No Man's Sky General - /nmsg/

18 quintillion people and I make the thread on my phone

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cant wait for the free dlcs'

say that to my face

He knows

Post your ships, lads.

This is my little trading/exploring vessel.
It ain't the flashiest looking ship, but it has state of the art pulse engines and hyperdrive capabilities.
Not too handy in a fight, though, so I've opted to maxmimize the shields instead.
You'll usually find me out on barren/dead planets harvesting gravintino balls to sell on the black market.

nth for mushroom creatures

Where has the general been?


This new patch made the fps drops worse. This shit's ridiculous. At 10 hours, debating refund

Once you realize that this game was made by an engine programmer and an environment artist. Then the final product is exactly what you would expect.

A big open world, without any actual game in it.

They just do not have an actual game designer at Hello Games.

>not even in top 10 most played games barely a week out of release
>less players than rust
>less players than ark: bugvival shitvolved


Considering it's not really a game, it's surprising anyone still plays at all.

Clicker Hero is infinitely better, because unlike NMS it has real gameplay mechanics.

current ship......looking for something new but all the crashed ones suck

>people were saying this was going to be what Spore was going to be

Is it better or worse?

I'd say worse

better but still bad

looks like a food delivery truck

Are you guys serious?

I know Spore was bad but most of the features Sean promised Spore was capable of, plus a bunch of extra shit before the space travel.

where can i download the patch for pc?


woah, and I thought MGSV missing episode 51 was bad.

>spore was capable of

user spore was several different games set up as "stages" NMS isn't even comparable apart from being procedurally generated.

I'm talking about the space portion exclusively.

Creature/planet variation, terraforming, commerce, able to kill everyone, diplomacy, weird planets.

Spore was bad, but it wasn't this bad.

Spore couldn't do 99% the shit that was promised, even the space portion. Portals, procedurally generated interiors/exteriors, axis rotation, atmospheric simulation, a hidden crafting system, the list goes on.

>general was popular as shit 2 days ago
>now no one

I've been told this game is sort of Star Trek-ish and I am a Trekker. Would I enjoy the game based on that?

at least you guy sare sane.

/mgg/ says hi

Nope, it'll only disappoint you

It's an infinite game world with no game in it.

It's not surprising that it died within a week.

>This user account has been deleted

Why aren't you'll cowards playing Empyrion yet? It's the game No Man's Sky promised to be.

It's graphically worse than Tribes.

It's a post card simulator made out of a tech demo. It's comfy as fuck but there's nothing to do until modders deliver the game that was promised.

So, graphically better than Low Resolution Sky?

Almost looks like a ship you could live in for a few months at a time unlike most which are just fighter cockpit on top of a tube.

I wish ship models weren't just cosmetic.

Resolution means jack shit when your art direction is comparable to toilet paper after I wipe my ass.

Are you talking about No Man's Repeating textures and procedurally generated wax sculptures, or Empyrion for the PS1?

>complaining about repeating textures when trying to defend this

Is that the prototype of Halo CE for Mac?

>we used to get hyped for games looking like this

Don't get me wrong, I think they both look terrible. However I'd still take that sand texture over No Man's Sky's water texture.

Just downloaded a mod that removes the lighting on edged objects, and holy shit it looks so much better, plus I can finally use my headlamp thing.

I'll post a picture soon.

I posted regularly on /mgg/ I can't imagine how it's going right now.
>Are we gonna discus SurviVe?
>But it's not Kojimbo's game!
>But some of us like it!
>You're a fucking dumbass stop liking it!

nu-male's sky general




Does somebody have the image showing off the different type of star systems and what their colors mean?

Why am I still playing this game?

Because it's good and it became a meme to hate it

So I was trying to blow up a freighter and a giant Sentinel starship shows up to presumably fuck my shit up, then it just disappears.

Its this a bug or something? I couldn't actually destroy the freighter so being blown up by a massive ship was the next best thing and I was denied.


Turning off the lamps actually make the game darker, plus the ambient blue lights make everything so comfy.

Wish I had known every single thing would need repair when moving to the next galaxy, would have stocked up a bit more. Took a while to get shit fixed. At least I landed in a Gek system so wasn't so hard to farm crashed ships.

I am about 10 hours in. I am just being stubborn at this point because I don't want money to be wasted. Meh.

I was not on the hype train, so I didn't know what all was missing. To me, this game fails because it is an EXPLORATION game with NO MAPPING AND WAYPOINT SYSTEM.

Do these bitches know anything about exploration games?

You want us to catalog the whole planet, but give us no way to know where we've not been or how to return to where we have?

Or no visible cues to see if a plant/animal has been cataloged without trying to rescan it?

How about your beacons that tell us to go 15 minutes away with no info other than "Shelter" on the waypoint, only to find out you've already uncovered it?

And this is before I even got my ass into space. This is just the terrestrial portion of the game. Holy shit, that is so bad. NMS fails at the core to do the only job it was designed for - exploration.

maybe warping into a ship killed the crew

it's nice having actual darkness in the game where you need to use your flashlight

The waypoint system is being reworked. They're aware.

