Final Fantasy General CCLXIV - /ffg/

>General info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki:
"What version should I play?" Information:


/ffg/'s RK FAQ:

>FF XII: The Zodiac Age

>World Of FF

/ffg/ has a linkshell on Asura: "FearTheVoid"!
FFXI's August update:

>FF Brave Exvius
Friend Codes:

>Mobius Final Fantasy

>Other game information


Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

How do I catch up in JP RK? I have shit for orbs and the core dungeons are giving out 1 stamina shard every 4 dungeons.

Fuck off, you first post is a shitpost, eat dick with you little flame wars you turbo autist.

Why the fuck am I still playing RK and BE? They're just grind after stupid grind and shitty slot machines with terrible drop rates.

I just keep playing because I feel like if I don't, I'll miss out on important event shit or won't be able to participate in future events, but I don't even enjoy the games. I'm grinding so I can be able to play games I don't want to play. What the fuck is wrong with me?


Ever heard of the sunken cost fallacy?

How come squatter poster was so late?

That's a good question. If you aren't having fun then don't play. I skipped out on some events and then felt like playing again. I'm still clearing content. Ultimately a game is to be fun.. with these mobile games they hook you with the feel like you HAVE to constantly play or buy to stay up with it. In truth, you don't. Just take a break.

Eh, fuck it. I'mma go blow all my mithril and lapis, then delete the apps if (when) I get fuck all for pulls.

Post em here for fun

Enjoy your vivis

Shadows, thank you very much.

>user pulls on both apps
>He manages to get CoD, Exdeath, Chizuru, and Vaan in BE
>Manages to get Ragnarok and Orchicalum Dirk in RK


You just picking random boards for this meme?

I got nothing good. Only got one 5* in RK that I already had (Zack's Apocalypse), and basically nothing in BE. Best was a 3* Artemios and a 3* Zidane.

Welp. Time to go delete the apps, then.





Does the Brave Blade in FF5 start counting runs before or after I acquire it?

Just discovered it and I remember running from a fight or two early on to save some time


Before. The chicken knife is way better anyway

Fuck, alright. I take it the 25% chance to run makes it only useful in boss fights?

Chicken Knife's effect only activates if you attack normally. If you use a command like Rapid Fire, it bypasses the proc.

Its flee effect doesn't trigger if you use a physical special move, like rapid fire or mug. It's really good

Sounds like a knife for ninja/xfite Faris then

may as well giveaway the RK save if you can, I'm sure there's some faggot who could use better luck than a long streak of 0/99 or some shit tbch

RK is FUN.

Makes me laugh every time desu.

Wuts your friend code on RK so I can delete your loser ass?

this desu

>replaying FF6
>using "off" characters like Cyan, Relm, Stago, Umaro
>phoenix cave
>get an idea
>fuckyeah never sold them
>offering + genji glove on Relm with two ice rods
>fucking shit up kinda
Gauntlet Berserk Cyan ftw

You need to go to bed, it's not nice to laugh at people

why don't you just use ice spells which are able to target all enemies anyway?

Because in any FF game I never really used rods at all. didnt really start using a healing rod for its intended purpose until my teens, and naturally only used relm/strago/gau for mages. hitting shit with magic sticks is fun, their damage and procs are based on the users magic stat


>trying to level up ranger as I progress through world 2
>had enough knowledge to grind out getting elemental bows before leaving world 1
>getting by with white magic 4 on everyone
>protect on everyone first turn
>backrow defense bonus
>able to get elemental weaknesses via bows
Am I missing some super secret Ranger trick or will this be good enough to progress past the Moore forest and so on?

ranger sucks and is only used to get barrage

Heh, yeah that'll be enough, buddy

Yeah, buy a bunch of scrolls and toss them on your fastest ranger and sweep battles that way, assuming you have the throw command unlocked

Just do core dungeons, there's now skipping that, best thing you can do is tackle the elite versions of them early if you rolled good relics, though you are in a bit worse position than I was when I started because at the time the events gave a few hero souls and MC1 lodes so I could get whatever characters I rolled relics for

>replying at all to such an obvious troll

Report and ignore.

>Monk gets attacked during Focus
>doesn't go back to the Focus pose
Is Square the most incompetent company in history?

Countering counts as an attack and consumes Focus

He still did a strong attack after that, though.

Coincidence; monks have an 8% chance to critically hit

in FFVA, will there be somewhere I can easily get Shurikens and Scrolls, or should I save them for tough bosses?

You can buy them later

Scrolls are cheap-ish (200g ea) when you get to a certain village in world 1 and you can start stocking up there. Stars (1500g) are much more expensive and should be saved for bosses.

Also as a note, scrolls are stronger for mages and such. My Black Mage Gulaf was wrecking shit with scrolls

Alright, sick.
>scrolls are stronger for mages and such
Makes sense, I'll keep that in mind.




He'll do anything if you buy a leviathan pouch.


Laswell or Russell?
I need. two physical attackers but I already have Bartz for the other one. Or should I bring 3?

