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xth for cockroaches.
First for fuck off weaboos take your retarded fetish to /b/
IMT vs C9 edition
Seriously going to fucking off myself
xth for POB will body Jensen
>short range for all of his abilities
>slow as fuck
>no gap closers
Riot can't seriously think this is balanced, right?
for resident jinxfriend
Put links in the op please
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Contest going right now
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don't vote for kayle
You are the only constant haha
Carry harder haha
>short range for all of his abilities
Last time I played him his Q felt pretty ridiculous to me because of the range.
yeah dude 900 range on q is so short
He does a fuckton of damage if he can get on you, has an aoe RANGED knockup and one of the few silences left in game (and its aoe as well)
Shut up, Cho is one of the few champions in this awful game that is actually balanced.
Breast waifu
It's easy as fuck to dodge it, though. The radius is ridiculously small. What's the point of it when it hits straight in from of him and there's a lag? Anyone can fucking dodge it without even trying.
i pick cho whenever i have to mid
hes only champ i win my lanes on
reminder to play /bestassassin/
>no gap closers
>gets kited to hell
He's fucking useless by himself
So what? Its still a fucking long ranged aoe knockup on a short cd. It's supposed to be easy to dodge because the reward for landing it is so high you shitter
>shitton of aoe cc
>huge AP scaling
>can one shot most squishies
>a fuckton of hp
Riot can't seriously think this is balanced, right?
Is there any better feeling than carrying the fuck out of your final game in your series?
Out of silver shitter status now boys
>adrian flashes away and lets wildturtle die instead
really makes you think
IMT choking as expected.
On baby champ tho
kek, I NEVER see anyone play him.
You guys are idiots. If he's as good as you say then everyone would be picking him.
In reality this is League of Gap Closers and Cho'gath is garbage.
He is fighting against the beta support stereotype now
more like game over hahahahaHAHAHAHA
Vladimir win rate in LCK: 41.4%
Varus win rate in LCK: 58.3%
Malzahar win rate in LCK: 72%
Damn that really makes you think doesn't it
If it was easy to hit AND hard as fuck to dodge, it would be unfair. When you're trading, you silence then Q so they can't dash out of it, and when you're teamfighting people can't always focus on one single skillshot, no matter how easy to dodge it is. Not to mention his scalings are really fucking good, he gets tanky as fuck while building damage, his sustain is ridiculous and he's safe as fuck to pick in several roles. Not to mention you don't even have the luxury of trying to trade with him in low health. Cho is perfectly fine, adding mobility to him would make him the ultimate cancer.
That's the point dumbass
In exchange he has retarded damage and cc
>he has retarded damage and CC
that are fucking impossible to hit because of how god damn slow him and his stun are. He gets kited all day as well. One mistake and you're dead.
lol pobelter flashed into that
I pray that Varus never makes it big in NA
>udyr does gates for 30 straight fucking minutes
>4 barons and 2 elders and we still cant out push him
>barely BARELY catch him just before last teamfight
if urgots ult wasnt a 44 second cd this game couldve easily been another 30 minutes
based C9 will easily 3-0 them
I didn't say he was good. He's balanced.
It's just that balanced isnt good enough in this game, you have to be insanely overpowered like ekko or gangplank to see a lot of play. Cho is at the bottom list of the champs that need attention
How do i git gud guys?
I am level 30 now and it seems like i only get paired up against shitters with way more experience than me who completely outplay me every time.
I need to practice, but how?
if you suck
Post Cute-Jinx
>he doesn't rush dead man's plate and run MS quints on the 'gath
lmaoing your life
learn to cs
learn how much damage you do
there you're now gold
Play more, duh.
Play a small pool of champs more, play a single lane more, play a lot more league.
Where is the latest episode of PTL?
most champions that are pick can just gap close their way out if they see you cast it
keep playing and you'll get placed in with people at your skill level
there's a long learning curve, there are 132 champs you know?
so you suck, ok bro that's cool, not everyone can play cho
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
youtube probably
>3rd most banned champion in LCK summer split after Nidalee and Ryze
Yeah man, Vlad is so easily counterable.. Just ban him!
post cute jinxanon
>Both Waero and Pencilbox are releasing a yordle doujin the same day and in the same event
What a good time to be a yordlefucker.
is Impact still considered a good player?
>lol git gud XD
What are you not getting? If someone sees you cast your Q they just dash away from it.
>posts Sona
Why do I feel as though that's the joke?
>that chain hitbox
i guess
Play carry champs
Focus on CS
Learn your damage and lane
That's it. It puts the game entirely in your hand
IMT got worse because of this patch.
That applies for every telegraphed skillshot in the game you fucktard. That's where prediction and setup comes in
I sincerely hope you're pretending to be retarded
yes user, no one has ever hit a cho'gath q ever in their entire life
you've truly opened my eyes!
Ok I've been away from the game for awhile so I have to ask, what the FUCK happened to Nunu? These winrates are stupid low for a champion that used to be good.
Yeah he's such a menace in LCK that he has a worse win rate than 2 mids that can be blind picked
NA and EU are definitely right about Vlad!
so you're going to ignore the 10 year long gap between the cast and the skill landing.
impact will wreck their shit in 10 minutes
Why is it that any time an AD champ feeds, they just stop grouping and resort to constant spiltpushing?
>Rageblade on Ashe
Does that still work with the new Rageblade?
(You) ________________________________________________________________
its not horrible because you get like 3 trillion autos off during one Q
the issue is that EVERY udyr does gates
What in the fuck is that?
is climbing as adc bareable if you get good or is the role just trash
C9 is just raping IMT so bad
If you duo with a support then yeah
I love playing Soraka. Finally won a ranked match after a losing streak.
Been having some decent success with Cait. Hurricane with IE and Dominik's gives her retarded damage in teamfights.
only cute or crazy cosplays :3
>not even 1k gold defecit
>even in trurrets
>even in kills
Yea, okay.
do you ever get good skins from boxes or is it always old crappy skins
just let the c9 cucks believe
>0/9 morg
>trist built bork after winning lane
cant imagine why you won
Yes because you have 2 asses to kick botlane so if you do you can win that way.
Does this qualify?
I queue up as ADC and climb consistently. You have to be good and pick good champs.
Why argue with him? Ignore people who don't keep up with LCK
>clown 9
Fine. I guess it does.
lol c9 overextended
dotard here, why do you guys like watching professional League? Out of habit? The lack of active items and homogenized characters seems dull.
>clown 9
Watching Impact play GP after watching Smeb play GP is like watching Saltyteemo compared to Tobias Fate
He's almost as bad as Darshan at him
IMT got lucky there
Dumb question: Does Rageblade apply Fervor twice?