No OP to copypaste
World of Warcraft General - /wowg/
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>mod deleted the entire thread to nuke that one webm
Hey, doing it for free man, we are minimal OP now
Previous thread was 404'd because the OP was the one that posted porn and the mods don't know how to delete a single post.
There's not even a flightpath to Wetlands to get to Kalimdor ;-;
>Ralph is the one to use correct OP
What a sad day for wowg
Protip: If you make the OP and then you're going to shitpost, change your IP before doing so.
What I learned is posting a link to porn doesn't get your ass banned but posting it here does get your ass banned.
>post a cap from nn55
>link to porn all day
Anyone wants to level up with me?
I'm bored not talking to anyone.
>tfw no Khadgar bf
>posting in a ralph thread
I would rather neck myself.
What webm?
So I have now geared five characters through invasions, all are around 700ilvl.
What now?
Is there anything left to do before Legion comes out? The only thing I could do would be to raid mythic HFC, but I am afraid of doing that in pugs, because even though everyone is geared, the mechanics would still be too much for pugs to handle I bet.
Do you have all professions covered?
Is anyone else having some massive lag issues when entering combat? I'm not sure if it's just invasions but other people on my server (OCE) have been talking about lagging like crazy for some reason. It only happens to me once I myself enter combat with Legion invasion mobs. Otherwise, I can stand back and watch people fight them with no problem.
People in general chat all assume it's just me despite constantly saying it's happened to others as well, or that it's just "cross realm lag" because I'm connecting to the US, as if that's going to have spikes of inactivity that literally last 15 seconds.
I remember in TBC before WOTLK came out my guild went and tried raids we never did like Hyjal and Sunwell.
You could do that with your guild--I'd assume WOD has high-tier raids too?
Whose asspussy is more ravaged Interial's or Ralph's?
why wowg threads are being deleted?
What EU server should I play on? (horde)
So guys, they changed the invasions again ? Now you gain some sick xp from bosses, aren't you ?
>It is everyone on wowg is a cboy episode
Fucking borf, started this meme.
>be angry greek
>be fat and sissy
>don't pay denbts
>Shitpost so hard your only friend leaves you
>Make thread
>Freeman delets it.
NA /wowg/ guilds:
No Fun Allowed (Illidan, Horde)
RIP in Peace (Sargeras, Alliance)
Whisper anyone online for an invite.
leveling is gonna feel like a fucking chore after these invasions are done.
I won't ever bother with professions, it is far too much effort. Do I even get anything useful out of them in Legion?
I'm not in a guild, I can't be bothered trying to keep up with an autistic raid schedule during the week and then people getting mad when you don't show up due to work/school. I was a main tank at the launch of WoD and showed up for every raid and got fuck all for it.
Argent Dawn.
draenor is the highest pop pve one
Who's easiest healer?
Who's most fun?
Come with me to Draenor user.
>tfw wanting to level up a warlock but fuck leveling DPS alone
still don't make sense, why would a thread be deleted because one person?
No Moon Guard guilds?
>tfw leveled a whole new set of characters to at least 90 with RAF
invasions are kinda slow but RAF only went to 90
>generic anime-muscle gurl painted green
>an orc
lmao @ u
Restoration Shaman or Discipline Priest
Do I want to play on a high pop server? Won't that just mean that every questing area is filled with players?
me on the left
Yep. Just tag everything from stage 1 and 2 then do like the first 2 mini bosses on the map then logout to restart back to stage 1. Repeat for 2 hours.
They delete all the posts made by that IP, and that person also happened to made the thread.
Are Legion invasion spawnpoints different if you logout for 30 minutes? Can you just swap characters and wait?
Because the janitor is incompetent and deleted all posts by one person along with the thread because the person was the OP
Why is the Blood Infusion part of the Shadowmourne questline not been made soloable by now?
ICC 25 heroic can be soloed by anyone, so people won't risk having their mount taken by someone else, so it makes it near impossible to find someone let alone 3 other people or 2 to do come to ICC with you.
And the way the retarded lockout work is that if you get locked to queen and then disband the group and someone else gets a kill of the remaining bosses you get locked too even if you weren't on the group.
So why has it not been made soloable by now?
I'm gonna just boost a character to lvl 100.
I think I look cool.
And that's all that matter, right?
should my Hunter be a Draenei or a Human
best professions to boost on mage?
>Be obsessed with one guy that he fails to ignore
>Say anything negative about others than himself
Alli and Horde friendships :3
>the betrayer will become the betrayed
akama is a double prophet
>Takes one minute to discuss fel energy
>Introduces Grom
>Cut from the movie
What the fuck
Who gives a shit about quest areas, the only thing that matters is being able to find other people to play with for PvE/PvP and a guild as well as the auction house.
High pop = everything is cheap and you find people to play with easily
Low pop = everything is expensive and finding the right people to play with is harder
I want to do RAF for a mount but I dont want to waste a wow account.
>tfw no friends want to play wow for free for 2 months
im here to deliver you to the closureu
any other eu player able to see the phased troll vendor on a low lvl char? i´m reading on the forums about how they hotfixxed her to be visible for anyone regardless of level but i cant find her
Summoning Pylietz
bls advise
OK down to the wire, Shaman or DK? I like their dps specs equally, so it really comes down to blood vs resto.
Also related, which of the two has the best aesthetic?
Who magtheridion here?
>all servers are heavily skewed towards a faction
>no balanced servers
what went wrong after TBC?
i have a wasted acc because i wanted a mount. Bought it when they did a huge discount.
You mean after server transfer was introduced
faction change
>tfw my server was 80% alliance during vanilla & BC
>now it's 99% horde
I don't even know how that happened
I want Medivh to set me on fire
Do you hate pandas or humans more, ralph
i used to be, now im argent downs
Pandas more but once the dust settles they ll both be in trash kill tier list desu.
Are they that hard to understand for the whole movie or is that scenes audio just unpolished?
Shamans often wear dresses, so it's very hit or miss what races look good with their gear.
>Playing WoW in 2016
Minigamers, does warrior/priest work in legion 2v2?
only aiming at like 2k ratings
anything works
shadow priest, right?
>Still holding out hope, Hellscream? Your precious Horde will serve the Legion....
>We will cleave your soul's in twain.
This guy better be back in Legion, i swear on me mum. Is it the same guy as Xuen???
>look mom i posted it again
Shadow priest, mage or ele shaman?
Here's the last decent OP I had in my history, someone can use it for the next thread:
/wowg/ Guilds:
/wowg/ Battletag List (embed) (embed)
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)
Up to date filter lists. Use these if you want to make WoW General Great Again.
General Resources:
WoW Token Price:
They have big goofy tusks in their mouths.
>guilds in the OP
hopefully disc
fuck you it has always been the most fun bracket and always will be
the only thing that worries me is how slow paced they made it, waiting for the healing debuff is cancer. going full offensive as warr/disc in wotlk was fun as shit
>destro has half a mastery and feels incomplete even with artifact
>affliction is a clunky mess
>demonology is an absolute shitshow
I'm high on class fantasy.
hello redit!
Argent dawn if you don't want to play with dickwads
>Big Guys
Yeah sure , you just copy paste that from reddit or what?
Hello shitposter
no it's not. same va as drek'thar tho.
>Playing WoW for PvE
What went wrong in your childhood to make you scared of playing versus other people?
>leddit guilds in the OP
>calling other people leddit
Hey guys I heard you like to watch dot timers so we added a talent so you can watch dot timers on a second target!
Don't be retarded, guilds don't belong in the op.
Fuck off retarded anglo.