If you never run once ever (why the fuck would you) it's objectively better for endgame stuff, surpassed only by bonus weapons in the GBA remake.

And it means you don't have to farm running a whole bunch either.

The Chicken Knife's damage calculation includes an additional multiplier based on agility, which other weapons do not get. A Thief with a maxed out chicken knife does more damage than a Knight with a maxed out brave blade. It's not just about the raw attack number sometimes.

Lass is better because Murasame, but you need the Murasame on Butts until the new trial sword comes out in the next couple weeks (probably).

What's the rest of your team like though? I've breezed through all content so far with Butts as my only physical unit. Unless it's literal shit, you've got better options.

Krile, Lenna and Cecil with Tellah and Rain as replacements. I also have Kuja and Kain for leveling if needed.

Why not just go Butz, Cecil, Lenna, Krille, Tellah? That's a pretty solid team.

Half your team (krile lenna bartz) is identical to mine, weird.

But yeah, you don't need another physical attacker with that setup.
You'd be sacrificing another useful role in favor of it at this point, which only makes sense if you have something good to replace it.

So like, if you had CoD or Garland or something then you might consider it, but right now it'd be stupid.

Thanks for the advice anons.
Also, I managed to draw a 5* star Tellah but I already have a 3* one levelled, which one do I use?

5* duh. The leveling and ascension mats needed to go from 3* to 5* is not worth it if you already have a 5* of that unit.

The 5*.

Although he lacks the abilities learned as a 3* now, he'll get them as he goes along in addition to much more. You'd be saving yourself A LOT of grinding and Sacred Crystals.

Don't just toss the 3* though, it'll be nice for getting MP+30% trust reward.

How does he learn the other spells?

By leveling up.

From my understanding, newborn base 5*s differ from base 5*s you awaken, because they don't already know all the spells they learned as 3* and 4*s.
That's not a downside, though. It just means they learn them "again" as you level up.

Thanks anons.

Spare me your lies. I see the serpent coiled here before me.

Nighty night /ffg/

Sweet dreams pupper.


I love this orbfest. It tempts me to make a second Powerchain, but I'm going to see if I get a second good DD from the Celerity nightmare pull. Right now I have TIdus with Jecht shot and powerchain, and he just shits out damage, it's insane. a few rounds of building up with lifesyphon and then alternate powerchain and Jecht shot for 40k damage every 2 rounds, which is nothing when he is hasted.

>T-thanks when he get Zidane
Fuck you faggot

Best into the abyss exploration yet in BE. One Gigantuar/one Minituar/2 pure stones.

Where is the best place to farm "water cryst" ? Brave Exvius related

Change your friend gift to water cryst for a day or two

Got Vivi from daily pull

Firaga might be gud, but by the time I get that it can probably be crafted.

No, not even in JP.

You will get many many many vivis over the course of the game, so it makes the whole thing pretty easy.

It's also pretty worthless outside of giving Krile another weakness to exploit other than air.

>Noctis actually does eat vegetables sometimes
Gladio was wrong.

What about giving giving lasswell the firaga so he could kill goku and become the owner of the elder wand

i'm noticing that the carrots didn't make the cut

This is Tidus in 2016. What went so right?

>new Matsuno game announced
>Platinum Games
>it's a mobage with obligatory lolis
Fucking kill me.

>feeling the urge to pull but the banner is shit so I just do a single rare pull without the boosted rates
>4* crystals turns into 5*
>get this glorious motherfucker
that's going to satisfy my urges for a while.

Fug, I kinda want him. Would be nice if I can swap Garland for him if I need a mage.

Doesn't look like Meg Ryan anymore.

so basically, normiehood has told us the following:

Noctis is a spoiled brat
Gladdy is a beefhead imouto cuck
Prompto still has the mentallity of a fat kid
Ignis is an autistic butler

kinda does though

y the sword change tho? They always stick with Brotherhood until now.

Nice. I hated the extra pizazz the dissidia get-up had. Fucking spikey collars. Also nice to see a sword other than the brotherhood.?

On top of being my favorite FF villain, he also gets me one stop closer towards having a full team of heavy armored badasses since I already have Garland and Golbez.

tell us something we didn't know

i've got two 6*++ copies of that sword and zero brotherhoods. i can only assume he's is in the same situation

>Noctis is a spoiled brat
Nah. More like really stressed, with some untreated depression to boot.
>Gladdy is a beefhead imouto cuck
Kind of, but grows out of it somewhat.
>Prompto still has the mentallity of a fat kid
To a certain extent.
>Ignis is an autistic butler
More like an autistic carer. He also grows out of it; he's more casual/relaxed in the present time.

autistic butler detected

Can we get someone who actually likes final fantasy to review this shit?

But that comeback doesn't even make sense, user.

Heh. Funny.

A guy on /v/ said the action was better in AC and that KG action was too choppy and westernised. Also something about a drunk gumby

I like the LA Times guy who trashed it because "plot and mythology are too dense". Is that supposed to be a negative?

yes. apparently you're also quite dense.