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Reminder that our guy Surefour is still the best dps

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hana song

Do the commendations at the end of a round do anything? I thought they gave extra XP, but I didn't see any notification about it last time I got one.

PSSSSSHT........ NOTHIN PERSONNEL........... KID............

>when she sees your dick

Nope nothing at all

Any tips for playing Genji? He's really fun to play because of how mobile he his around buildings.


Post daddies

Every single thread this faggot posts this with some shitty fanart.

Dont use his jump reset or the combo. Get ready for him post nerf

>hook a guy
>zarya shield
>freeze a guy
>zarya shield
>pin a guy
>oh you better believe that's a zarya shield

> falling for the Hanzo is bad meme

i dont play him in ranked, but he can still shit on some people in QP

If i was ingame right now i would, but i figured someone here might know. Could also be the same with a windowlicker ult

That's some solid Zarya-ing. Keep up the good work Zarya mains.

I NEED to kiss Widowmaker while holding her hand.

The combo? I know that you used to be able to do a "triple jump" because wall climbing reset your double jump but what Combo are you talking about?

>Career profile displays your final rank from S1
>Not your peak



No, but they'll make your e-penis feel HUGE.

>playing a fun game
>someone on the enemy team picks widowmaker
>no longer allowed to have fun regardless of the game's outcome because now your top priority is to run around serpentine like a fucking downie just so you don't get instakilled at your spawn

snipers ruin every single fucking multiplayer game


Does the nerf to his animation cancel even matter? Whenever I pressed RMB + Melee + Dash, the melee usually didn't do damage anyway since I wasn't in melee range 75% of the time

Who would have though, when SureFour has no hacks he's shit.

>tfw no Seagull


>noticing more leavers and more rage tryhards who suck in QP
>leave when slightly losing or afk like a babby totally giving up when you stomp them
>even in Lucio ball fuckers are getting mad in there
Is muting everyone the only way to play? When does S2 start so tryhards can fuck back off to comp?




Someone please sauce me


I have played Hanzo in the beta, and he's legitimately GoodPharah now

>Instead of the floaty flying gimmick that makes you an easy mccree target and concussive blast, you have le scatter arrow of instant death round corners and a sonic arrow to see enemies though walls

>Your projectiles are faster
>Deal more damage
>Can headshot

And best of all your ult is actually useful



Alright guys, how assblasted should I be about my qm winrate? Because I've been a freefall from 56% winrate to only 50% this month. I didnt play comp after the placements bc my internet is wonky but I hit 49, (I lost 6 of them but had the most gold medals every game)

Everything about this comic is complete cancer besides the last panel.

On headshots, yes. Exactly 250 damage.

With mercy damage boost/discord orb, deals 325 danage,

>la smug blue asswoman of longshots
Why is she so perfect?

>Gee Pharah, your mom lets you get raped by TWO Mercys?


> winning
> enemy team presses Q

Dang, outskilled


>Carry your team
>Your dead weight secondary DPS [Reaver] can't kill shit


It's just quickplay, bro

>gremlin d.va is not cancer

>qm winrate


>got sniped in the parlor
Pick PB Ape or Ninjaman lel.


Just 24.

Not very since competitive is out. QP is a fucking joke. I'm all for casual play but people aren't even playing the game half the time.


little faggot genjis no longer able to reset double jump

let's see you escape winston now you little fucking faggots

Because of her itty-bitty French titties

Satya Vaswani

>Blizzard messing with the Defense Matrix

I thought /v/ was bad. I thought this general was bad. But after looking at the Overwatch Discussion Forums it truly is the worse of them all by far.

>people are already clamoring for another nerf after Genji's
>anything that goes against the hate mob there is downvoted to oblivion and refuted with nonsense
>Subsection of D.Va mains wanting 50,000 buffs and saying the recent nerf was not justified (it was)

The fact that Blizzard balances based on these people's wants is terrible. At least here it's usually shitposting, these people are serious.

what the fuck is this

What is the appeal in stacking 5 or 6 of one hero it's not fun to play as or against. Left 4 quick plays in a row because of this.

