/twg/ - Total War General

Regiments of Reskins edition

>Regiments of Renown

>Call of the Beastmen
gamesdeal.com/total-war-warhammer-call-of-the-beastmen-dlc.html (Cheaper)

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>Total War Warhammer Mods

The Beastmen are a cool faction but the pack is a bit overpriced for what you get. There probably won't be a price drop for some time, so if you really like the Beastmen then go ahead, otherwise wait it out.

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure not garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation

old thread:

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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.


Warhammer fantasy literature because I forgot to add it to the OP but this is fine I guess.

3nd for best husbandu

Genevieve Dieudonné legendary hero when?



>next historical total war not announced yet


crack yet?

It will probably be another fantasy one

I wouldn't be surprised if they went sci-fi either.




tomb kangz when

I'm pretty sure it was, just not officially
Be patient man >implying you're not just falseflagging so you can start a shitstorm

>tfw TWW is literally the game of your dreams

>false flagging to start a shitstorm
>pretty sure it was, just jot officially
Also what?




My bad I thought you were trying to get the rabid 'fuck off histfags le boring history' people out.
>also what
iirc the dev team announced they are working on it, just no details beyond 'needing new research'.

Attila's team is doing very early work on the next historical game. Concept, research, refined game mechanics, stuff like that.

Quick, post factions for a TW: Allstars game.


perfidious albion

Do we have an inkling of an idea of what the next one will be?

Med 3.


It's not going to be Medieval 3, that's for certain.

Napoleon maybe?

> [Legendary Lord] Skarbrand the Exiled One
> [Legendary Lord] U'zhul Skulltaker
> [Legendary Lord] Valkia the Bloody
> [lord] Bloodthirster
> [lord] Daemon Prince of Khorne
> [Special Hero] Karanak
> [hero] Berserker
> [hero] Champion of Khorne
> [hero] Herald of Khorne
> Bloodletters (3rd gen models)
> Bloodletters (Great Weapons) (2nd gen models)
> [Khornate variant] Chaos Warriors
> [Khornate variant] Chaos Warriors (Halberds)
> [Khornate variant] Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons)
> [Khornate variant] Chaos Chosen
> [Khornate variant] Chaos Chosen (Halberds)
> [Khornate variant] Chaos Chosen (Great Weapons)
> [Khornate variant] Chaos Spawn
> [Khornate variant] Forsaken
> Khornigors
> Khornigors (Great Weapons)
> Skullreapers
> Wrathmongers
> Flesh Hounds
> [Khornate variant] Furies
> Slaughterbrute
> Bloodcrushers
> Skull Cannon
> Skullcrushers

so which one is it?

I am hoping for a Victoria or empire type game since CA has finally gotten good at naval and gun mechanics.

and the tradition system would work well for it.

Medieval 3 is a meme answer.

It may be Pike and Shot judging from some shit /twg/ uncovered a few months ago
It might also be TW:China since it's admittedly actually fuckhuge with plenty of diversity between factions inb4 pasta, or something like TW: Khan of Khans so they can rip off Attila. Either way it's supposed to require new research so it's almost certainly not a repeat title.

it will be empire II

> [Legendary Lord] Glottkin
> [Legendary Lord] Ku'gath the Plaguefather
> [Legendary Lord] Tamurkhan the Maggotlord
> [lord] Daemon Prince of Nurgle
> [lord] Great Unclean One
> [hero] Champion of Nurgle
> [hero] Herald of Nurgle
> [Nurgle variant] Chaos Chosen
> [Nurgle variant] Chaos Chosen (Halberds)
> [Nurgle variant] Chaos Chosen (Great Weapons)
> [Nurgle variant] Chaos Warriors
> [Nurgle variant] Chaos Warriors (Halberds)
> [Nurgle variant] Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons)
> [Nurgle variant] Chaos Spawn
> [Nurgle variant] Forsaken
> [Nurgle variant] Furies
> Nurglings
> Pestigors
> Pestigors (Great Weapons)
> Plaguebearers
> Plague Zombies
> Putrid Blightkings
> Beasts of Nurgle
> Bile Trolls
> Plague Toads
> Plague Chariots
> Plague Drones
> Pox Riders
> Rot Knights


is this lore friendly or is it Radious tier? same guy as Chaos Divided

Please god no
China is so fucking uninteresting I would literally shit if they tried that

