Unknown part quiz time faggots

that is this fucking thing?
from a 93 gs300
not a power steering module

Random electronic sensor.

Why the fuck do you need to know?

>electronic sensor
i've got to put it on craigslist its the last of a box of junk i want to sell
thanks user

It's a muffler bearing

I think its the vsc computer or the abs computer don't quote me on this though

I agree with ABS. not expert either.


its the fuel pump ecu. I'm very certain.

fuel pump ecu

Now guess what block this is


naww think shittier

is it some variation of ford v6?


had to be, that casting is horrible lol





Is there perchance a part number on the object that you have chosen to conceal from us?

Also, photo of connector pins will give us some idea of how complex a part it is.

airconditioning resistor something

Fan Control Module?

It's a module.

Why don't you google the part number you fucking hopeless neet