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CURRENT UPDATE: The Silver Grove
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I impregnated Nezha, fag
Don't bother posting
Titania is cute.
Titania is fucking useless imo her only viable point is razorwing with melee since there you are at least somewhat fast. Srsly she needs more evasion more hp/shield and more speed and companions need to work in razorwinge mode.
She is a cute.
i found this
>her only viable point is razorwing with melee
Are you faggots just too much of an alpha to actually support your squad or something?
This is a blue board, so I can't show you proof of my cum leaking out of his asshole
moving sideways is faster than moving forward, for some reason
threadly remind that if you're not a Dragon, you're a shitter
There has to be other players here who've tried Titania already. What do you think of her?
not yet son
you gotta keep on trying
but kudos on the earnest effort
Very cute.
>when nobody posts a good name
This is fun
Also should I rush Titania I want to play with her so badly, I want to know if its worth it
>when youre a spoonfeeder
it's only 50 plat
do it
You have serious self restraint problems.
But if we didn't then we'd stop playing this fucking shit game so go ahead.
He's not on birth control
I impregnated him by shooting my semen deep inside his boypussy
Not sure how you're trying to insult me here, but okay.
The abilities that depend on duration have way too much leeway. Expect that to get nerfed.
Expect 1 to have a limit on how many enemies you can float.
Her crowdcontrol and buff drops are amazing but everything is just shit.
>He's not on birth control
what a filthy and impure slut
What the fuck is up with Archwing Rush? I just sprinted fullspeed ahead as an Itzal, and never even saw the fucking target
how to cheese sortie 3
He just wants to be taken responsibility of by a loving husband...
its doable senpai just have to get better
but the only functioning dicks in warframe are on females
I found her CC to be her weakest part, and the buffs were nothing to be amazed about since half of the buffs are worthless
Rhino tho
Your threadly reminder that Ducat Value indication for Fissure rewards STILL ISN'T A FUCKING THING.
> F U C K I N G S T I L L
> U C K I N G S T I L L
> C K I N G S T I L L
> K I N G S T I L L
> I N G S T I L L
> N G S T I L L
> G S T I L L
> S T I L L
> T I L L
> I L L
> L L
> L
I was going at full speed and Blinking as much as I could. I wasn't even bumping into obstacles that much. How is it possible without Itzal?
The buffs aren't random.
>I found her CC to be her weakest part
That's got to be bait.
Why do you think her CC is good? Her 1 has piss-poor range and I found her 3 to be incredibly buggy. Also her cast time is garbage
Can I get a name or email of a person responsible for enemies in this game?
rhino is a loli so it checks out
Resonating quake banshee, two max power / high duration rhinos, EV Trinity.
Same way you cheese everything, holds up for about 3 hours of "T4"
Rhino is a buff homo
end your life
The ability works like an ivara arrow. whatever you're aiming it will hit the ground and cast off in a radius. If you didn't build for range then don't expect it to be effective
3 will probably get tweaked.
well then his dick is nonfunctional from all the steroids
it has a 5m base range
>DE failed to update 4 items that still drop (you missed Vauban Prime BP)
>This somehow completely invalidates the rarity indicator
That's some grade-A autism going on there. DE didn't update anything that isn't currently in a relic either, but that's irrelevant to the end-of-mission indicator, as they don't drop.
He's all natural, he just lifted a lot of weights
I'd believe that if he weren't a manlet.
If only Spellbind and Lantern froze enemies right where they stand instead of letting their momentum make them fly all over the place when hit with those moves.
is it really bugged?
Yes, the aoe of the skill has 5m base range. The skill itself has a 50m base range
You go in a team of four, all with the same apothic and then go into the room. then you pray that it fucking works.
if you wishlist baro items you can buy them for plat
cast range has never mattered
5m aoe is incredibly small, hence why I said her CC is shit
>4 Vestan moss per mission
this will take a while
thanks for nothing faggot, im not into praying
however they are not called sunfire, twilight and nightfall for nothing i assume
Why don't you go find out? :^)
I don't know how you're using it but you're using it wrong/
If I'm having shit luck with getting frogslut's chest should I log out and in again to get a new session seed? My wrist tendosynivitis is fucking killing me and fuck DE.
>mr5 speaking
I just cast it at enemies. There's no secret to using it. Not even a max range build can save its shit base range
if you wishlist baro items you can buy them for plat
if you wishlist baro items you can buy them for plat
if you wishlist baro items you can buy them for plat
if you wishlist baro items you can buy them for plat
Who out of the two of us knows how it works?
>pretty unbalanced
it's still shit except for DELETED
I think Warframe is a good game.
all i know is that you dont know, mr5
and how are you suppose to wishlist something you have no access to for 5 more days? you literally just posted something that might not work and if it did will most likely get patched out sooner than you think.
Right, time to spoonfeed you then. hope your're ready, because here comes the airplane: The same specters spawn from the quest when you use the matching apothic, but they all drop the same mods anyway so it doesn't fucking matter
nerfed before you even posted it here
well atleast it wasn't one of you faggots. Almost as bad as this nigger
>piles dont work
faggot detected
What piles.
as i said, all i know is you have no idea how it works
I've told you exactly how it works. You're literally too dumb to even be spoonfed.
hi there
you havent done it yet right?
So the Archwing quest got buggest since last update, no extractors show up on the map during 3rd mission.
I have and it worked.
You fucking idiot. You can't farm the grove solo because shits bugged right now. Do it in a squad of 4 where everybody has the same apo.
will be fixed in the next hotfix
>squad of 4
and still pray for it to work
>melee attacks lower your weapon accuracy stat
What the fuck?
sleek coding
>using the scanner lowers your accuracy stat
>using the simulor, which is impossible to actually register a "hit" with, lowers your accuracy stat
Sleek coding.
I thought it was only me but apparently every has this bug.
No extraction mark for harness.
>press 4 on titania
>game dies
>tfw you want to farm more but youre too tired
u can actually register a hit with the simulor
Any explanation for this gif? Is he autistic?
He has been on /wfg/ for too long.