> [Legendary Lord] Galrauch the Great Drake
> [Legendary Lord] Kairos Fateweaver
> [Legendary Lord] Sathorael the Everwatcher (custom battles only)
> [Legendary Lord] Vilitch the Curseling
> [lord][Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Sorcerer Lord
> [lord] Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
> [lord] Lord of Change
> [Special Hero] The Changeling
> [hero] Champion of Tzeentch
> [hero][Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Sorcerer
> [hero] Exalted Flamer
> [hero] Herald of Tzeentch
> [Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Chosen
> [Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Chosen (Halberds)
> [Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Chosen (Great Weapons)
> [Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Warriors
> [Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Warriors (Halberds)
> [Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons)
> [Tzeentchian variant] Chaos Spawn
> [Tzeentchian variant] Forsaken
> [Tzeentchian variant] Furies
> Tzaangors
> Tzaangors (Shields)
> Tzaangors (Great Weapons)
> Blue Horrors
> Flamers
> Mutalith Vortex Beast
> Pink Horrors
> Screamers
> Burning Chariot


> [Legendary Lord] Masque of Slaanesh
> [Legendary Lord] Morathi
> [Legendary Lord] N'kari
> [Legendary Lord] Sigvald the Magnificent (custom battles only)
> [lord] Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
> [lord] Druchii Anointed
> [lord][Slaaneshi variant] High Sorceress
> [lord] Keeper of Secrets
> [hero] Champion of Slaanesh
> [hero] Herald of Slaanesh
> [hero][Slaaneshi variant] Sorceress
> [Slaaneshi variant] Bleakswords
> [Slaaneshi variant] Chaos Warriors
> [Slaaneshi variant] Chaos Warriors (Halberds)
> [Slaaneshi variant] Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons)
> [Slaaneshi variant] Chaos Spawn
> [Slaaneshi variant] Darkshards
> [Slaaneshi variant] Dreadspears
> [Slaaneshi variant] Forsaken
> [Slaaneshi variant] Furies
> Daemonettes
> Devoted of Slaanesh
> Slaangors
> Slaangors (Great Weapons)
> Fiends
> Exalted Seeker Chariot
> Hellflayer
> Hellstriders
> Seekers
> Seeker Chariots

I can't be doing it right in Fall of the Samurai. I've never gotten my shit kicked as hard as I am right now in a Total War game.

>start out as Shogun loyal faction
>within a few turns all of my surrounding allies are fucking gone
>everyone around me declares war on me
>constantly sieged and bombarded
>weakened one of the factions enough that i could go attack their city and take it but can't leave the castle because i get sieged too much to build an army that could defend against the armies attacking from the other side
>AI keeps sending shitty little tiny armies to siege my city that i wreck but they interrupt me recruiting or doing anything
>can't build anything because i need to spend all of my money on agent actions and rebuilding my army


so play as another faction?

Move an army to forest to make them ambush. Meet them in the field, don't let them attack your castles. If you can't do that, well, you'll have to restart.

>Morathi goes full retard Slaanesh mode in End Times

still mad tbqh


> goes full retard mode in the End Times

Who does this not apply to?

>AI keeps sending shitty little tiny armies
I don't miss this. Also start as a faction in the far north or on the smaller islands if you want things to go easier.

Mannfred Von Carstein, leader of the Carsteins and rightful rule of Stirland.


This action does not have my consent!

So Karl was secretly sigmarine all along?

Oh, I just realized why CA tied the armies to generals.

Still dumb.


When does she NOT go full retard?
The only thing I hate about Malekith is that he is too weak to kill her, I would have gutted that bitch so fast during the Sundering.

>backstabs Nagash because his autism can't contain itself
GG Manny, that sure worked out nice.


Esta acción no tiene mi consentimiento !

so will CA announce anything at PAX? or do they tend to avoid that event?

>recruit a 2nd gorebull into my army becuese I like his hat.
>Goblin big faggot wounds him becuese the shitter cant hurt any other of my high leveled heros or lord
>Bray Shaman gets a critical success assassination on him next turn

Victorian Total war would be great, they've already proven they can make it work with Fall of the Samurai.

The only thing is it would necessitate a whole world map, or at least most of it.

I would prefer an Empire 2 that stretched further into the Victorian era.

>just spent 2 hours making changings to AoC instead of vanilla Attila

kill me

I want an empire 2 with 40 unit armies. I really like the setting for empire but the whole game just feels heavy and clunky in every single aspect compared to Napoleon but that game doesn't have the scale.

I want more than one city for France.



it had the best map mechanics desu

>for 10 hours
so the average loading time for empire



Empire is unironically one of my favourite tw games, even with all its bugs, and shitty AI and loading times

I played it for quite a bit, and would have played it even more if imperial splendor team didn't ruin their mod by adding absolutely terrible lightning, seriously fuck those guys

>Victorian era
Think about it Warhammer has flying units and tanks. I would kill for the next historical game to be like Victorian era start and for empire style tech research so you eventually get WW1 technology and weapons. Campaign map with the scale of Empire but the amount of settlement density of something like Attila.

WW1 doesn't work with TW. I want Empire 2 that stretches into early Victorian era.

