Fighting Games General /fgg/
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toppest fighting moms
play blazblue
give me bridget or give me death
when's poison?
i wanna smell her vagina
_______ __ ___ ______!
give it a year or two. SFV needs a lot of work.
there's a bunch of quality shit you can spend your time on while you wait.
On the scene
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
the struggle is real but dont give up
was planning on picking up guilty gear at some point, or something like that
Mai is coming to save FGs!
t. former ibuki player ;_;
i picked a different route, but im still on the journey
>this is my fetish.jpg
literally the buddhism OS
Waifufags are the cancer of videogames.
>tfw no T7 at Summer Jam
What a shame, I was looking forward to playing it.
give me bridget orgivemedeath!
I hadn't seen any serious Jam play since the buff and it's like she's a completely new character.
The biggest waifu fag makes your precious superior limb based combat games.
why are you posting pictures of a man on /fgg/?
ups guy stole it.
look for the cabinet on craigslist later.
Harada is not thinking with is dick 24/7 so he is not a waifufag in the new meaning of the word.
Well as long as the price is right I'll take one.
Wouldn't it be useless? Those cabs require 24/7 connection dont they?
gg is a good game.
xrd less than +r though.
But hey everyone who signed up for Tekken 7 at summerjam gets a beta invite!
Or probaly just some shit shirt.
All Skullgirls players will burn
All 12 of them?
most likely the EVO shirt they're getting
All 13?
please beta for t7.
I want to FUCK Meitenkun
Don't talk about him like that when he's right here.
Dolls 2v2 and 2v1 mode when?
What's the most racist fighting game? ST? Breakers? World Heroes?
after CPT
Capcom Peter Tour
Arcana Heart is the most sexist because it discriminates against males
Ultra and balrog's spooky Halloween costume of a rapper from 2005 and dee jay's watermelon pants
Meitenkun getting BLACKED by Nelson when?
karnovs revenge
>Jam eliminated
If I block a charged St HK (+2 on block) from Mika am I just going to have to accept getting command grabbed?
jump or v-reversal it
If you know she's oing to grab you could jump, backdash, do an invincible reversal or maybe even V-Reversal the HK (not sure if this works, try it)
at this point id rather have pet dogs/cats instead of a of desu
You can just jump if you think they're gonna command grab but then you need to watch if they start going for afterwards
I'm just waiting for T7 and then after that a new Soul Calibur. They're going to make a new one, right? RIGHT? :(
Karnovs is legit. Punching decals off of peoples chest and everything.
fucking pad scrubs have to cause shit all the time
So why haven't we moved to PC again? If all tournaments used PC as the standard, Japanese devs wouldn't be able to treat PC like shit.
Yea sure user
and smash will become a fighting game
Thanks friends.
b-but my soul still burns, user
why must Soul Calibur be dead? ;~;
here we go again
Street Fighter no contest.
>Use a non-standard platform as tournament standard
are you ready for the people claiming he did it on purpose
>daimon jump cd isnt a hard knockdown
>counterhit daimon jump cd doesnt wallbounce and isnt a hard knockdown
>they gave him a nice OTG super and gutted one of his only reliable hard knockdowns
it's mind-bottling that every game doesn't have tourney options to get rid of accidental pauses or share buttons
The twitter and facebook for sc are active again. It's only quiz and poll shit but that is better than the gathca mobage shit linked many months before.
Reminder to stay in rkappa.
Its funny how dota, csgo, sc2, etc have no problems but the fgc is adamant about their $400 gaming machines.
That's the point. Make PC standard.
What I don't get is how much of a gorilla you have to be to accidentally hit pause/share. Literally never happened in my life.
This is what you get for supporting a shit company like capcom that only devolves instead of advancing.
Reminder that this image was never used without shitposting. Kids like this make any reasonable arguement you may make void.
but this just happened in a guilty gear tourney
did capcom make guilty gear?
>getting everyone to buy or build identical PC's
>transporting towers
>pc has the definitive version of every game on it.
>not the tournament standard.
What are you doing fgc?
what is easier to bring to and set up at locals
a) a console + monitor
b) a desktop computer tower, monitor, mouse + keyboard
>i don't understand how software works.
that goalpost movement
Guilty Gear?
A laptop
#riseup with the #playstationnation #4theplayers
put jubei in central fiction
>there are only desktop pcs
Is this the average iq of a gay britpol?
The answer to that shitpost is mkx.
Gg rev isn't on pc.
>using a laptop for a major
If you're gonna spend money on a laptop that will flawlessly run all modern + upcoming fighting games it would cost you more than a console in the first place.
How do I find locals
>suicune mirrors
Fucking kikez made a game with a tournament mode, and he had to beg for money.
The people getting paid to make these should probably not be getting scooped by a man in his basement surrounded by porn artists.
What current version of fighting games are on PC other than SFV and T7?
>what are mini cases
Esports has revolved around pc since the beginning. Why would there be any problems now?
ok, but why did you bring capcom up?
Ehhh... Not really.
You can also make some really small form factor pcs.
>Everyones stick/pad now has to be firmware checked before every match and a tournament organizer has to plug it in for them
Jesus Christ no. And that's before attempting to standardize the hardware and GPU drivers the tournament will accept for the machines.
Would be the same price as a console+monitor.
those are the only 2 barring fightcade shit i think