Actually the main reason why people use two S/Bs to feed WM is because they bring the most hits. It can chase off anything like Front Mortar.
Isaiah Ward
When the frog is the skillsim being updated with race skills and retirement SP
Ian Wright
Oliver King
I'll see if I can't get to it tomorrow. I started on the race skills, and the retirement stuff should be easy.
Josiah Morris
my 3DS makes me want to kill myself shit build quality
Parker Morgan
Did yours broke?
Samuel Smith
I have a n3DS XL and it seems to have the most squeakiest backplate, I've replaced the fucking part like 3 times but the shit just wont stop.
Tyler Cook
Jack Butler
That's strange. Maybe is part of a fabric issue
Bentley Rivera
Yeah I'm certain it's an issue of the core 3DS itself, which is just a lesson that I should never buy a non-limited/special edition.
Anthony Cook
I had an XL where the top screen had a mm or three of movement left and right, loud enough to make a small click noise.
my Non-XL is so much better.
Oliver Myers
I have a regular black n3ds xl and is perfectly fine...maybe with the exception of the d-pad that gets clicky
Bentley Butler
_____ the potato
Hunter Nguyen
Alexander Harris
Bentley Evans
Daniel Wood
Camden Martinez
More like bury.
Ayden Foster
Get baked with
Christopher Lewis
Cameron Peterson
Nathan Watson
The general really is dying. We need more medicos in here.
Mason Lewis
How do I get past 12F? I explored the entire floor.
Carter White
Jose Bailey
>I explored the entire floor.
Well clearly you haven't since you can't find the stairs.
Ryan Martin
I did, but if won't let me go up the stairs.
Jason Cox
Pretty sure you just have to talk to the Prince or something. Lily's stopping you, right?
Jaxson Bell
EO5? You need to go back to town, talk to the council dude. Go back and collect 4 items (one in each of the 4 big rooms). Go back to the dude and it should be possible now. Or something along these lines.
If you don't want to search for the items yourself, they're at C4, E3, D5, and E7.
Wyatt Lopez
No, it's just giving me two text boxes and I have to fuck off. I explored the skellington areas to the left and right fully and the entire floor is mapped, so I dunno what I'm missing.
Jason Lee
This user here has got it. Also, one of those is accessible by a hidden shortcut. If you look at your map (assuming you haven't gotten it yet) it should be pretty easy to see where it is.
Leo Hall
Oh yeah, and I think day/night matters as well. Just make sure you've collected one each in every spot.
Grayson Scott
when etrian odyssey 2020
Adam Rogers
There's one in the top left room? I got one in the other three but there's nothing in that one.
Luis Mitchell
There is one in the top left room.
Carter Walker
Probably after Atlus realizes that theyll never outdo EO4 so the only option left is to hand the series over to Sega for a reboot
Jordan Evans
Oliver Jones
All I can find in the entire floor is something at a dead end in the bottom left room. I can examine it but I don't get anything. All I can recognize in the moon speak is the number 4.
Carson Howard
Man a dude replied to you and literally gave you the coordinates.
Nolan Carter
I went to the fucking coordinates and nothing happened. The spot I mentioned in the bottom left room is literally all I can examine in the entire floor and nothing else. I can't even talk to any NPCs to progress.
Thomas Jackson
He typed C4 when he meant C3.
Luis Murphy
Cestus/dragoon/reaper Herb/warlock Should I switch cestus or reaper for hound?
Jason Walker
I know. I went there. Checked every single tile during both day and night. Nothing was there.
John Young
Well there's definitely a relic in there. It was the last one I found. And you found the ones in all the other rooms?
Joshua Kelly
Switch Reaper for Masurao and Herbalist for Shaman
Landon Richardson
nice mem
Michael Perez
Yep. Nothing in the top left, top right, or bottom right rooms. I can examine something at the dead end in the bottom left room but I don't get anything.
Gavin Parker
It's in the center of the damaging tiles, the only one which doesn't damage you. And I did say to check day and night.
Jonathan Ramirez
The dead end of the bottom left room is a relic but is also used in another quest for Remus.
Leo Allen
>passive heals >shitty buffs >medicas and somas
Josiah Watson
you won't have to heal when everything's already dead.
Henry Perry
I ran the same team but with Hound instead of Reaper and it was just fine.
Gavin Nguyen
So yeah, through a bunch of trial and error I found a way to undub EOU with hex editing and the extraction tool alone, no need for a repacker. The bad news, my connection speed sucks so don't expect me to upload the whole game. I'll try to upload NTR plugins for the US and EU version by tomorrow. (NTR is superior anyway since it works on cartridges as well and you can decide if you want to play dubbed or not by simply not running it.) The good news, this should also work for EO5.
Justin Barnes
You'd make a ton of friends if you were able to provide a cia, but understandable.
Nolan Campbell
>implying they will be able to provide 40 and not cutting corners by limiting to 10 voices per gender
Luke Fisher
Well, I could write a guide on how to do it and if anyone in here every repacked games he should be easily able to do it.
