I'm upset because good majority of you are liars, and I fucking hate liars. You mock and insult people all day long, when they tell you to fuck off you hide under the guise of "critcism", which is bullshit.
You don't give a damn about whether or not the character improves, very few of you, if any at all spend time giving real, thoughtful criticism. If you decide you hate someone for whatever trivial reason you just shitpost about them endlessly until you get tired or leave.
If by chance someone does take your criticism, whether or not they recieve a positve receptions afterwards is completely up to user's mood. Time and time again I've seen blatant lying and deceit where anons will fabricate silly-ass stories for the sole purpose of justifying their autistic hatred.
You because can't just leave well enough alone, because you can't see something you don't like and not be a tremendous asshole. Because you can't not be a self-righteous douchebag that thinks his opinion is some great, mighty fucking weapon. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion, especially not some anonymous coward whose advice is mediocre at best.
I've never seen a work of true genius, or a work I'd even consider decent come out from the "criticism" anons give. We have guides in the OP, we have guides on google, there's nothing that pea-sized brain of yours can give that we don't already have or need.
The narrative here is real fucking basic, so I'll sum it up. You're a pretender and a liar, you aren't fooling me or yourself. You're a miserable douchebag that gets off on trying to piss other people off because you know we can't stop you. That's all you fucking do, that's all this thread ever is save for a few hours in the day.
It's just a huge orgy of miserable cunts deceiving themselves into some self-appointed state of superiority.
It's a joke, and so is your worthless advice.