>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
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Stop starting shitty early threads Lucina. We all know its you
Good thread
Cutest family
I love Sakura!
Azura is shit.
for Elise's cute butt
>generic model
Wow, no one even brought her up. Rude.
*croaks arrogantly*
What do you expect from Floracucks?
She's cute.
*puts Oboro and Kana into a cannon*
*fire emblem into brick wall and create a huge blood stain*
You lied to me. They weren't cannon.
"We have to perform a Fire Emblem: Awakening to save the world!"
Wow, really Intelligent Systems?
Pouty-face princess!
She's and Azama are among the small list of dependable non-crustacean Hoshidans.
>This is your Fire Emblem:Fates. Conquest edition Corrin,
fuck off cuck
I like Hana
Meant for
delet this
That picture looks terrible, why would you save that?
>mfw IS does to Fire Emblem what they did to Paper Mario
Nina's the best! I'd do anything for her. and to her/
Unrelated but is there a name for videos where the pixels smudge like that?
>tfw you will never be a Mokushu ninja and go absolutely wild on some stupid titty monster ninja your daiymo caught and brought back from a skirmish
Just imagine sinking your face into those bounties of hoshido.
That's my ninja wife
Should La'Slow's secondary class have been Dancer?
I really need to marry her at least once.
Literally just playing that stage now. Why does Conquest have such better stage design than Birthright.
Did they just do Conquest first and think to themselves. "Shit, we've run out of ideas for Birthright, let's just add in a fuckton of grinding to extend the game"
I just Finished conquest Endgame, but Silas died halfway through, do I do it again until everyone lives?
Cuz it's cute.
Laslow and Selena should've followed the dynamics they both had as mercenaries from Awakening in Hidden Truths 1, with Laslow being speedy and accurate and Selena being Strong and Defensive.
>DLC classes
No you restart and do the game properly.
Hey Leo just appeared.
He exists soley for the sake of the avatar, do him some honor by leaving him dead.
That item looks more like Horse Cock than Horse God.
Alright then, that concludes my Lunatic run. It wasn't that hard, Lunatic+ in Awakening was more unfair.
user I just played the game properly, THIS is the way Lunatic mode is meant to be played. By using everything the game has to offer to help the player in the hardest mode. It's you the odd one
Prince 'I hate traps' Leo
I fucking love being cucked.
*hic* f-fuckin... Nohri -*hic* nohrian... scu-m.. *Vomits*
Good thing you married [insert waifu here] then!
Is lunatic+ in Awakening actually that hard? I remember playing on lunatic and the game was easily breakable after chapter 13
It's the worst during the first couple of chapters, once you get the ball rolling it's just Lunatic mode with literally random bullshit thrown about. Counter/Luna+/Hawkeye and all that
>cheating is the way the game's meant to be played
kill yourself
It's mostly bullshit because enemies will have two of these skills, and from chapter 3 onwards also Counter, at random.
You can very easily have impossible setups and Counter triggers on the enemy turn in Awakening. So enemies can ram themselves at you and you'll still die.
cheating is something that's only based off the rules you set for youself friendo
Lunatic+ is some dumb bullshit where a map can be literally unbeatable if you get unlucky with enemy skills thanks to crap like Vantage+ and Hawkeye.
The first few chapters are hell on earth. Once thats out of the way and you've got some opportunities to grind it becomes slightly more bearable.
Rescue skipping is a worse kind of cheating because you're skipping obstacles that were meant to be played.
>vantage+ counter
>Hawkeye and Luna+
>Aegis+ Counter Generals
I am having PSTD flashbacks just from that image.
So everything is cheating to you? You wannabe elitists
Good fucking lord. I have to try this
Who's girlfriend is this?
I want to exchange bodies with her and explore it.
Bullying Sakura and her retainers!
I want to exchange bodies with her and then rape her grandma
Lissa is not for lewd
Her grand daughter and son are fair game though right?
they're already doing it, just much slower
Conquest is only 1/3rd of a game at the end of the day.(its a good one though)
sure why not
Couldn't find any info in the links, so I have to ask, I'm old FE player, played the old games before it became "Waifu Emblem" (or something) and now that I've bought a 3DS I don't know which Fire Emblem to buy, could you help me with a link or some info?
Which "old" games have you played?
Alright homos and shitposters, what am I in for?
If you're experienced with the series then do Fates Conquest. The story will make you want to drive a sword through your head but the game play is quality apart from a few shit chapters.
Is also has the best waifu (male)
NES and GBA games, never played on other consoles.
The Japanese version exclusive mode for players who want a challenging game.
Stick to Birthright Conquest will be too hard for you.
You're in for some fairly challenging chapters.
Well, is Birthright "smashing buttons" easy? Because that would turn me off.
Thanks for the tip.
fixed is for losers
Fixed mode is for the most absolute of causals and shouldn't ever have existed.
RNG is for cucks
Birthright is "Send in Ryoma and relax" easy. Do conquest
Random, prepare some rng screws.
birthright gives you a 1-2 range swordmaster in chapter 14 who can solo the entire game on lunatic
its not hard
was Ike's mom always such a qt?
>No DLC of Walhart invading Fatesworld on his interdimentional conquest
Revelations chapter 10 is literally the worst chapter in FE history fuck this map so much
Is rev even worth spending $20 on? Everyone says it's complete utter garbage but not all the maps are shit right?
It's not worth it it's so garbage unless you just want every unit
It has some great maps, but also some garbage.
Conquest has more shitty maps than Revelation.
>Actually buying Fates
how's this first level up? Ike-ish?
>An AIDS riddled niggerfag
>Best anything
Kong Quest has no bad maps, user.
Eternal Stairway.
That's the only one I can think of
Most of them are pretty shit.
The maps are gimmicky as fuck and many are built around wasting turns.
The units are horrifically unbalanced.
Plot is equally as retarded as Conquest.
>being a nigger
>tfw not a poorfag and got the SE
Feels good to support the series I love