Also still no Swiss mercy kill me.

I didnt think the .5 would be as noticeable as it was.

It's balanced now though.

>This pooper peeved about QTMaker

>I just asked did you want a drink you didn't have to laugh

>QP is a fucking joke
>CP is filled with tryhards that will screech their lungs out if you pick something that isn't the top tier meta

truly a dark time


Good it's fucking annoying.

Yeah well in my experience during the placements it didnt seem all that better from qp apart from the hero limit. I thought people there might be less retarded or at least try a bit harder/more serious

>Symmetra will never have my child

He can still has the luxury of wallclimbing away. He loses some escape routes without the third jump but not nearly all of them.

>d.va mains on the forum acting like flicking DM was the epitome of skill

Volskaya Industries
>faggot on the other team used his ult as Reaper
>got three kills
>"there is potg"
>defending the second objective
>sitting off to the side of the doorway
>BRRRRRRRRRRRRT the team as they run in aft
>team kill
>match ends in Victory
>fuckface "you guys ready to see my potg"
>It's my team kill
>"bullshit no skill bastion. you stole that potg from me"

how to fix winston ult

>widowqt will never laugh at me when I try to take her out on a date

Not nearly enough stun mechanics

Does Hana donate her money to charity?

That was really stupid until the last panel.

Have him use his e to throw barrels donkey kong style

>it's not balanced now that hitboxes have gotten worse

>When competitive started everyone said we quickplay needed some form of rules or a normal mode to be added.
>nah man it's just quickplay xD
>Competitive season ends.
>Competitive players are now bitching about the same thing that everyone has been bitching about since competitive started.

Fuckers are just taunting us at this point

So what's the deal with roadhogs 1 shot kill change? Bug or intended?
>So what's the deal with roadhogs 1 shot kill change? Bug or intended?
So what's the deal with roadhogs 1 shot kill change? Bug or intended?
>So what's the deal with roadhogs 1 shot kill change? Bug or intended?

Post em.

You get a rage bar similar to zarya. Taking damage increases your damage output during the ultimate and increases your ultimate by a few seconds if it fills completely

Someone stop me from being a Reaper main

>D.Va mains on the forum desperately trying to act as if auto-nullifying almost every nerf in the game was balanced

They don't balance for shitters, otherwise Bastion and Torbjorn would've been nerfed hard by now. They DO however baby the fuck out of casual players that don't want to admit they're bad, which is why in season 2 you can't derank out of your silver/gold/etc. tier even if you don't belong there. 90 percent of the posts on the forum are "I get gold medals every game and my teams are SO bad, Blizzard fucking fix this"

Make it do damage or let me grab people and throw them


Stopped reading there.

3 Days Until Sombra

If by "charity" you mean her Doritos and Mt.Dew sponsors then yes. Lots of it.

pharah is a lil lighter-shaded skin tone than her mum

Jack-Ana confirmed? Daddy Mammy power couple

my sides

Why main Reaper?
He's kind of a niche pick

not him but I never used the animation cancel anyways

his triple jump seriously needs to be kept though. the only thing they're accomplishing by removing triple jump is making him feel clunky and less fun for people who have been playing him since release. even if triple jump was unintended, it would be even more incompetent to remove it now than to have overlooked it before release

Where did the august 23rd date come from?

>otherwise Bastion and Torbjorn would've been nerfed hard by now.
torb was nerfed on consoles


>don't balance for shitters
>Genji nerf

Yeah he's only good when tanks are on the enemy team.

reminder that hana song has a qt dong :3
I want to suck it and worship it and let her make me her bitch

>Elo hell threads on the official forum


On Veeky Forums most of the buff/nerf suggestions are balance discussions or blatant bait.

On there it's "my main should literally be unkillable and their counter should be nerfed to the point of deletion" and "pls nerf (insert last character that wrecked their main, counter or not)"

So let me get this straight, until September 6th WHICH IS FUCKING TWO (2) WEEKS FROM NOW, the only ways I can play OW are either cancerous QP or ranked on PTR with 5 minute queues?