League of Legends general - /lolg/


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are you retarded

>Immortals bombing another playoff semi


First for huni getting kicked.

is this huni's worst performance so far?

>B R O K E N P R O M I S E S


Does anyone know ANY classified information about the assassin update? Any playtesters/friends of employees? I'm dying to know Katarina's update.

Vlad is for sucking

Post cute barefoot females.

Nice damage Huni

montecristo, thorin, and richard lewis are in your game
your team loses
who's fault is it and why will it be yours?

I don't feel any kind of hype or pride from watching these games.
All I'm thinking is how badly NA is gonna be embarrassed at worlds playing like this, just like every other year.

>Immortals proving CC is literally retard proof.

>C9 literally throwing their corpses at Immortals nexus

where is clown 9s damage ??

>Team with Sivir does no damage with a massive lead
And this is why you pick Jhin or Ashe and nothing else. Bravo Riot you've done it again I sure love having 2 viable ADCs per season.

Huni a shit.
C9 too.

Fucking kill me, I keep losing. I might be tilting but I'll keep going. 0LP Win or Demote edition.

Place 'm!

>C9 trying to bruteforce teamfights with a disengage comp against an teamfight comp

North America does not have the culture to take video games seriously.

It's not embarrassing, just all part of the fun.

>Riot proving Inhibs are just pointless.

why did you go bond of memes instead of thundermeme on thresh

NA? You mean all the Europeans and Koreans that happened to be paid by americans against other Europeans and Koreans?

what is that tank annie build?
what role?
how good is it?


good thing rito keeps too many foreigners from playing so you get to pick from na solo queue

I miss Graves poster.

>/all gg noob ad missed ult

to be fair the only good looking NA team right now is TSM let's just hope they wont fucking potato. NA needs to win something for once or atleast place well


>WT fighting full tank Gnar instead of going for the teamfight 5v4
What the fuck?

Nigga I'm diamond 3. And I didn't say I never play off-meta junglers, its just a fact against an S tier pick you are at a slight disadvantage from the start

Cool your jets
>dissing my knowledge

What a fucking dirty game. C9 should have closed that earlier.

Lux is a cute! She enjoys holding hands, demacia and hyperscat.



The problem is Riot just don't care about anyone but Koreans in the game

They nerf and buff for Koreans.


What a game,

i was getting worried cause it started to feel like game 1 against Envy or that game against Apex weeks ago.


I feel like IMT are just trolling and C9 tryharding like turbonerds

> t. Huni

But our boys CLG took 2nd at MSI (NA's best international showing)

>esports game makes changes based on the highest level of players

Who would have thought

you must be card boosted.

I don't follow memesports regularly so I don't know much about rosters or rules. But can't they just bench Huni and replace him with some other toplaner? Teams do have subs, right?

Buff this piece of shit or just remove him Riot, we have enough cancer ranged toplaners already

c9 couldnt win with a baron push and with a elder dragon push and 10k gold lead

they will lose against any international team

I miss Graves poster too...

What the fuck is the matter with top laners? Why do they always insist on doing this shit?

>I'm diamond 3

You're trash m8

i would like to leave gold now please

No, they nerf and buff for big plays and for pub balance.

because he thinks that a 4% damage reduction (aka -40 dmg for every 1000 dmg) on his adc is a bigger deal than dealing 100+ dmg on the enemy adc during laning phase.


>Highest level of play in anything but a Spreadsheet

It's why we always get rice games and EZ CC stacking.

>Calls me d5
>Correct him by saying I'm d3
>Calls me trash

Immortals do not have subs

Wouldn't it make more sense to balance it around bronze and silver since most of the people who play the game are there?

Losing several teamfights with a 10k lead and elder dragon buff doesn't make them look very good



>not even 200cs at almost 40 minutes
you are where you fucking belong

>ok guys pick me ego ignaxio

draven is bette- wait a minute...
draw taliyah :^)

CLG will 3peat, right?


are you going to represent us in that scouting program

>let me out of gold
ye, you gotta escape those noobs and finally play with the good players on plat, right?

