When manually controlling cars becomes illegal what new hobby are you going to take up?
When manually controlling cars becomes illegal what new hobby are you going to take up?
fucking your mom
nothing, it'll by my grandkids problem decades away. we were supposed to run out of oil 30 years ago and have flying cars 20 years ago, shit isnt gonna happen
>what new hobby are you going to take up?
>new hobby
>implying they will become illegal in the 3rd world
Running from the automated popo by manually controlling cars, or star in some anime about vintage cars corralling automated death traps.
by then u can still enjoy them at enclosed race tracks or private properties. look at horses for example.
your grand kids would probably rather sit in their driverless cars jerking off to VR porn than driving manual anyways.
Autonomous driving will, via slot allotment, massively increase free road space. Certaon stretches of tarmac will cease to be used - and they'll be turned into recreational tracks.
That wont happen in the time you have left in your life to drive.
Why would they do that when they could put more walmarts in instead?
>Firearms (Competition 3gun, IDPA, USPSA, 2gun, Sporting Clays, long ranged precision, NRA high-powered rifle, etc)
>Animal husbandry
There's a lot for me that I'm interested in, thankfully. I live in a flyover state in the middle of BFE, so I doubt that I'll run out of shit to take up my time.
doesn't stop me from trailering it to the track
shooting myself in the head with a shotgun
Because, at some point, adding wallmarts does not increase revenue. Adding a track will.
man, I miss Dugans vids
I do too.
MS fucking sucks.
>>Expatriate to 3rd world country where rule of law does not exist
>Ride a motorcycle exclusively
>Start a new hobby involving plumbing and nitrate salts and postage stamp collection.
>Start collecting ninja caltrops as a hobby.
>Start new hobby having sex with realistic sexbot or technology that directly simulates the pleasure zones of my brain.
>All of the above but new hobby is also motorcycling and pleasuring myself the old fashioned way, with my hand, In a rebel camp in the jungles of Belize or someshit.
>Hacking into wireless, encrypted systems.
it will always be legal here in Iceland. can't automatic up a glacier
Motorcycling will be awesome when everyone's car is automated
You forgot the part where you get robed and raped in the middle of the road
Horses don't have a gang of people lobbying against them, shrieking "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" though...
When manual cars are outlawed, only outlaws will have manual cars.
Hopefully I'll be gone by then.
stop being a massive 1st worlder cuck and nobody will rob you
no matter who you are however, all arabs/indians will rape and shit on you
Horses don't destroy the planet and are not associated with hooning like cars.
>live in a country far more dangerious than India and most arab countries
its called "not being a cuck"
>"stop mounting horses, its animal abuse!"
Already been loving the boat scene more than the car scene for 6 years.
3rd world boat scene too so there are no laws, registration or yuppies to worry about so it is ALL fun
Here you go.
>hinges his entire car enthusiasm on it being manual
Hello Jalopnik.
>thinks electric cars can't be manual
>thinks manual will be outlawed in his lifetime
manually controlling tonks