This, I just want some polish winged hussars in a not shitty tw

The most ideologically pure and comfy elves are coming soon, /twg/

Rescuing fair maidens before Bretonnians get their dicks out of their horses.

okay so if I send normal shock cavalry like reiksguard to run through enemy line they send them flying like balls
but if I send in razorgor chariots with higher charge bonus nothing as comical happens
do they even work or are chariots just bad at breaking the line?

>WW1 doesn't work with TW
I don't agree with this, but I do think CA would need to push the envelope for bigger armies and maps. But I would like to see stuff like creating trench lines by having a certain buildings built in settlements to connect them (fall of the samurai railroad) or some kind of army stance that blocks off a large area and forces the attacker to fight you on a special trench map.

it should work

are the conditions the same? chariots going up a hill or into a heavier unit?

chariots tend to go through a line, allowing them to come back around for another shot

Chariots are just awkward and finicky like that. They can get nice impacts sometimes though.

>I don't agree with this

Well, good for you, but that doesn't change the fact that it doesn't work for WW1.


i remember fags saying an 18th century game would never work back before empire came out

reroll lol not paying that much for a faction.

And lo and behold, they were right.

Yeah we had an expansion set in 1864 but somehow a main title couldn't pull off WW1 because (you) think the battles wouldn't work.

[sarcasm] And look how well it works now! [/sarcasm]

CoH already exists. This just wouldn't really work in any capacity other than trench warfare and still be even remotely similar to TW.

Napoleon works even better and takes place 5 years after the ending of empire.

Because WW2 was fought just like WW1! And we totally didn't have battles with cities in Napoleon and buildings units could enter which is totally just a CoH type thing and could never work in total war right?

What's the worst Total War game and why is it ___________?

Bad AI

>works even better than Empire

[sarcasm] Really? Wow! [/sarcasm]

TBQH, tho, Empire does has 1 good point: scale.

FoTS works EVEN BETTER than both games and takes place 52 years after napoopan

Anyone here looking forward to Vae Victis?

Why do I love Mannfred so much?
It's pretty simple when I think about it.
Mannfred isn't just the best character in the Warhammer world, he might just be the greatest character of all time.
Just imaging him riding through the swamps of Sylvania, the wind in his hair, his mighty steed below him.
As he rides through the World's Edge Mountains, the Lahmians swoon at his very scent.
They know how he smells, the essence of his smell is sold in Marienburg under the the name of "Carstein Orgasm."
The very nature of Mannfred is mystery.
Could he be playing a deeper game than even his creator realizes?
The answer is yes, he has transcended such boundaries as the written world, and has free will to do whatever he sees fit.
However, Mannfred is filled with such guile, such arcane craft that he does not even use these powers.
Why, you might ask? You will never know, for the mind of the Mannfred is not one that is easily penetrated.
Mannfred is such a force of nature in his realm that nothing can truly touch him, the only thing keeping him bound to the page at all is his will to exist within the preordained boundaries of his world.
Mannfred is not only beyond the comprehension of us, he exists within a plane of true focus and beauty.
Observe his playful smile, his gorgeous and rippling biceps, his gallant nose, and most importantly, his eyes.
His eyes, like pools of saffron, provide the only glimpse into the true machinations of Mannfred. Do not stare into them. Many good men have gone mad in the attempt.
Mannfred is not just a character, a formless collection of words and images, he is himself is the binding that holds the Warhammer world together.
Without Mannfred, the entire Warhammer world, the entire Games Workshop as we know it crumbles.
The Reik would stop flowing without Mannfred, Athel Loren would become a desolate crater, and Norsca would melt without his frosty gaze.
These are just of a few of the reasons why I like Mannfred so much.

WW1 didn't see 160 men clustered together in formation when they charged the enemy. You didn't have 160 men pile into a building that wasn't significantly large. There wasn't a whole lot of urban warfare in WW1 to my knowledge.

Point is, once you don't have organized formations being utilized, it isn't really TW anymore imo.

it's between empire and rome 2 for me

the reason is because both experimented with very different shit but failed and were very unpolished or took multiple months before they were not broken piles of shit.

The problem with trench warfare is that trench warfare acts as a continuous battle. That's the reason why 'fronts' became a thing, the entire border of your countries are basically battlelines and "flanking" your enemy consists of punching a hole and blitzing through it.

I understand that, I'm just having trouble articulating exactly why it just doesn't really work in TW. I would be down for a campaign map game set in WW1, but you are going to have to get very creative with the battles and can't really do it like you can in TW.

As far as I am concerned, Total War battles simply stop working the moment formations stopped being a thing. Hell even the current system makes shit like guerilla wars hard - you either have 160 brigands in one place or you have none at all and they have to turn as a group before firing this is the one fucking thing that Waarscape has no fucking excuse for, if the longbows are in position then fucking fire who cares if two or three people are lagging behind