OT: eyosongive.us
Reminder that we're in day 2 of the Ranked Only Flash contest!
Rules page: eyosongive.us/poll.php
Standings: docs.google.com
OT: eyosongive.us
Reminder that we're in day 2 of the Ranked Only Flash contest!
Rules page: eyosongive.us/poll.php
Standings: docs.google.com
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First for Lulufags needing their own containment board.
2 hp edition
wew lad
Threadly reminder that YamatoCannon is 20
Sometimes when I see pics like this I wonder how much does Nocturne hate himself for having no sexual organs.
Your ranked only flash contest is fucking shit.
>no soraka nerfs in sight
Is he going to be kicked from the team for that massive fuckup?
10th for lulu buffs when
nah he's gonna commit korean sudoku
>mfw watching tobias fate's stream
what a shit show
what a great stream
I don't get the lulu fags. They obsess over a purple midget who has the mind of a 5 year old.
If you want a fuckable loli annie exists.
>kick the second/best jungler in the world from your team because he misssmited by 2 HP
Life insurance + car accident.
this kid is literally retarded id rather watch qtpie
xth for top Soraka ruining yet another game
There's a difference between people that like lolis and the turbo autists that are much closer to furfags and people like chris-chan
>not watching eu lcs
kek. What a retard. I bet he has a fag dad, too.
what's so shit show about it
he's a great GP but he seems like an ass desu
It's the same for Jinx. They crave le randumb penguin of d00m so much they lower their standards abyssmaly altough better alternatives exist
tfw you'll never play with meriipu
Stop replying to yourself nigger.
Kill yourself at your earliest convenience
which serverrr
>watching europoors
Shit taste, Abdul
>draven impersonates tyler1 by going afk and cries about getting KS'd
>tobias gets him back into the game by talking shit about lb and the rest of the team
>tobias literally carries the whole team and goes like over 19 kills and few deaths
hah, that was pretty sweet
does rylais apply a slow on nunus ult that stacks with the area slow? or does it only apply after
>Getting S+ on Braum
feels goodman, just don't die and you can get that sweet S+ on a support
>Dortte Dort!
My sides. Also stop samefagging.
holy shit for some reason that made me laugh really hard
eune >:(
>does rylais apply a slow on nunus ult
>Yorick rework
>Warwick rework
Hit me up Riot baby, I'm ready for anything.
>tune in
I just like to laugh at their plays and cringe-inducing "comedy" segments.
I have an eune account user
itis my highest ranked one
for what that is worth on a server like eune
rylai apply the slow once the damage is done
basically the only time rylai procs for nunu is when his ult damages someone
On a scale of 1 to 10 how cancerous will Yorick's rework be? Fiora-tier? Poppy-tier?
are there even any people around on euw?
my sides
Umm... she's already getting buffs
they showed some "upcoming changes" trailer and lulu was confirmed to get buffs
whoa nice champion diversity, they swapped lucian with jhin
nemesis is fun little did they know im a nunu mid master
>Warwick rework
I fucking hate this.
First riot removes my point and click stun from taric now they want to change the jungle wolf of zero mechanics that shot me into plat.
Warwick is fine the way he is.
I'm hoping for Sion tier. I'm expecting Ryze tier.
>dodge central
>2 hour dodging penalty
I hope he can be a jungler. I'm pretty sure he'll be jungler as secondary role because he'll be top laner but I hope he's pretty fun to play.
>2hp taric
Is 2 the unlucky number today or something?
>everyone just standing there like a bunch of retards
i'm P sure the only damage you where taking was from sona's Q and twitches hurricane
>when the jungler gives your laner double buffs at 5 minutes
>when your team tries to fight 3v5 for some reason
>when they start bitching at your jungler and they bitch back
Are you still afraid of ranked?
Post songs so chill your heartrate drops to 10bpm Or just post whatever you're listening to that works.
I remember seeing a post a little bit ago about an user complaining that LCS is boring shit and it's only the same 20 pool of champs that gets played. Turns out he was right.
On repeat
>those teams
What kind of bizzaro world do you live in where you don't get drafted 4 supports v 4 support with aatrox and yorick ?
Just tuned into the game and saw Taric. Haven't followed esports in a few months, so is Taric played commonly in LCS now? I figured his ult would be fairly useless in well-coordinated teams.
pick kog, mute all and farm jungle. so comfy
More like when he Q's something or from snowball ludens procs
So you know riots recent trend to give new champions and reworks an aoe of an already existing ult? Yeah it'll be something stupid like his ult is now an aoe zilean ult
This is truly chill
>filthy frank
Underaged cancer detected.
>Picks morde top to stress off
>Get W first
>It shreds the enemy HP anytime he attempts to CS
>Get phantom dragon
>Towers get wrecked
Why nobody plays morde again?
I like this. Is there a pure instrumental version?
I mean Titanfall 2 beta pissed me off so probably.
God, I cringe whenever someone makes a post that asks for songs. Lolg has such shit taste in music it's almost unbelievable.
GOAT OST for a F2P game desu
>not posting your own music so we can laugh at you
what a fag
>tfw they pick thresh for your team but the guy who got is is actually mastery 7 thresh
is account bro alive?
they removed the 1 2 3 death boop and became CRIPPLINGLY boring because of it
You can hide the post and not be a whiny cunt about it
>T. I have awful music taste and Im going to try to hide that by insulting others
fucking saved
>I M P L Y I N G
>tfw I realize I've been playing this game for over 5 years now
>tfw I'll never truly get gud at my favorite champion
Holy shit you're such a fucking dumbass, you know that? You are the bottom of the Earth. The people nobody wants to talk to. You spend so much time listening to shitty music yet you think it's good. You spend your time obsessing about people and posting them on the internet to look cool yet in reality if people in real life saw that what would they think? They think you were a loser, you fucking loser. You aren't interested in starting a discussion with me? It's probably because you don't even know how. I'm not retarded, I'm telling the truth. Know what you're doing before you do it. The way you're acting now is so childish I can't even begin to explain. Listen to a mature record that isn't a totally exaggerated mess of emotions and poor musical merit. Which is what you listen to now. How about some avant-garde jazz? Try A Love Supreme, it's pretty entry level. You probably won't get it though because you're a worthless sack of shit. You will never amount to anything in life. Go outside, take a walk, don't think about your edgy so deep music for once. Once you've done that, come back and try to look at what you're doing right now. Maybe after a few times you'll see that you're a complete child and need to improve. Or maybe you have a serious mental issue. Maybe Autism? I'm guessing that's it. Seek a doctor or therapy to help that out. Or maybe you don't. Maybe you're just a close minded retard with no understanding of anything at all.
Don't even try to bring this argument anywhere else. I won't respond, or I'll think of something to get you mad since you're easily made upset. This discussion is over, sorry loser.
I love the Church OST.
I'm thinking of rolling an EK character. I died to an overtuned boss from the corrupted zones. That shit hurt.
Just this one, but it's not really the same
I don't know where I found it and haven't found it again but it's the absolute best
>wah I don't get to kill anyone
>wah I don't get to engage
>wah I don't get to chunk healthbars
>wah why is this champion shit and why do people like this shit champion that I don't like because she is shit
LCS? More like every competitive tourny. If you want to win, you have to pick the strongest meta champions.
>secure dragon ghost
>bring it to lane
>command it to attack the tower
>it keeps spinning around, switching between the turret and minions
>never attacks
>meanwhile tanking turret shots
Ebin. Riot's pet AI is a fucking joke, of course the dragon ghost was a retarded idea in the first place, courtesy of CertainlyTard.
>rolling a new character
>instead of waiting for atlas of worlds