Gore thread time.
Gore thread
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This one is still my favorite.
Here is a hole in the block of a CBR 900 rr motor. I am replacing.
Please explain?
This piece of shit
It won't seal on the head gasket. Look at the parts that are milled
prototype being road tested?
What a waste of an M3. Fuck you japan, ruin your own cars
It's ok, the car was probably going to break 4 minutes after this photo regardless of modifications
nice meme
>butthurt about a car that was destroyed in nipville
>implying you could afford it
>implying you could drive it in your country
>implying it wasn't allready a shitheap
Smh desu senpai
Why the fuck would I not be able to drive an M3 in my country
Do you live in a country where cars are RHD?
Do you live in a country where you can import Japanese cars?
Do you live in a country where it's cost affective to import an m3 from Japan and not buy one localy?
Do you live in Japan?
Cmon now senpai.
That's Honolulu isn't it? It looks like Honolulu.
sweet port and polish brah
Mirror fell off and I had to glue pic related for a few days
We've all been there.
And now my other mirror.
What an entitled brat.
It's probably just a 318 or 320 with an M badge on the back. Nobody who can afford a real M is that stupid.
Guess you haven't even seen what japs do with lambos
>some lights here and there
not that much of a problme desu
Who cares. Ugliest E types for the muricans
It's actually malaysia or singhapoor or some other southeast asian shithole
nah that is some macgyver genius
You should see it now.
OC. Outer pad was gone
>Do you live in a country where cars are RHD?
Yes (I can also drive LHD cars here completely legally without needing to jump through any more hoops than with RHD cars)
>Do you live in a country where you can import Japanese cars?
Yes (UK, anything can be registered for road use here)
>Do you live in a country where it's cost affective to import an m3 from Japan and not buy one localy?
No (moot point, I can still afford it)
>Do you live in Japan?
No (>implying this is relevant)
fucking americalories
Noot noot? youtube.com
Manila, shitcunt central
that one is a v12 too. shit sux
Good job matching the color.
Please tell me this is real
I think user wants to know why.
But yeah noway that car would be street legal in Singapore
>Hurls intensly
I want to see the aftermath.
I have no clue why I have this saved, tbqh.
The head gasket will still seal, those marks are in the quench area.
They will be hot spots though, and could cause lots of detonation.
Police car style lights is pretty damn awesome.
just restore it again lol
tripfags fuck off
you too name fag
>hurr I'm on an anonymous imageboard durrr
weight reduction brah!
desu that's not even totalled. the whole front bonnet is one assembly and you have two subframes that go to the firewall that can be repaired and replaced.
bad news is it's a series III so it probably isn't worth a brand new $10,000 bonnet.
well today I learned Veeky Forums filters desu? k den
I actually dopped a tear
>That intake placement
top kek
hot air intake nigga
ebin/10 would drive
Meh, common car. Probably not even a real M3.
Meh, overrated car, and someone who can afford one can afford to fix it.
is that oven pip ducting for an intake pipe?
>getting your car mods from home depot
posting some ancient content.
who would install an espresso machine under a car?
plz explain
he zip tied the battery cable to the exhaust (which gets hot) and the drive shaft (which spins)
>you just need to have it resurfaced bro
so the cable will ebinexplode?
That's not gore that's fucking genius.
>Those perfectly rectangular lenses
>cantilevered exhaust hanger
clearly an advanced design
I put a license plate onto a masserati today with a stripped bracket. Which is integral with the bumper. The previous owner thought it would good to have the plate lower, they caught the plate on something and ruined the plastic that screw threads into
how could you own a lift and still be this stupid
The underbody might be rusted to hell
Better than buying a used car and finding the original owner fucked up the filter housing by over torquing it with a powertool making it impossible to remove the filter. Managed to buy new housing cheap and used a chipping wedge and mallet to cut the thing out.
That honestly rustles my jimmies good. Why the fuck would you ruin an E46 M3 like that?
At least it was that terrible color instead of Alpine White or something.
oh so that makes it a good idea to lift it with plastic... and look at the car it doesnt look rusted to me
but why.gif?