ITT: Shit people do to their cars that really grinds your gears
No stancefags, rice, or blowing coal, because those are too easy
Pic related: Fucktards who buy a rotary only to get rid of the rotary
ITT: Shit people do to their cars that really grinds your gears
No stancefags, rice, or blowing coal, because those are too easy
Pic related: Fucktards who buy a rotary only to get rid of the rotary
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they bought it for the chassis dumbass
Making a car objectively better is bad now?
not the OP, but putting a Chevy boat anchor in the nose is going to cancel that out somewhat
When millenials decide that their car needs more bass than horsepower.
>this clueless
13B TT is pigfat dude
>Fucktards who buy a rotary only to get rid of the rotary
even if it's an RX-8?
all the plumbing and turbo accessories makes it weigh almost as much as an ls1
Of course not. You're not accomplishing that by putting that lump of american pig iron in the front of your RX7, though.
All the fastest FDs are 13B powered
Maybe if you guys wish really hard that might actually become true.
Fuck I can't wait for the first rx9 lsx swap.
Just to see you dorrito fuckers bitch and moan about it
Rotaries are the easiest engines in the world to rebuild, and if you really hate the RENESIS(like any reasonable person should), just swap in a 13B TT or a 20B instead.
Seriously, anyone that cops out for an LS1 over a 20B has no respect for the car they bought.
Better than the gook slag that was in it before.
Donks. Donks. DONKS.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea, and why the actual FUCK did this catch on?
I hate modern society.
did some quick googling, someone correct me if i'm wrong
>13B-REW with turbo's: ~410 lbs
>ls3: ~400lbs
Hey, if I start putting turbos and shit into my 1.4 shitbox, my insurance is going to through the roof, and it's already way too expensive as it is. At least I can listen to Strapping Young Lad in better clarity without having to pay extra for the privilege of owning better speakers.
because niggers
It's like I am in 2005 when that was actually a thing.
>Fucktards who buy a rotary only to get rid of the rotary
Rotaries suck ass, apex seals eat away and you need to treat the engine like a two stroke for it to last.
>being this mad about what people do with their own shit
OP you're a faggot
It's true dude. LS is hardly a boat anchor, it's all aluminum and has a plastic intake manifold
>LS Is a boat anchor
>muh light rotary
Rotaries aren't that light and you fags keep mistaking the Vortec for the LS
Yeah.. Sorry, but no.
The whole Veedub shockersticker plastering, MONSTER sticker, vape subculture.
The Bippu/VIP subculture.
>inb4 he says he means 13B based
> rotaries aren't that light
13b with aluminum housings weighs less than 300lb
>Apex seals eat away
Only if you're a moron and don't do regular maintenance, or try to force more compression in it than it can handle, see also: every other engine in existence
Apex seals can easily last well over 200km, and you only have to do oil changes every 5k, like you should be doing on every car anyway. Only way they'll blow out early is if you try to force more power out of it, and frankly what engine won't blow if you try to force more power out of it without rebuilding it with performance parts?
Was going to say, love the 13B, but all the fastest FDs are 3 or 4 rotor powered.
Still not piston powered, though.
5.3 vortec engines are all aluminum sleeved blocks just like ls engines. The heads have smaller ports and the cam has a different profile
LM7 and LQ4 are iron blocks. 5.3 and 6.0 respectively
why doesn't anyone talk shit about RB-series engines being heavy as fuck?
Yeah with aluminum housings, duh. Stock FD has iron housings.
Why not go fuck up a Supra, Skyline, MX5 or something else instead? Half the reason you buy an RX7 is because of the unique engine. Taking that out just ruins the whole experience.
caring about what others do with their money. stop being autistic.
Because it's a meme swap
Who cares about lhd imports anyway
or 2JZs
and that's because they're meme L6s
People think that the 8.4L SRT10 is huge but it's actually not that much bigger than an LS. They also think LS's are huge as fuck because they're usually over 5L.
Benchracers and 12 year olds
because they are not butthurt over those particular engines
I care because these shitters aren't going to own those cars forever, and thanks to them, less people are going to be able to own proper rotary powered RX7s in the future. Literally ruining it for everyone.
It's better now though. Rotary is garbage
poorfag detected
Daily reminder a chebby engine has never ever won Le mans
The engines they take out also have to go somewhere, so there's more 13Bs around to swap into your Miata.
JZ and RB swaps are equally as bad as LS swaps. Only acceptable swap is rotary for rotary. Toss out your renesis or 12a for a 13B or 20B.
Ah. Brings back memories of being just another dickhead p plater
niggers will stick wheels on literally anything. oh and i learned that they fucking rent them half the time lmfao theres a shop in the next city over that fucking leases dubs and other nog shit like that
The L33 is all aluminum. Its found in extended cab silverados. And only in 05 to 07 models. They had 10.1 compression. If you can find one buy it. O and it weighs about 100 pounds less than than the iron blocks
>price doesn't come into the decision at all
>back in 2005
When did it stop being a thing? Kids still put subs in their civics, golfs, and corollas, and still blast shitty music with their windows rolled down.
