Veeky Forums prediction when it will default?
Down another 7% today
Veeky Forums prediction when it will default?
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Merkel will bail it out with every last tax payer money.
They have a million strong low wage refugee workforce after all.
From ZeroHedge: As reported over the weekend, in an unexpected announcement Angela Merkel announced that she has ruled out state aid for Deutsche Bank AG (NYSE:DB), and the market reaction has been swift and brutal.
> The International Monetary Fund will officially anoint the yuan as an elite global reserve currency this Saturday.
My bet is eather this friday or monday will be forever remembered as ''black''.
in one hour, tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year.
mfw I think this is the time to start buying DB
I agree. Also Hitlery is getting more unelectable by the day.
>tfw 60% of my portfolio is in banks
they shoulda bought NAVX on the dip
she said she wont bail them until the elections
they are literally not allowed to not bail them out, they will get fucked hard else
what the fuck
>implying most of there debt isn't in german government bonds.
if the german government really gets concerned they can just adjust interest rates.
they wouldn't be in trouble if they had gone all in on NVAX
I work at DB,
I cum in your rapidly devaluing shares,
I don't give a fuck.
but the bvp is still 50 bucks....
He also said that companies that hurt the trust customers put in them should be brutally punished. Yet he is silent on Wells Fago.
wells fargo employees didn't hurt the customer trust tying to make money on the side thru ghost accounts.
they're lack of corporate security and accountability hurt their reputation with the government and irs tho..
hey guys i have like 7k euros should i exchange it into some other currency now that DB is collapsing ?
lol yeah as if the Chinese economy isn't rapidly crashing in value and slowing down, and is already dramatically artificially propped up by state driven numbers. Pls be realistic.
Get yuan
Bought 2000 EUR worth of DBK stock on the 6% drop. I've made good money on the past year's bounces from 11.5 to 13 and my bet is on more bounces.
Authorities will not allow a repeat of 2008. The DoJ will not enforce the $14B fine. A collapse of DBK would spread to wallstreet and fuck up the US economy too.
Why would you invest in the national bank of a country that takes in millions of refugees and gives them all full welfare?
Because it worked so far and because I have a firm belief the system is rigged. 2k is around what I made trading Deutsche so far. Easy come, easy gone.
Likewise I bought some cheap december calls today. Small bet but I like the odds of a bounce before then
This has nothing to do with what's realistic. That ship sailed in 1970 or so. What we are discussing is us hegemony and the people behind it. Db is a liability, Hillary and tptb behind her are losing grip and I believe a dead man's switch is In Place. China's integrity is in question of course but only in the context of Western monetary shenanigans
>tch is In Place. China's integrity is in question of course but only in the context of Western monetary shenanigans
Not true. The well tap from African financed projects is running dry and an undeterminable amount of Chinese growth has been driven by this trade finance market.
Now that there are as many stadiums as there are Africans without aids the Chinese will be forced to engage other markets more effectively with heavily financed over leveraged infrastructure projects noone needs or can pay back.
I've been involved in trade finance in south America that tells me people are sick of China's bullshit and are hungry for further US cooperation and partnerships moving forward. To much bullshit trying to etch out agreements with the Chinese only to see them fall through on all of their commitments and present sub-par quality for excessive realized costs.
Yeah, maybe they can buy fb stock with their quality ad platform...
The Chinese are opening American funds left and right to hedge their bets against their own economy right now. Believe what you will. America as untenable as it may be is still the safest bet the world over. It may be due for prolonged stagnation and potentially inflation with job growth falling off a cliff, and it's still the safe bet.
why not buy puts and go with the flow? Guessing the absolute bottom is impossible.
why would he buy puts if his conviction is a bounce by december? you'd buy puts if your only concern is a negative tail event, i.e. the absolute bottom.
if you think the absolute bottom is not possible you could sell puts slightly below where you fundamentally think the bank is worth and then use the premiums to recoup some current cash flow.
The problem with buying puts on a huge down day is the volatility is priced into the options and it can be more expensive to buy a put that is 2 dollars out of the money than a call that is only 1.
Could have bought some puts and made a few % on a continued downtrend but it would have required more money to do so. And if the price stabilizes and creeps down only slightly I probably would have overpaid for the put due to buying on a huge down day.
All of a sudden out of nowhere decent investing advice on Veeky Forums maybe the end is really happening.
>assuming Merkel will still be in power
they will change the rules if need be. everyone does.
>Implying she can
this bothers me on a fundamental level
EU will bail out DB before it collapses
you can be 100% sure of this
This is why Veeky Forums is shit
you think lord Juncker will let DB collapse all of EU financial system ? for the last 20 years he has built the biggest tax evasion scheme thanks to his PMship of Luxembourg and now presidency of the commission
they all have way too much interest in keeping the stock market healthy
and it's not like we havent bailed out institutions and even economies as a whole in the past
How to.make profit off this cliff
Wait to here more news, once the price starts rising even slightly just buy buy buy. With how cheap DB is right now and with how important they are they wont fall apart, look at how big they are historically and look at how quickly they rebounded after the recession. You can make big bucks if you're quick and smart
Just Yolo it into DB
Care to explain?
Thoughts on etfs targeting EM consumers like ECON?
Seems like EM consumers have room to grow whereas developed markets are more or less built out
You guys think it will end up looking something like this If they are bailed out?
>look at how quickly they rebounded after the recession
they literally never recovered to even half of their pre-recession value.