As long as they don't fuck with the internal names, it should be possible. Even if they do, it should still be possible. Obviously only with 10 (or even less) voices, though.
Owen James
Write the guide instead. It'd at least be usable to a wider range of people.
Ryan Bell
So is V good?
Jaxson Robinson
V was so bad we're not getting another numbered mainline game ever again
Carson Evans
Okay. It shouldn't take that long.
Nicholas Smith
Oh, that's too bad. Can't wait for V Untold!
Ethan Thomas
Really, EOV is inexcusable!
Josiah Diaz
It was a good game but not a good ETRIAN ODYSSEY game.
Easton Howard
Reminder that EOV fucking killed the franchise.
Jaxon Morales
>this warp maze on 18F the fuck How am I supposed to map this shit
Kayden Bennett
So I just started EO5 and I'm trying to make sense of the class system to theorycraft a party.
I take it there's no subclassing this time around? I read somewhere that you can lift the race restrictions on jobs, is that true? If so how late into the game is that?
Austin Green
How do you decrease the size of a webm?
Nathaniel Foster
There is no subclassing. You lift restrictions by reclassing. Which is available almost immediately I think.
Christopher Myers
I guess that's one of the two greyed out options in the manage menu of the guild right now. Still good to know that it's early. What happens to their sprite? Do they keep their old one, swap to the generic human one or actually get a proper sprite for the job?
Aaron Wright
If they had a portrait for their job they'd be no reason to make it race restricted.
They keep their portrait. Reclass option is the third option from the top btw and you lose 5 levels for doing it. You lose 2 levels if you Rest a character.
Ryder Howard
>Might be able to hear best girl undubbed Hold me, boys
Michael Ortiz
next time, you should buy somethin
Zachary Martin
But there is no undub for Untold 1
Matthew Cox
I see. I take it that only happens when there's no proper sprite to take its place? As in reclassing a necro into a warlock won't suddenly give me a warlock with a necro sprite, will it? Also what happens to their stats? Do they get recalculated entirely, do they have the same stats they had 5 levels ago and swap stat growths for the rest or do they actually keep their old stat growths even after swapping?
Kayden Diaz
You stay with whatever portrait you picked initially. I haven't messed with reclassing beyond just portrait swaps so I'm unclear on stat growths.
They do however retain their initial stats. Meaning if you reclass a dumb bunny into Warlock they won't suddenly gain a fuck ton of Int at level 1.
Adam Gonzalez
You've actually played yourself in this situation, because that's exactly what user was talking about. See
Adam Gonzalez
Something about this image is infuriating.
Kevin Jackson
Well, I'm in. If EOU can be dubbed. That mean EOV can also be dubbed.
they removed the shin sekaiju no meikyuu from this pic
Kayden Foster
If it's anything like EOU2, they keep the portrait and specs of their prior class. Except this time, stat mods are based on races and second names(which get picked again AFTER relassing), so you're really mix/matching races with classes.
So same stats as 5 levels ago, minus any from second names, which you pick and get adjusted for afterwards.
Adam Rivera
Also, if it's like EOU2's reclassing, you can do it as early as level 1, though it won't mean much aside from changed portraits until the race restrictions are removed(i.e. A Warlock reclassed into a Necromancer will have the exact same stats before equipment).
Grayson Myers
Watch as you get played twice. This is best girl.
John Morgan
What do you mean Teach your dlc.
Samuel Torres
Rosa please
Jason Rogers
Tindalos is hard even on picnic
Josiah Jones
But I don't stand out at all!
Jose Cox
For some reason some audio files don't play, I gotta sort that out first. So you'll need to wait one more day for the guide/undub. Sorry.
Easton Mitchell
That boiling lizard is no joke. I don't even know how I'm going to navigate around his room to smash the fire scales.
It's really annoying that I don't have quick access to the room to re-try when I die. I have to fight my way through that long room with the all the scales to even get close to the boss room. Did I miss a shortcut?
Parker Foster
There's one in the side room attached to the boss arena, if I remember correctly. Just pop in and out smashing them one at a time.
Camden Nelson
Yeah, I just read about that the second after I posted, lol. Looks like I need to explore the floor a little better before barging back in.
Liam Perry
lower the bitrate usually
Jayden Rodriguez
>bring a dlc complete with tongue >doesn't stand out
Fang please. I know it's you and your salty you didn't get dlc.
Charles Harris
Anyone else not really feeling EOV? It feels like I'm playing EOU2 but with less everything. Kind of want to play EOIII again for some reason though.
I really want to sexually fuck the inn keeper thoughif you know what I mean
Isaac Johnson
Robert Cook
I actually really, really like EOV.
Samuel Brooks
Play it then, it's all yours my user :)
Aaron Turner
>Spend ages perfectly mapping out the floor before and the floor with the Hall of Convictions.] >Got too into it and didn't go back to save. >Accidentally bump the gamecard near the end and lose all my progress. Hahahahaha