>ASs to asS edition
>where do i find platoons
join the Veeky Forums channel and beg for friends
or the teamspeak at thedigit.net
>ASs to asS edition
>where do i find platoons
join the Veeky Forums channel and beg for friends
or the teamspeak at thedigit.net
First for yoshino!!!
How do I join [BRETT], is there a requirement of Hellcat games?
if i join BRETT can i get a campaign tank
shit show worst girl
is it true that watching anime makes you better at world of tanks?
nth for Hoshino
post your latest mark
>you will never ever platoon again together
what's xer name /wotg/?
>unironically using sjw propaganda pronouns
if you put in effort to remain genderneutral just ask "what is that persons name?"
I identify as an AMX 50B
from wikipedia
"A person is a being, such as a human, that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood, which in turn is defined differently by different authors in different disciplines, and by different cultures in different times and places."
this even includes furries cause personhood isnt a human attribute
and i dont identify as a shitlord so check your privilege
>112,324 gold
holy fuk, goy
He 'borrowed' most of it from his ex clan, OTTER
it's a shit result but it's a mastery nonetheless. didn't keep a screen so I had to upload the replay to get the results again.
Any tips for Škoda T 25?
It's my first autoloader tank.
making money
>Sit behind allies
>Let enemy shoot them
>Magdump while they reload
>Go sneeki brekki flank
>Mag dump in bum
>Run away
>Go somewhere else and repeat
Basics of an autloader.
Outside of that, know your average mag damage, so you can do big dick assassinations, and don't make a fool of yourself leaving a guy with m100HP while you are reloading with your dick out.
there isnt really anything you can do wrong, its really good and one of the best tier 6 at the moment
use vents and optics and work ridge lines with your 10 degrees of gun depression and good speed
you have to shot gold at some tier 7's but gladly your mag reloads in only 8 sec, so reloading your mag isnt a problem
this is a sfw board
abuse the fact that you have a hueg healthpool
>play low tier shit arty
>50% crew and stock
>can't hit shit
>friendly TD notices and reports me
wtf dude, I'm not missing on purpose.
This should be illegal.
we're making art
How do I go about selling an account
Post your favourite tier 4
perfect when i need to carry low tier friends in platoon
Covenanter / Ke-Ho
Fuck Matilda & Hetzer fags
Most overpowered T4.
Mah niggas
luchs was here
ke-ho a shit
Anyone have a sound webm of that faggot QuickyBaby splerging out over some shit player swearing and shit because he's bad?
The bastard appears to have filed a copyright claim against the Youtuber who uploaded it
t28e f30
He took the sound board down as well,
Why not both?
>Luchs for meme gun/prem spamming padding with scout MM
>Ke-Ho for a Matilda gun on a speedy light tank without scout MM
>Caring about SanicSperm
which tanks should I get if I want to be of use during clan things ?
depends on the clan things. t6,t8,t10?
T37, O-I, IS-3, T-54lt, E5, IS-7, 140, T-62A
double top gun????
that's a pwn
Covenanter with the 40mm, or the Matilda with the 2pdr.
Whats the problem, it can be as low as 4.3 seconds
>We didn't penetrate their armor
Does anyone want me for their clan? I'm orange but my stats have been improving steadily. Name is Smiling_Hetairoi.
>in the 110
>still have the shitty 122mm
>IS-3 thinks I cant pen him so sits still in front of me
>put shell after shell through his turret hatch
mfw when he shits himself and calls me a hacker.
>playing skorpion
Its replaced the E25 and Lef as the latest bullshit OP premium, I really hope the hordes of them die down I;m getting sick of 4 skorpions camping in every match.
I can't wait for the nerf
Just like they nerfed the Lef and E25? :^)
>get medal
>dont get xp for mission
reminder that youre not supposed to rush arty with your light tanks cuz that would make arty too hard for braindead ppl that dont move out of spawn
>mixing female and male crew
>that size nerf for the E25 they completed but never implemented
how do you feel about asian animated paintings?
Does the xp bonus reserve also give you bonus crew xp as you earn more xp?
i dont have a full female crew yet
im aware that the bia doesnt apply because wg is sexist
If the clan loves it then I do.
>flank isu in wz-131
>take it down to 50hp
>O-I manages to make line of sight and kills me
>enemy skorpion G kills ISU right after I die
>lost the lucky medal
smash or pass?
on the topic of clans , are there any proper clans that don't have mandatory clan war participation? I wouldn't mind joining a clan but my schedule is shit and can't join clan wars most of the time.
>ts in the OP
Why and for what purpose, goyim doesn't own it so shitpost them but please stop
Depending on EU or NA
i thought nofun is dead/dying given all the drama that took place in the past couple of days that i'm here
>just joined nofun
you got trolled
Not dead, not doing cw
>not learning the mongolian language and joining the ranks of qt RSOP unicums
my dick wants left but my heart wants right
you made it, ich-senpai
>move away from comfy basement for college
>first hours living alone
>scroll tanks
>get off
I want to play tanks, but I dont want to play tanks. what do?
are those 3 in RSOP?
Mongolian empire conquering the Muslim filth of Europe one day :(
just finished with the 13 75. do I keep it or sell it? is it bad or am I just bad?
sell it, fully upgrade the 13 90, realize that the pain is over.
neither the 13 75 nor 12t are bad imo, but the 13 90 is the assassin god of lights
>stopped playing a couple months ago
>normie clan I was in already kicked me
>tfw was in clan for 3 years
it gets powercreeped by the bulldog
also the t71 has 4 seconds longer reload but gets more alpha and is better in every other aspect if you want a 6 shot autoloader with fast reload
me again :^)
anything new important I should know about
left shortly after my precious waffle 100 got killed
you left when waffle was killed? that pretty much just happened lol, you barely missed anything
the only significant event between then and now is the skorpocalypse that's going on now
The waffles replacement can move at warp speed and is even more acurate
ok so dead game then, played about 150 games with the grille at release and I can't into hetzer tactics at tier 10
>I cant do well armored, derp tier 4 TD tactics in a tier 10 armorless sniper rifle
well I would hope not
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH what happened to the Lorr 40t
I was actually looking forward to that tank it worked well for me on the test server
Nobody likes Perrine.
it got replaced by a batchat with the same gun and a slightly longer reload. since it's a batchat the platform is a lot better now, you should be happy about this
>be poorfag
>like chinese medium tanks
>chinese premium medium costs as much as a heavy
what the fuck is up with that pricing? one of the most moronic things ive ever seen.
Because the T-34-3 has a heavy gun and it has preferential MM. :^)
>has a heavy gun
yeah but...
you are right. just saw the is-6 has worse premium pen and sees tier 10s. it's still stupid though.
German nationalism will never be on the rise again :(
Dude, IS6 has pref MM also.
>x5 on a weekend
the pubs are unbearable