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PSG 1v1 me mid you fucking scrub

I'll wait. Let see if MMR matters or not

second for waking up

3rd for trump!

going back to sleep, there's nothing for me in the real world

>maga siren
fucking lol

nice job announcing the thread you retarded nigger

nth for Mastermind and El Presidente's love child

Good idea, make that.

nth for OUR GUY SUMAIL telling Valve what the fuck is up!

also PPD's liberal gf is mad about it and thinks shes relevant by dating a Dota player

women and their games

I am president of Estonia you are my property

PSG ur still not 1v1'ing me u little fucking scrub

Has anyone tried recalibrating

did it work

recalibrate this *unzips dick*

>also PPD's liberal gf is mad about it and thinks shes relevant by dating a Dota player

Couldn't what she said be interpret as defending sumail? As in stopping peruvians from playing in the server. I'm sure PPD has told her some stories about Peruvians.



I mean, they have to go back

yeah it'm sure some twitch partner and a spic caster are who you want to ask when you need something from valve


REASON: valve aren't going to have two heroes both called "necro" in the same game. Thats way more problematic than ES lmao

What do you even need to do to play rankeds now? I remember you needed at least 13lvl before. Anyway I cant create new account and lose all my cosmetics just to calibrate at 4k instead of 3k

I feel the instinctual need to make sweet love to Fwoshy in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

1st for Charlie's cockdock

nope, look at the people shes whining to. shes doing the typical SJW technique "hey X company do u know this guy is racist!? u should fire him!!!"

this game already has 3 Shadow dudes, 3 assassins and who knows how many knights

im not going to 1v1 you its fucking 10am and ive been up all night

mission accomplished

>get another 4.5k on my team second game in a row
>load steam profile
>6 pages of dissing
>jesus fucking christ is everyone 4.5k+ some kind of horror autist?
>thankfully he plays

one fucking player, that's all I need, and I can pick the fucking squishiest fuck in the game and do fine

everyone just runs around fucking randomly in these games the entire time, no rhyme or reason..I leave PL solo vs NS for like 20 seconds to pull and shit and he somehow dies and then spam pings what the fuck how do you die solo PL to an NS? what the fuck man

It really makes you wonder why we play this game..Obviously it gives people a sense of power to ruin the game of others, and Valve has this hands off policy where banning anyone might mean losing 2.99 in the future

Is it better to just play league? that game sucks though

are you the 1% of dota?

have you spent 3 months mastering disruption into torrent?


>im not going to 1v1 you its fucking 10am and ive been up all night
Haha what a fucking pussy and shit excuse
PLD won every single game he played after TI while being dead tired:

based on who?

it took me two tries to master it so no, i've spent my 3 months fucking my hot model girlfriend and flying around the world in my private jet

ok Quake1 1v1 me right now e1m5

*PSG takes a stance*
*A glow envelops him*

I perfected jungle KOTL with Tranquil + Aghs 8min into the game

theres no two heroes with names that identical

theres only two skills in this game that have the same name and do different things (bet you can't name it)

shadow shaman, shadow demon and shadow fiend all have way different names. They get called SS, SD, SF

what would "Necrophos/Necrolyte" and "Necromancer" get called? Everyone already calls necrophos "necro" for shorthand.

>carry going 16-1
>offlane going 18-4
>still die 10 times as a cuckport

Is visage any good at all? He seems so shit. Like grave keepers cloak is just pure AIDS. And useless. Am I missing something?

are you me?
i mastered it in one try though


Phase, Mjollnir, max grave chill

slark jumping me first out of invis every fight. which caused him to die 80% of the time after i had already dropped static storm

mors in victoria

Visage is sleeper OP, but don't tell anyone.

t. 100 game and 75% win rate Visage picker.

This is DOTA 2 general where you claim MMR doesn't matter because you outlane 4.5k MMR players :v)

You pussied out on 1v1 scrub.

