rate my crypto portfolio
Rate my crypto portfolio
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where the fuck are you actual BTC? I hope you own the majority of crypto in a local BTC wallet
>inb4 im all in on alts
>This is what a shitcoin holders portfolio actually looks like.
Is the shitcoin revolution over?
Sell the crap and buy more ETH.
You're welcome
You really should sell some eth and get XRP
Too late to get on the XRP train atm
Best + safest move right now would be buying XMR and selling tomorrow/the next day for a +5-10% when the XRP hype is over and it recovers
POT to the moon
Zoom Out
On which?
i think potcoin is a good bet since marijuana stocks are a meme right now.
top kek
Bad choices
I would take out DCR (only good if you are staking), LBC, BLOCK, POT
So you are saying DCR is bought for staking? How to stake dcr?
diversify (2 BTC worth of my ETH and BTC are loaned out btw)
stop accepting shitty interest rates and we wont get them anymore.
Better than nothing. It's about 15% APR
Bitcoin is like a spa resort in the 1950s. Everybody loved the place when it first opened. But since then the water spring has run dry and the place ain't what it used to be, but people still go to the spa based on name recognition alone.
BTC just simply does not allow for complex merchant/buyer interactions. Ethereum makes bitcoin look like an alt. I'm not saying Ethereum in particular is the future, but I am saying that the smart contract technology is most certainly the future.
Watch this video and grow wiser by the second
>he bought ETH at the peak
Lol my ETH is all from the ico
At what price did you get in on ETH and AMP?
Seems fairly terrible desu. Are you at a profit or loss?
kys retard
has he ever had sex?
is he the next elon muskrat?
seriously whats going on here. is he gay? or just a super nerd?
do ppl actually use ethereum contracts?
also.... why not just write a program that lets u do contracts with real currencies? and also does currency exchange for REAL currencies?
not that i dont think new currencies aren't cool and everything...
The whole point is its a trustless network governed by a proof of work consensus protocol. It won't work with normal currencies.
>why not just write a program that lets u do contracts with real currencies?
The groundbreaking revolution of ethereum is that you don't have to trust a single person. For instance, who is running that contract program? What computer is it running on? Can you trust them not to just unplug the program if it's not working out for them? Can you trust them to have access to everyone's money? Of course, if you write up a contract and you make it legally binding then you aren't trusting the person but you are trusting the US government. With Ethereum, you are only trusting the laws of physics, there is no "trust" whatsoever and you can make any deal with anyone around the world without fear of anything going wrong. The system is decentralized, your smart contract runs on everyone's computer and everyone needs to get the exact same result. And there is an added benifit that you can make these contracts run automomously.
I mean you could program contract with regular currency, you would need a record keeping system which would use blockchain tech, it would be very similar to ethereum
There is a way to make smart contracts in "real currencies" like USD. Vitalik touches on this in the video. You could create a USD "coin" (which would really just be an ethereum Contract For Difference) and you could use this "coin" exactly as you would US Dollars. You could do this for any currency in the world, so you can pay netflix exactly $5.99 without worrying about the price of ether rising or falling 10% randomly.
>do ppl actually use ethereum contracts?
Look up Ethereum dapps for a complete list.
With Ethereum, you are only trusting the laws of physics...
Don't forget Proof of Vitalik (POV)
how can u trust that someone cant just hack up these ethereal coins?
or hack the contract logic to give them infinite ethereum?
oh so u dont know?
sounds like a great investment.