Chevy won last year.
I once bought a 787B in Gran Turismo :D
What's the cost of a crate LS? You can get a servicable 20B for anywhere from 5-8k, then tack on another 1-2k for a rebuild. You'll be better off than if you had gone with the LS swap too.
>renting this shit out
I'm both surprised and not surprised. Surprised that there was a market to begin with, but not surprised that niggers are too poor to afford to actually build one of these themselves.
Nope try again
20b is waste if money compared to just leaving the 13b
In my country? Crate ls3 is about 4-5k. But I'd go with a wrecked ss for the ls2 and can pick a wreck for like 2-3k
And in this place you'd be lucky to find a 20b set up let alone find it for less than a 5 digits price
Where do you live where a crate ls3 us that cheap
They're 8k in America
>you can get a serviceable 20B for anywhere from 5-8k, then tack on another 1-2k for a rebuild
bro just shut up. A 20b isn't selling for less than 9Kusd anywhere outside of maybe japan. A 2K rebuild is not going to get you good seals, or quality port work.
If for some reason you think the 13B is too limp(I know, right), then you're better off tracking down a 20B over any V8 swap. You've still got a rotary in your RX, and the 20B has absolutely monstrous potential with very little effort required to bring it out.
A lsx 5.3 or 6.0 is about 500 bucks out of a boneyard. 2 to 5k for a crate engine depending on where you get it.
A 2k block is a jasper rebuild though
Sorry. Meant ls1. Didn't mean to get hopes up
> A 2K rebuild is not going to get you good seals, or quality port work.
You have no idea what you're talking about
No shit? Frankly you're a retard if you don't import a blown 20B straight from the elevens themselves. It's the cheapest option, and you're going to want to build it up to your spec anyway, so someone else's $10k+ built engine is useless to you.
Chebby has never ever won the 24h if Le man's
>inb4 muh class wins
Doesn't count.
They also didn't come in with an engine so good they had to ban it from all future 24H races. What engine, you lot may be wondering? You guessed it, the "unreliable" dorito you guys love to meme on.
uh yea they did, they won their class last year.
Lsx's are the same way. Go look up lsx willys, beater bomb, fr8train, lsx miata,on youtube.
Class wins aren't overall wins
>muh class wins
Doesn't count.
Nope, wrong. The 2-rotor 13B powered Revolution FD3S laps Tsukuba in 53.6s. No 3-rotor or 4-rotor even comes close.
meme track
>mfw rotards get triggered by swaps
>mfw anybody gets triggered by an LS swap
and I don't even like the LS tee-bee-h
It has a combination of hairpins, s-turns, long straights, and high speed sweeping sections. It's literally one of the best tracks for testing a car's overall performance.
Meme damage control
It's the top time attack track in Japan for a reason
When poorfags try to live beyond their means by buying high-end cars, but then skimp on quality maintenance, replacement parts, and tires. Like when scenesters buy an E46 M3 and then instead of quality rubber like Michelin PSS, they put Kumho all-seasons or some shit.
Lemans has different classes retards, chevy dominates the GTE pro, they took gold last year.
Not that I'd ever neglect proper maintenance, but why the fuck should your rubber matter? Unless you plan to track the car, why not just get the cheapest all seasons you can find? Literally wasting money.
>muh class wins
Doesn't count.
How are you guys this retarded? The Corvette won GTE. Of course it didn't win the overall race, because Corvette wasn't fielding any LMP monsters.
Just because Corvette won in GTE doesn't mean the road cars are any good though.
>butthurt he got proved wrong
this is b8
> he thinks placing behind a dozen plus other cars is a win
It isn't
>muh class "win"
>Why the fuck should your rubber matter?
It's like you never go on the tooj breh
Owning a performance car is pointless if the single thing connecting it to the ground is trash.
>GM can't compete in LMP so they have to pick a class no one cares about instead
If you're going to hoon it around the backroads anyway, you're going to wear them down faster and essentially blow that money you spent on expensive tires.
Plus, it's a bit easier to go dagumi mode if you've got cheap rubber on, assuming you're not a clot and know how to keep it together when it does break loose.
Niggers are too poor to do it to trucks.
Only try hards use expensive tires on the touge
Decent cheap rubber exists and is more than up to the task. Also you can burn through them without hurting your pocket as much. Relying on muh semi slicks on the street means you're a shit cunt and can't drive anyway
>being proud of getting a gold medal in the special olympics instead of the real deal
>wanting to go slower
>wanting to not be able to put power down
this. I replied anyways.
It's more reliable and faster now.
What's the problem?
I could understand ppl getting upset if someone LS swapped a ferrari or something good.
>dorito fanboyism
you should really read up on what GTE class is.
> more reliable
> faster
Double nope
yea, but at least it's supercar brand. Mazda is just an economy brand. Swapping out a mazda engine is nothing to get asshurt over.
And you should read up on how GM has NEVER won lemans.