/5N@F/ General

Not cancelled after all edition

>Previous Thread
>Links to purchasables
FNAF 1 - 4: store.steampowered.com/sub/80443
FNAF Sister Location: store.steampowered.com/app/506610
FNAF BOOK: amzn.com/B019HC4EQ2
FNAF WORLD: gamejolt.com/games/fnaf-world/124921

Official Site: scottgames.com
Asset Rips: s.rtag.me/freddy
IRC: #FNAF on Rizon
Fan Booru: 5naf.booru.org
Writing Archive: pastebin.com/fryFnrQ9
Voice Archive: pastebin.com/8mN8gJYP
List of Content Creators: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jwWC_R0jUW1c5k0BUTyStxd3bdP7XULeticRyDCYz2Q/edit?usp=sharing

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Good timing.
You cut that pretty close.

Flockmod repost

what was even last thread

It wasn't meant to last.



Repost of my latest things, just so people know I'm still alive.

What is it with cute rabbits and baseball bats?

imma just leave this here if anyone wants to do anything after the chaos from last thread

i still love you all.

It beats being stuffed into a suit.

I guess.

>Previous thread rotted from the inside out
>a bunch of OCfags were here at the same time

And people blamed us poor Anons for starting shitstorms

The last thread was great, what are you talking about. A bunch off cool art was made and a bunch of inflammatory but well rounded viewpoints were shared.
Things went into overdrive for a while, but there's nothing really wrong with that.

That's silly

Nah, I'll refuse just out of sheer spite for you.

All I can see is Higurashi. The weeb has tainted me.



Please God no

>Ghost didn't draw something to cum on
What a waste

>not cumming on it anyway

Step 1: Print out Step 2: Cum on it
Step 3: Post proof via picture in the thread unspoilered
Step 4: ?????
Step 5: fuck memes

just a retoast

I got an easy one, why not.

That one is particularly harrowing.

Is this that GMF funnel meme?

The first thing I thought was it looks like someone got that face printed on the front of a pare of panties.
Imagine looking up a chick's skirt and seeing that staring back at you.

How terrifying.
Though I'm sure if you asked nicely, a lot of people here would be happy to draw that for you.

Few people are into transformation so I doubt that.

Kitten Purple is what I rolled.

>Kitten Purple cum funnel
oh bay-bee

At least for me, the alternative would be to not do anything at all since I haven't the talent or interest to do any art to fill out a game of my own. I'd rather give it a try and have it not work out than not do it at all.

In this case, it's mostly just a failure to communicate on both of our parts. Bombay has things going on and temporarily lost motivation as a result. That I would have understood, but he didn't say anything, instead just going silent. Meanwhile, I never checked in to see what was going on, instead waiting in relative silence for something to happen until I got fed up with it. Lesson learned for both of us hopefully.

>Kitten Purple cum funnel

Out of curiosity, what's your skill set anyway? Just being a programmer is a pretty vague statement. Have you developed anything in the past? Do you have a pitch that you think other artists might be interested in? Maybe you can just whip up something really simple with a few stills and backgrounds.

they see me rollan

here's this thing again

I've done a lot of C++ programming as a hobby, and probably the most relevant thing I could point to as an example of something I made is a 6-hour long FNaF1 clone in C++ that I posted once in the thread some months ago. It's lacking any kind of menus, but the gameplay itself is functioning (though locked on 4/20+ difficulty). I've actually been poking at it a bit more lately and added some basic menus, but haven't posted it. May do that if anyone actually cares.


I've also worked on some small Unity projects, though nothing major. I haven't done anything with GameMaker or Clickteam, though I've looked at them enough to know I could learn GameMaker easily enough, and don't really like Clickteam (though I only tried the free one, which is extremely limited).


Sweet jesus above you actually did it.


Posting new flockmod thing

Jesus fuck
I thought the cum on the crotch was a bulge from the thumbnail
Also, Jesus fuck




Absolute madman


Ghost will never do lewds of desh mango


I can't argue with that.

I honestly wouldn't doubt if you were the one who posted in the first place.

I can confirm he was busy playing Sam & Max.

Nice codeword for giving the meat a good ol' rub, Ghost.

First off, no offense to the user's ejaculate, some could have missed the paper, but that you would even assume for a moment that my orgasms are that pitifully small, especially when Mangle is involved, is criminally offensive.

Second, I prefer oral, I wouldn't have aimed for the crotch so much personally. I also wouldn't print out Five Nights at Freddy's fanart to cum onto it. Maybe I'm just a casual.

I could have sworn I did, but going on the booru you're right, no actual smut. Huh.

