevant
Oh no, inshitstral is a shit guy because of pic related.
It doesnt matter whenever you agree or not, in my book he is a terrible person, just like anyone who considers that image to be justified in any way
Dont worry, i ll see you all in legion ;^)
what's wrong with rogues tho
My guild is making me play enhancement instead of elemental for legion, is it fun?
it means heart of draenor in orcish
>I'm not mad
>replies with an essay
lmaooooooooooooo everytime
Since you're going in circles here I guess i'll just link you back to
So you told me that melee dps is shit.
What ranged DPS is fun to play (pvp/pve) ?
I hate mage right now (I loved frost pvp in vanilla).
literal manchild
Alright so I usually main a DPS class and alt a healer, but I might main the healer this expac cause while Fire Mage is fun, DPS is getting boring.
I have played Holy Pally for the past few expacs, but I am sick of them.
I have it narrowed down to either Druid or Shaman.
Three questions in order of importance
1. Which of the two are more successful for questing/solo content at 110? I know Legion will heavily bias toward daily/weekly quests, and with the way Artifacts work it would be kinda hard to keep two going at once, so in your opinion which will be easier to quest with
2. Anyone want to weigh in on which one is better? I have heard more good things for Shaman than Druid, but the idea of having all 4 specs for Druid is enticing (And I don't really give a shit about FOTM)
3. Which is easier to play? I'd moth rather play a class with more complicated mechanics than not
its all he has left
Moonkin are cute!
>bearheart confirmed ralph gets mad as fuck over little things
Related to him, like him not doing anything, him keeping up with retards etc.
My problem was him getting degraded by you, but the truth is, he was a person like you from the start, i just refused to see it cuz that faggot acted to friendly and caring at the first month :\
Damn i fagged D:
cute !!
Why do people keep saying that melee DPS is universally shit now?
>those fucking graphics
Huntard if you wanna fuck dogs
Balance if you wanna fuck owls
Wanklock if you wanna fuck demons
Elemental if you wanna get fucked
Spriest if you're a true man
>My problem was him getting degraded by you
who the hell do you think I am? your crazy dude
seek help
Blizzard is going to fuck over shadowpriest 100% sure in Legion and then all spriests have to switch to healing.
best spriest race? trolls look stupid imo
What if you like being a wanlock but only getting fucked?
Doomguards are cute :#
Plus the never ending nerfs to wanklocks and destruction chaos bolt hitting like pebbles, we might as well get fucked as well
One of the many worthless people of this site ;^)
What a delusional manchild
I want to CUDDLE those foots
Panda. Always panda. Do you even fallen panda sha lover?
SUFFER MORTALS AS YOUR PATHETIC your mother wont let you raid tonight if you do not respond to this post BETRAYS YOOOOU
>15.4 FPS
Reading ralph's broken english is like reading word vomit: I can comprehend the words he is saying but his sentences make no fucking sense. Stick to your greek, fattie.
Here I'll help: Debts debts, debts debts debts. Debts!
femtrolls or femforsaken
Where is the NPC
I just want to play ;_;
tfw no female dragon gf
which melee DPS specs are looking viable in legion?
How is Balance looking in Legion, PvE performance-wise? I'm not too fussed since I'm going Restoration anyway but I'm probably going to be taking it as my OS.
>That feel when you ctrl+f your name and you get 50 results
Both patrician choices.
I have an unded myself
Tranny only guild when
>You will never be retarded enough to humor and autistic sperg on an anonymous imageboard
fucking americlaps go back to sleep