you have it all wrong. Chads success with women and money is the result of being chad. If you get money you will still be an autist, but with money. Esentially Mark Suckerberg. Just save some time and get a asian hambeast wife now, then make money.
Josiah Wilson
RSD teaches that good looks and lots of money make a man feel like he deserves to mate with a hot woman. This gives him a confident, entitled attitude, which women are attracted to. You don't actually need the looks or money, but they help.
Jaxon Phillips
mz is a chad senpai. hes white . six something. ripped as fuck. went to harvard.. has billions...
Aiden Brooks
Make money and go to the gym and you will be chad
Anthony Foster
the only thing that will help you find happiness with women, is prolonged proximity with the type of women you like.
what kinda women do you like, is how you need to determine how to go about that goal.
do you like college girls, goths, preps, club whores, beach bums, biz gals, gamer gals,
once u figure out where those kinda girls hang, just go hang there matching the style and energy, put out the vibe, and play the number game.
but heres the thing bud .
Aiden Brown
>Not that good with women, I think financial success is the solution
No. You just need confidence bruh
Jack Peterson
He is now after spending millions on improving himself. if he didn't hit it big, he would be another loser like everyone else.
Robert Roberts
Don't encourage op to be a beta male orbiter. You close the deal OP or GTFO.