I hope they also let us open up a local map of the planet, I know the game is about exploration but for fucks sae I'd like to leave a marker on a recently visited area so I can come back to it.

Add some Fog of War if they don't want me seeing everything on the planet.
Or just give me 1000u on the map maximum.

You can scan buildings to have a marker set on them. Not that you can remove it afterwards.

Scan with the F Scanner? They really needed to give us a tutorial for these things.
Thanks though.

>I hope they also let us open up a local map of the planet

Even spore was able to make maps of random generated planets. so that shouldn't be a problem really. I could even do without first-person-visible waypoints/GPS if they just give me a map with a little dot showing where I am, and other "???" dots showing landmarks with descriptions that show up as you discover what they are. Don't need anything fancy. We explorers have been doing this shit for a long time. Get the map in there first, then start trying to fix your retarded waypoint system.

While you're at it, make revamp all the waypoint icons and their visibility, especially the way you put that 1 primary waypoint icon right next to the gun cursor and lock it there, so half the time I shoot at something I am using the much-more-visible static waypoint in the center of the screen instead of the aiming marker.

Yeah, just like you'd scan anything else.

So you basically need some form of autism to enjoy this game?

I'm not autistic but I do love repetitive gameplay that produces new results.
It's like gambling.
>maybe this system will have a good ship
>maybe this base wll have a better multi-tool

If you enjoy grinding then it's a good game. Also if you're on PC you have access to mods, some of which are already quite decent for QoL.

My first born to the person who makes a mod to hide grass. It's ugly as hell, obscures objects hidden in it, and probably accounts for 15fps. Heavy price to pay for a little scenery, and we need some desert planets.


>have to be right in the landing pad's asshole for the crosshairs to show up
>at that point it doesn't even matter since pressing E will automatically make you land right on it

wait you can actually select landing pads? i just spam c while above it with a 1/4 chance of landing on the pad

I'm going to post the coolest things i've found on my run

Fuck me the performance of this game is shocking.

I know my GTX 570 is old but I thought I could still play it on low settings. But no.

Thanks fuck that I pirated this piece of shit.

Also the interface of the game is shit. Holding the left click or E all the time is painful.

It has no tutorials.

You just upgrade shit to get more shit faster.

Why is this game even allowed a general?

So was there a patch released yet? Is there any point to using the experimental build now?

you just need to estimate your position
if you're near it, your ship will fly towards it and land on it


I have a 750 ti and I have 30 fps almost everywhere.
Dips to 20 and even 10fps sometimes.

Highest I've had was 45 in space stations and 60fps if I just look up.

I've lost the marker, but I know now when it's supposed to show up, so I never miss a landing.

>Clicker Hero
Not Touch my Katamari master race


>Age: Fluctuating

Nigga what?


Wtf happened? No thread for a day. I was getting worried people didn't.. *gasp* like the game or something



its a space jellyfish, even some jellyfish on earth can regenerate and become younger.

oh boy, if only

We all predicted it would die in a week. There's no actual game here.


at 5:41

hoo boy

I'm pretty upset because I'm a huge survival sandbox guy. WE don't get many of those. I've exhausted Minecraft, had my run with DayZ years ago, and I think I'm done with Ark.

So I was really hoping to move to the next good one and this didnt' turn out to be it.


God damnit i cant get out of this system. Can't find the blueprint for antimatter anywhere. On top of that the game keeps crashing. Might have to just go back to ps4


>what we're building

He talks as if it's more than just a random algorithm code they programmed. They didn't "build" shit.

I use a top of the line MSI gaming laptop (lolgaminglaptop) and I keep Textures on high, with everything else bottomed out, at 720p. Framerate is still shit. For as ugly as this game is, there is no excuse for this performance. I pull 60FPS with GTA5 on 'High' settings (not ultra).

Also, anyone know what the point of feeding wildlife is? I gave this guy a smiley face, because bitches love smiley faces. But I can't see any other changes aside from the smiley. That was 25 carbon.


>huge survival sandbox guy

Sorry about your luck.

DayZ never became what it truly could have, and I don't think Ark ever will either.

The problem with this genre is how many different systems that each survival sandbox game needs to be an actual game.


Ark suffered from one similar problem as this game - Frame rates are complete shit relative to what's actually on the screen. AAA titles are much, much better optimized. These indie people don't seem to know how to tighten up those graphics.

I could never do ARK. It was like the most elaborate lumberjack simulator I've ever played. That's it.

"I found an ocean which was really deep, and my suit couldn't handle reaching the bottom. I could scan and see something was down there, but it was quite dark. I dived down and ended up drowning."

They can shit minerals.

I don't get these buildings anyway, sometimes they're edgy fanfic shit and other times it's trying to make sense of a planet with no life.

Ark is almost like No Man's Sky but it has about 100 more features.

ARK isn't indie, it's also being funded by Sony. The difference is they don't have 15 people trying to make a galaxy, they have like 70 trying to make an island.

The optimization is fucking awful though, you're right. I checked out ages ago and I'm not coming back until it's final.

>those nasty untrimmed feet lied to us all


the fuck