/vn/ - Banquet Edition

Visual Novel General #1174


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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.

Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

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>that anime tier shading
>that bloom to hide the lack of detail
>why are you posting a VN only you can read?
>why are you posting a VN no one wants to read?
>I K I K O I
>really makes you think
>if SubaHibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it
>X post for Y
>surface level moogy, keroq marketing division

Really makes you think


How is your japanese studies going, /vn/? Can you read what is written in this screencap?

I somehow managed
Nice try this

What, you mean that screencap you just posted? But that one is so simple, I mean you really want me to read this one? Surely you have something harder to read in your PC

Ever heard of gradual acclimation? Going from easy modo to hard modo in one step isn't interesting. Gotta slowly ramp it up.

Really though, what's wrong with censored releases?
Makes no difference at all plot-wise.
You might say they're butchering the game but there's nothing no butcher, the story will continue.
Think about it, sex scenes don't serve a purpose to pushing the story forward.

Really makes you think.

Really forces you to contemplate

I'm feeling some real strong nostalgia for Tsukihime and I may just buy this. Is it worth it or total shit?


The issue with the censored version isn't only about the fap scenes.

That looks like horse shit to be honest.

Yeah but so did Tsukhime

It is, 99.9% of the time. In the case of Dies Irae, you actually get the most complete version of it. Literally hours of new content.

Certainly encourages you to reason

And a lot of censored text + gore scenes that make some scenes make no sense when you read them ;-)

It cuts out the gore and censors a bunch of shit, which is all that matters. I don't give a fuck about 30 hours of extra dialogue, just give me proper fight scenes.

>"most" complete version
Cropped, castraded (H-scenes), tamed (dialogues), half censored (gore-death), etc...

EOPs detected. Only the h-scenes are cut. Everything else remains the same. Except for the crop. The Amantes Amentes version is universially considered the best, and it's always lacked h-scenes. Kill yourselves.

>Only the h-scenes are cut.
It's censored trash.


Get out.
Choose one and stay there.

What does these generals have to do with the fact that it's censored trash?

That's wrong though, EOP kun.


Fuck off to /jp/



I've hoarded too many VNs, either because i wanted to play them o "just because", what should i delete ?


Also what do i get next?

Play Fate

Delete Fate, it's garbage. Especially in English

I recommend reading Descartes, Nietzsche, Aristotle, Capra, and Kant first or you won't be able to understand any of these visual novels on more than a surface level.

Nietzsche and Aristotle are shit.

t. sub 60 IQ

Play Fight Stay Night, Muv Luv and Muv Luv Alternative. Delete Umineko.

Not really on topic, but the "hasn't read X so how can he understand Y" is actually kinda funny and had made me feel better since I have been feeling pretty shitty

Thanks anons, even if they are shitposts

What's with the people denying the censorship in Amantes Amentes? Are they shills? I thought they only went to VNTS thread

>didn't read David Hume's treatise on human nature
>can't understand your post

I haven't read Cyrano so I don't understand Subahibi.
I'll end it.

there's a lot of memes but everyone should see or read cyrano it's really short

hell the play is on youtube

>didn't read the Tumblr Genderfluid masterlist
>can't understand Umineko

Post your top 9 rated VNs and their best girls




I know that Conjueror translated Himawari and Tokyo Babel, but what about Gare? Haven't heard of him until now.

He worked on everything Conjueror has.

Gare is his editor/co-translator and fixes Conjueror's Engrish.

He's Conjueror's editor, and he also translated Himawari and Tokyo Babel with Conj'



What will Moogy do on Dies irae?

Why are EOPs hyped about Dies Irae when they'll get an undeniably inferior version?

Most of the translated material we have of DI comes from him.

Sit on his ass and do nothing while he tells Conjueror and Gare what a waste of time it is to translate it

So Gare's the true mastermind and the tag-along shitters are just their to make weight?

People who shit on Conjueror's english don't know what they're talking about, it's fine and imperceptibly fluent the vast majority of the time.

Been a while since I've read Dies but these translations are pretty neat to read.
I'd say it'd even be possible for the translation to be on par with the original if conjueror wasn't going to fuck everything up.

What if I told you that one’s entire life had been decided by fate?

That every single one of your actions, from the minute to the monumental, stems not from your own choices, but had already been decided upon?

That life being a journey of limitless possibilities is but an illusion, and no matter how fiercely man struggles, he stands at the mercy of a long-established path?

The wealthy shall know their riches,
The needy shall starve on the streets,
The wicked shall be wicked, the righteous just.

The beautiful, the hideous,
The strong, the frail,
The fortunate and the miserable…


The victors and the defeated.

whoa, whats your deviantart?

I'm just glad my meme image is smiling.


wtf your waifu mosaic is a total mess

>What if I told you that one’s entire life had been decided by fate?
What the fuck now I have to go read Novalis's works to fully comprehend Dies Irae as well?

In what way?

You forgot saying the they fucked up the OP

Yes, in all honesty Dies Irae is the greatest fiction ever written by man. You'd have to be out of your mind if you intend to do dive into it without being familiar with all of contemporary philosophy and even worse : in english.

It wouldn't be too much to start learning japanese while educating yourself philosophically

>i was never a teenager with chuuni issues
>I will never understand this post on anything more than a surface level

They're not associated with the VNs on the left, aren't they?

Man, fuck this. I just read some pieces of it on Gare's blog and it was good. Maybe I should read some books after all...

That's a bit naive, I think. A lot of the philosophical works cited by Dies irae are not originally in English--at best, you need to not only learn Japanese but also learn German and French as well. Of course... that's just to achieve an entry level understanding.

You are correct, I didn't follow the "best girls from the games", I just put my favourite girls in general. Not all my favourite games have best girls.

I thought this was a meme but are there actually people in these threads that don't read books at all? That's... weird.

I don't understand why people are expecting anything but chuuniishit from Dies Irae, I mean I'm all for it but I'll never pretend that it's some life-changing experience.

Well duh, you haven't read it yet and when you read it it will be a butchered version.

At this point I'm spending more time reading random LNs/WNs than actual books, the last books I remember reading were Les Mis and "Kvothe's fabulous adventure part 1:before the dryads taught me how to please a woman".

It wasn't for me at least. I can't bring myself to sit down and read books but VNs are fair game


But you will get a shit english version anyway

>cool stuff is now chuunishit
What went wrong with this general?

Bitter moefags.

I love Umi!!!

LNs are "actual books".


Wrong thread

Since when was chuunishit derogatory? I bet you think calling people fags on Veeky Forums is a insult too.
I'm not a Veeky Forumsard but better to be safe than sorry, there's like 3 different definitions of what a book is and all LNs fall under them no matter what their elitist asses think.

And here I thought there'd be less shitposting and more proper discussions when new content was released.
It's kinda sad seeing how these generals have changed for the worse.

>proper discussion
when you meme something for so long the results will never be good

What in the fuck is that thread?

What new content?

>Since when was chuunishit derogatory?
Since "moeshit" was some.

It's memers memeing memers at this point.

How's Flowers?

Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.

why have you not played katawa shoujo yet?

That's what happen when you add in a single thread a bunch of JOP's, redditors, fuwatards and random autists.

Not even in my japanese powerpoint presentations can I escape this nonsense.

B... but it was edited by our venerable Makoto-sama.

He's talking about the whole "I love you protagnist-kun" getting covered up by random trucks passing by thing.

Don't, just don't...

iie, nandemoii desu!

Because JOPs feel the need to hype themselves over learning a language like some kind of untranslateable masterpiece.

When in reality it just greatly expands your reading potential, which is pretty good.