Take your quakeshit to your dead general if that game even has one anymore


sure, i'm you. everyone here is you. it's all just a dream just step out of your window and see for yourself

Moon: most overrrated player of all

I don't even know what to think of this

Is Moon now part of the sect of LoH+Gleb where they sacrifice dotards for DOTA BOSSES? and uncover LUNAR FACTS?

damn those missed hugs and countless shut up funnek post sure did get to him huh?

Except he could be referred to by his name ingame. You know, kind of how we don't talk about picking the Rogue Knight, but about Sven. So it could be Deadrot the character, with lore title the Necromancer.

Why is he crumbling bros? Does he owe someone money or something?

He's coming out of the closet and nobody is supporting him. Slavland is just not ready for that shit.

He will face new players in his solo games. Playing against smurfs makes you learn better habits though.

It really depends on how bad he is too, I have friends that calibrated at 3k after playing for two months and others that ended up at sub 1k and are still hard to carry even a year later.

3600mmr is mega cancer
every other game my team is full of 10 loss streak full tilt memers
let this nightmare end please

>wake up


Not to mention, you are dragging your friend into your games and hence ruining the game for all your teammates as well, you fucking asshole.

>the town meme game cant cross 700 viewers without leeching off dota 2 twitch page for 3 hours


Seriously, play with bots holy fuck is that too hard? I spend all day at work, queue for a game and immediately it's like "well there's an hour and one game wasted"

>*PSG takes a stance*
>*A glow envelops him*
man ur the biggest weeb next to tiago rright now
u even have a gf

let that sink in

it's a rerun moron

>Thinking they are playing Mafia at 7 a.m.

Not ruining some lifeless wagecuck's day is not very high on my priority list


t. prototypical dota player which is the reason why i don't play anymore

>PS "trashcan extraordinaire" G will never reply to this

he is ok, there are better mids though

>pick warrun the goodAxe

good game dotardos

>Use Q W in teamfight
>Proceed to be completely useless and let your team fight 4v5

What did he mean by this?

does anyone know when ee will stream again?

quas wex is pretty good in teamfights though you just need to get a good tornado emp combo lad

I feel like I can't pick le quarry settling rockdude anymore because of raindrops. What do I do now?

A storm is coming

Build mini-medallion and echo sabre and club people to death you hit hard

It means he will play offlane with The TUSK from now on

>Normal skill bracket

Being below 3k must be suffering

Do you build blink or shadowblade or both?

IsnĀ“t haunt basically the best ultimate in the game if you get rapier? Your illusions would kill squishies without you doing anything

echo sabre is confirmed rape with tinny

I'm not below 3k

unranked is just a maelstrom of diarrhea it doesnt count

Blink is better IME.

1v1 me scrub.
Right now.
Links been posted.
Still waiting.
>muh tired
excuse, stop dodging shitter

What you guys think of Arteezy?

is this b8

I like that kid

attack damage doesn't get copied by illusions

extremely over rated player who kills teams.

>invite cute girl to mafia
>she doesn't say anything for 2 days
pussy pass

You are below 3k. As soon as I reached 3.7k in solo ranked I immediately went into the very high skill bracket for unranked. As soon as I reached 3.1k solo I immediately went from normal skill games to high skill games

pray4 me laddies
installing new nvidia driver

>Implying you want women to share their uninteresting thoughts


>Rush travels
>Ward not placed
>Buy a force staff but don't buy a ghost scepter despite being eternally leashed by a fish man
>Rushes travels over Ather/Glimmer/Orchid/Lotus
>Lost to a NP with a Quelling blade
They need to ban bought accounts


If we needed something breathing to be there, and at the same time to pleasant to look at then just get a kitten

You forgot the most important
>Slark Luna dual lane

bonnie and fwosh are the best girls
purges girlfriend looks like a prude

how did i fuck up d2g

should I have gone aghs or something?

A happy Leni is a cute Leni!

Bane is a pretty bad hero right now
also that is not the best lineup to pick Bane into

I picked bane first because nobody on my team picked when it got to 0:01 seconds and he was just the hero i was hovered over desu.