Yeah that was actually nice to see for once honestly
You tagged the wrong user.

Is it unfair that asians are so much smarter than white people? I think riot should give IQ tests and have a maximum you can score. It's not fair to people like meteos or sneaky that they have to compete against a superior race of humans.

It's like making a woman box a man.

Are TSM and CLG already guaranteed spots at worlds?

Toplane is a fucking boxing match my dude. Its all hard carry champions that go in deep early on to try and get a lead for the rest of the game. Most games are decided on how much your toplaner feeds.

>buffing kenen when he's running raw through solo queue
he's not as good in organized team play but he's pure aids in solo queue

> Wouldn't it make more sense to balance it around bronze and silver since most of the people who play the game are there?
No, it wouldn't. You can't have good balance for both low and high soloqueue elo. If low elo has good balance, then high elo is an unbalanced shitfest. Which means you are punishing players for being good at the game, which should never be the case.


How much does dynamic queue influence the higher elos with premades?


Yeah, if you don't have fun then you don't play the game.

Winning is fun, so you should play to win while having fun.

I've never called you d5

How are you supposed to grind wins in low elo without outskilling your opponent exponentially or playing early bullies that scale? Feels like even if I do neutral or okay, the rest of the team's just dogshit or I get carried with little impact.

Like in a loosing game, they get behind and refuse to admit they have any power in the game. One player gets behind, and we loose tower fb somewhere on the map and then the start tilting off their ass, refuse to play smart or at all, and start powerfeeding.

Or in a winning game, I end up just doing my thing, group, and shit damage, but it feels like even if i wasn't there, we'd be doing fine.

Like, i get it, 'win lane, get ahead, spread leads'. It's not a hard concept at all, but I tend to play champs that can't reliably do that well. I play the 2-3 item powerspike lategame carries. Is my champ choice wrong? I'm maining Vlad and Cassio now, and as long as the earlygame doesnt get fucking demolished, I will carry games easily from a tied or ahead gamestate, that's not ever really an issue. I also tend to also tend to have exponentially more impact than any other player on my team in loosing games, typically having the best kda and damage contribution.

Are my champ choices fucked? Should I be playing champs who have better earlygame and roaming potential? I'm masters in overwatch, I understand team based and competitive video games, but I don't understand this low elo shit at all. makes no sense at all to me. there's no baseline standard for me to judge my picks, plays, and shotcalling on because the games are so volatile.


>Most games are decided on how much your toplaner feeds
you mean how much your toplaner gets ganked

t. toplaner

clg should be guaranteed a spot at the caster desk

>ok I got it guys
>what, huni?
>get me lucian
please let it happen

Not if C9 or Immortals wins the season and CLG comes in second.

>IQ test, measures of intelligence

You know Koreans and the like are NOT the leads in any field at all right?

Autistic applicaiton of base mathematics and logic isn't very effective for actual high level design and study.

I'm looking forward to the literal hell climb of plat

he got confused, alittle too upset to respond to the right person aparantly

TSM did win Katowice 2015... but I guess nobody really counts IEMs as international events

Anyone who has a clue on how to use the Hextech Protobelt-01 item? On annie support specifically, any tips?

>How are you supposed to grind wins in low elo without outskilling your opponent exponentially or playing early bullies that scale?

how do i win the game without winning the game

Rito compromises between balancing for low and high elo. When yi was super OP bronze during the height of devourer cancer, they nerfed him even though he was no good in high elo.

pick me kennen i carry lol hola hola hola :DD

yeah thats a better choice of words


You don't get any money for winning, the only reward is fun if you are not one of the 100 turbo nerds that play as pros for 2 years before they retire

really? for me it feels like most games are decided by how much bot lane feeds.

Be alone

Did they really? dayum, slipped my mind i still hope we show up at worlds tho