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holy fucking shit the log-out trick is fucking perfect

Are warlocks really shitty or is it worth playing through and trying to persevere?

invasions are fucking boring

Mods delete this thread it was made by Ralph aka the anally devastated ban evading fat gay greek furfag

How fast can you level from 1?

>vol'jin's tusk breaks clean off just from falling over
Shoulda drank his milk.

>cant get hyped

help me pick a class lads, WW monk or feral druid?

tuning isn't finished

>shitposting pastebins made it to the op

we did it lads

For Gul'dan and the extermination of faggot races.

If only we could kill blood elves too

Play them and decide, if you havent played them before and werent as attached to the old design you might enjoy it

What's this trick?

What does it do?

>tfw no Khadgar bf

fast, just tag elites too.

I've gone from 19 to 24 in a few minutes

>thinks calling it that will help when Blizzard bans for exploiting

got an alt? go to invasion area, do stage 1 and 2, log out, repeat

you get a ton of xp. Also do stage 3 too if you're 60+

>not Medivh or Kil'Jaiden
Are you even sub, fucking faggot?

I do it old fashioned as well. I have never gone out and sought ERP for the sake of cybering, as I can't get off on it or anything (whatever the standard ERPers do).
I always let it happen as part of a storyline, a neat little addition as it brings and ties characters together and gives ample opportunity for insiders (I dont do in out done). I weirdly enough dont even have a problem roleplaying fems sucking dick as I dont associate with the characters as opposed as to when I tried cybering/ERPing for the sake of rubbing one out.
I am weird like that.

Whatever floats anyone's boat. If people like to cyber as the hot lesbian nelf, please, by all means go ahead. But dont drag me into your badly executed tho highly perverted quickie.

Can't you just leave the zone?

Summoning Pylietz

RP folk here, still up for conversation/questions.

Pic Related. What Draenei brought to the Alliance. [/Spoiler]

feral because its broken and will always be

ww if you like fun and funny artifact abilites

What does it do? Do you log right back in..? I don't get it.

>leave zone vs instantly log out and back in

>Being a pure asshole back and forth
>Or being a hopeless furry
Your choice

WW is pretty fun and hasn't been hit by pruning too hard

mfw going disc because all my friends refuse to play healer

if you get enjoyment out of killing lowies that just wanna do invasions you should seriously kill yourself

Reminder that if you're a caster that's not an arcane mage, you are a paltry purveyor of parlor tricks.

I miss Have Group, Will Travel

How do you cope with the fact that most Draenei are played as dumbfuck or autistic levels of intellect smart wisecrackers that are only topped by Pandaren Monks?
How do you cope with them always being portrayed as emotionless peacekeepers that have nothing but the Legion driving them forward?
(I am aware there are rare exceptions.)

>Healer cuck

Leveling is.

>add Pylietz
>get bullied as soon as I log in

I just wanted to make friends.

yes log back immediately and you get into a new phase that starts at the beginning or middle of stage 1 and just repeat stage 1 and 2. You get a lot of xp

Do stage 1 and 2 while tagging EVERYTHING so you get max Xp.

After stage 3 starts log out and back in, it puts you in a new instance back at stage 1. Repeat until your eyes bleed.

You're on bitch duty then

>playing the objectively worst healing spec

Fuck you user, I'll love my husbando until the day I die.

Seems like you enjoy getting blamed you disgusting masochist

what up kid

>server marked low
>queues every evening
>long ass queues during weekend
This game was better dead.

>loving a nerd with humor whos afraid of real magic
Sure go ahead

Yeah m8, i am taking Gul'dan's "parlor tricks" over you spamming a slow cast spell anytime ;^)

Gul'dan also make people explode into beautiful fireworks so visually they are also better.

Embrace the fel today :D

>not Gul'dan

that's a cool tmog, what pieces are those?


Feral is far too hard to play at min/max

Like it's absolutely too hard, during a raid or intense PvP fight having everything min/maxed is almost impossible to cope with

If you wanna play a druid go right ahead but playing JUST a feral is a bad idea unless you understand just how awkward and hard it is to play well when other classes are literally just 1234 1234 1234 and do more dmg


What are the best addons for a new healer?