Oh hey, I remember that.
Assuming you ever try to work with an artist from here again, I think it would be a good idea to first attempt something very unambitious. Every time people try making one of these games they always end up getting bogged down with a bunch of promise that they can't actually keep.
Something like MNoP may not have been the most polished or expansive VN out there, but you gotta give it credit for actually being finished. At the end of the day, making something that functions counts for a lot more than failing at something that flourishes.

Alright! user delivered.

Cool dicks.

Gimme a break, I've already cum 3 times today and my first shot overshot the paper.

>first shot
How many times?

Everything's a euphemism for masturbation, user.
Freeing the Slaves, Crossing the Delaware, Breaking and Entering, Playing the Harp, Verbing the Noun...

This thread is gay

It's all those degenerates that think Funtime Foxy is male

Thanks for that, test tube baby.

Hey now, at least ejaculated to a female character! But yes.

Not rollin

I'm not sure when I'll have time to do it but fuck it.

Well, I mean. The picture in question depicts a goil, and the ejaculation which now cakes the picture is from a male
Therefore, in a way, this is straight

A dude drew it, and another dude dared someone to cum on it, and a third dude came on it

It's like two guys making a third guy cum, that's double-gay

You should write a story about who you roll for.

Be that as it may, they did cause him to cum on a picture that is of a goil, not a guy
It may be double gay, but the gay is overuled not only by the mixture of a second gay but also the straight
Two gays cancel out each other, causing it to me neutral power. With this, and the act being straight, therefore, in theory, hypothetically speaking, it's straight

>two gays cancel each other out
Fuck off Toy Bonnie.

Yeah I figured as much.
It might be a fun challenge, and it's a good excuse to go through the booru.

>thread keeps going on about making games
>want to make one of my one
>can't draw or code
I wish I wasn't so useless

Can you write or use your voice? There are many elements to making a game, user.

The game I want to eventually make is most likely gonna be light on text, and my voice sucks.

Oh and I already know what I'm going to write. I'll try to deliver in the next couple days.

>wish I could fly through space and fuck the sun
>can't breath in a vacuum or stand the immense solar heat and radiation before my dick reaches climax against the smooth sexy chromosphere

You could do what The Devil's Tuning Fork did and have all the items obscured to the player for a large majority of the game.

Go to the /v/ dev thread. They've got plenty of you.

I know I'm a filthy idea-guy pleb. You don't have to rub it in

Actually fucking do something and maybe I'll stop.

Learning how to draw and code takes time

Interested to see what results from this if anything.

Then go spend your time doing that, fuckboi.

I have been for a couple of months

Well fuck you since you're probably not good enough. I bet your dick doesn't even smell nice.

>learning takes time
>i have been for a couple of months
>can't draw or code
Either you want my sympathy, which you'll get none of, or you haven't learned fucking shit and probably never will at this rate. Fuck off.

Don't be a d/ic/k bro.

Can't speak for drawing but learning to code is a brutally tall order. Just finding where to start is a massive ordeal.

Basic coding is super easy.
It gets convoluted when you need to compound new stuff on top of what you already know.

Fuck you too. If you think I'm going to help someone who can't help themselves, you're stupid as all hell.

Like this guy said: . It's not that hard unless you don't have the capacity to work your head around problems in the way coding requires. That's what takes more time. Shit, half of India gets by with copy/pasting code from fucking Stack Overflow.

I just wanted an excuse to make a pun. There is no need to be upset.

Perhaps you should work on your humor?

I've got some lore questions. Were the dead kids' bodies ever found? Who took the fall for Purple? We know that Purple got moved to day shift, the position for which suddenly opened when an investigation got opened. How did he houdini his way out of it?

That benis purple is so cute

>Were the dead kids' bodies ever found?
Apparently not considering the newspaper articles mention the costumes smelling of blood and mucus.
>Who took the fall for Purple?
Likely another employee, probably Jeremy Fitzgerald.
>We know that Purple got moved to day shift, the position for which suddenly opened when an investigation got opened. How did he houdini his way out of it?
Fazbear Entertainment's hilariously corrupt/incompetent management, probably.

None of these are explicitly answered in the series so your guess is as good as mine.

Who said it was the killer who moved to day shift? I know [b]somebody[/b] did, but the killer could have just been on old employee.
That just sounds like speculation on your part. Unless I missed something. Which I very well could have.



I think his company took them in after the reports of them smelling like dead kids came up. Then he either removed them, or figured out they were haunted from this. Either way, things don't get better because of it.

Purple probably framed Jeremy or someone else.

Getting moved to day shift? He probably had dirt on someone.

i got bored, take a panels fox anons

Never had any interest in this version of Mangle until right now.

Oh my. I see I'm not the only one.

The joke wasn't lost on me. It was just so overdone that it no longer makes me laugh.