Thats mage T8

I don't care if Wrathion's a fag if it means Anduin gets to ride a black dragon into battle, holy fire and dragon fire scorching the enemies of the Light from above

>no warlocks around in Legion because warlocks are garbage
>no summons anywhere

I'm upsetti

shit would be tits in a cinematic

I cope with it, knowing that they will grow out of it.

Seeing them as stoic Vindicators or highly holy Priests (or Anchorites), is just because they've seen the outer layer and assume that's all there is to it.

The worst are those who RP as idiotic, or naive Draenei, who behave like children.

They're all thousands of years old, if not hundreds.

If they do have kids or young ones, why would you even want to RP as that because they'd be sheltered away in the exodar and taught day in day out by velen, nobundo or whoever.

I can overlook the former, the latter not so much.

If they want to RP a naive and kooky individual, play a gnome I say.

>go to bed
>wake up
>greek neckbeard still here

How autistic can you be?

Most fun class in BG's?

>That feeling when you get dragged into an RP by accident because you rolled a Worgen and would up in Darnassus at the wrong time.
>End up having to babysit someone that plays as a Nelf rogue that literally wants to do nothing but be a pirate.
>Keeps nearly getting herself killed so I keep saving her.
>Eventually run into some preist that wants to stop us from being dipshits, realises that the Nelf is batshit crazy and becomes dedicated to keeping her alive.
>Preist thinks we need help so get a ret pally buddy to tag along, keeps trying to stop her from going full pirate, helps me out in the fights the Nelf keeps getting us into.
>Mage joins the group because it looks like fun.
>Charge through the Barrens when the Nelf gets stuck on the other side.
>Make a break to Ratchet so we can escape to BB while the entire Northern Barrens is trying to kill us.

It was a wild ride.

Your emo phase makes me feel embarrassed for you

Guldan is, and always was, a tool
Just like you

>tfw cumming inside a healsluts mouth

you stealin my bit?

Anduin is now Ed from FMA:B


more like BALDass distribution lmbo fag

But i liked Gul'dan before the drama.

The reason i like him so much is because he is free of stupid shit like morality and honor which makes him completely practical.

While at the same team clearly sees his emotions and admits he kills his enemies for his satisfaction instead of making up arguments and justifications.

So for him, it was purely a profit based deal.

And dont dare say anything about WoD because he summoned FUCKING ARCHIMONDE and the legion failed.

Night Elves don't have blue eyes.

They have silver eyes.
Night elves of noble origins had golden eyes.

That picture is so trolly, even in subtle ways.


God the Warlords raids are boring as fuck.

Please tell me there's more variety for the raids and dungeons coming up.

is huns bald?

I thought this was just a meme.

Someone posted a link to hentai-foundry today with some Alexstrasza fanfic whatever. Repost please.

I bought the fucking game already holy shit

no shes not, they are trolls

very bald
gnome levels of bald

We get to finally break Gul'dan's face into an unrecognizable pulp so there's that

>its not a phase, mom!
>thats who I really am!

Nope ...hic!

yea senpai

Incantations that take a longer time tend to be more powerful, fel pleb

How is that related?

>This shouldn't take long

Moon Guard is the dumping ground for shit RPers and ERPers.

user, why would we lie to you?

troll ignore this troll noob


But you have to admit the add looks somewhat cool

Try to decide between Hunter and Paladin for my journey to 110, any opinions on which one will be more fun? Could also use help deciding on professions, been out of the loop for too long.

Spotted the LFR hero.
HFC is an acceptable criticism though

It's not, I just felt like posting it.

All RPers are shit. WrA is the dumping ground for tumblr elitists who pretend they are their character irl

MG is for fun, WrA is for suicide-tier high school drame


>go to kill hogger
>lv100 demon hunter swoops down and one shots him before I can aggro
>this happens several times, same guy

It'll be in a green and black location with occasional fires won't it...


Found him and said hi.
was me




welcome to zombo com

Hunter is super dull.

Goddamnit, I rolled WrA thinking it was chill RP :(

>he thinks Gul'dan will die


