League of Legends General /lolg/



Why Ahri and Sona re always drawn together?
Because of big tits?

why is general so dead?

xth for best OTP.

top 10 for zyzz

Do not stand at my grave and cry,
Because i'm on Mt Olympus in the sky.

Shyvfags, at level 3, do I put a second rank on W, or level Q???


Yeah fuck this. But I made it into promo to Gold 2 again so that's nice.

WHat is your best Teemo build /lolg/?
And why it is BotRK + Mallet

I want to vote for the Cuck event.

This general is absolute shit and the only time one should even come near it is when esports are on to use it as a sort of chat. Most people were scared away by all the waifu tards and I WANNA SWIM WITH LULU THE PLEASURE OF BEING CUMMED INSIDE and all that crap.

>That Vel'koz

What a hero.

>131 CS at 40 minutes

Gee I wonder why you didnt get an S

for jungle? i always do w->q-> then e but you could do w again.

i like q because it resets your autos and if you start golems it gets you more stun procs.

>Pick cho
Nice game lolbabbs

>"why didn't I get an S?"
>when you're feeding on jarvan

I like the nashor's/hurricane/rylai's build

Who has the strongest pre-6 all in? Darius, who else?

> You feel tour heat beating like wild while you look around in a panic through the darkness of the night. You can't hear anything bit you can hear the faint laughter of the widowmaker that's been hunting you down for the past half an hour making sure you were nice and tired before she struck. You couldn't see her, hell you couldn't even hear her when she appeared almost out of the blue behind you. With one swift kick with the back of those sharp heels, she split both of your Achilles tendons on both of your legs making you howl in pain before dropping to your knees. Without wasting anymore time, she grabs the back of your head and this you onto your back so she could sit that plump rear of hers down on your lap grinding away while she looks down at you with a sadistic smile. You couldn't help but pop a fear boner under her while moving your hands up to push her off. She instantly stops you though by using her spiked heels and sending them through your palms and pinning them to the ground making your arms stay outstretched. Property subdued and screaming in agony, she continued to grind over your crotch while her claw like nails went to work surgically spreading through your chest tearing though clothes first, then your skin and muscle until reaching your ribcage. It was like music to her ears hearing you scream and panic with her eyes and grin growing larger with a lusty stare drinking in your pain and suffering. Grabbing on to each individual rib, she breaks them one after another to keep you awake through all the torment until she made it to all your soft organs. Slowly you start to lose focus from all the bleeding with the last thing seeing is that wide grin on Evelynn's face and your blood covering her blue skin.

Why even live?

Their designs are the most "asian" aka weeb bait of all the league girls so eastern artists are going to be drawn to them

Their color schemes create a nice contrast when they're put next to each other

They're the faces of league when it comes to sexy women, so if an artist wants to draw league stuff without having a solid idea before hand they usually default to those two

...and yeah, big tits

>Not going the superior mallet wits end build

Nobody beats Olaf

tiger udyr?



Teemo, Yorick, Kalista?

Sona looks mentally challenged in this.

I won a match by going Gunblade - Liandry's - Nashor's - Mallet. I'd basically just suicide bomb the enemy Vayne and be a horrendous cunt from that point in the fight while not actually doing anything.

Mallet with Wit's End and Hurricane is hilariously obnoxious, though.

Post undeniable truths.

futa is hot and it is NOT gay!

>More aggresive and active
>Less random
>better team game
Did Riot literally try to argue LoL is better than Dota?
Holy shit thats a new level of denial


You start.

how do you fix zed, what can you do so you don't have to play his game no matter what champ you are on?

>Shen doesnt have any bad matchups
>Saying this when Gnar is up

Quinn has a pretty strong all in pre 6


Garen destroys Shen though
Give him mana, fixed

Do you mean "how can Riot fix Zed"?

They can't. Zed, along with Lee Sin and Yasuo, defines the entire game. League of Legends, as a competitive and casual game, is built from the ground up to accommodate certain characters. Asking for Zed to be "fixed" is a complete misunderstanding of why he is the way he is.

>Giving this much of a shit about chess 0.5 clones

Garen doesnt do shit against Shen. Gnar is the only champion that fucking rapes Shen in the ass. Also GP post triforce fucks Shen up. Thats why G2 picked Gnar now

Chess is turn based idiot

It's easy, you just ban him every game

Why do I feel like the only way to fix Nemesis Draft is to permaban supports?

Why is Thresh ADC so broken, /lolg/?

Nami has no waveclear

Huh, I was going E second because of the % damage and the fact that im getting like 34% AS from Masteries/Runes. Is Q really the way to go on level 2?

If you're a casual

My "be useless and let the jungler carry you" strategy is still working.

>no matter what champ you are on?

lissandra cucks him easily

Starting krugs start w, starting gromp start e, then get the other one, then get q, then max w>q>e. E second is much better than q second because it helps you clear small raptors with just w/e

>Ranked match
>Promos to Gold a while back
>Thresh ADC and Ashe support
>Ashe support goes 0/11/1 in the first 10 minutes
>Thresh goes 1/8/0

I don't know what I expected, but it taught me that duo queues cannot be trusted with anything.

I just dropped from gold 3 to gold 4 trying to get vayne votes

I'm done. Vaynebros please carry on without me

>Gnar starts Q W instead of W E against Shen
>"Pro" players

thats why you dont take him bot

you take him mid

>that 4 man dive with a lvl5 gragas

>loli versions of champions
This needs to stop

When will the season end? They announced that season 7 will have seperated ladders like dota


relax, user. just let go.


Who's going to have the victorious skin this year?
My guess in Trundle or GP because of how much they gets picked.

Yi with the level 2 cheese

I havent played in forever, so sorry if these are basic questions but: On what situation would I start Gromp over Krugs?

Tarik stronk

lol g2

Bring back last patch of season 2

Ashe or Karma


Ashe just got a new Project skin, I doubt they will release another skin for her so soon.
Krama is also another good contendor.

Olaf since level 1

>big tits and wide hips

Generally people start botside because you get a better leash. Shyvana has healthy clears even without a leash but a good leash still gives you faster clear. On blue bot camp is krugs, on red bot camp is gromp

I'm scared it will be gragas

True about Ashe. Maybe Vi since she's getting buffs and can make a good pun

Riven, Yas, Trundle, Renekton, Pantheon


I want to suck on Vlad's long elegant fingers.

Won't be gragas, he's getting gutted and won't be played at worlds. It will be Karma probably, Ekko and GP are also contenders. Trundle is too ugly to get a victorious skin.

>replying to reaction images with a reaction image calling reaction images dumb


it's like you contest cucks love being huge retarded faggots or something

zven and mithy are overrated as fuck

ctrl-f :Jayce --- No result
Let's fix that, shall we?


>he's getting gutted
It's it just a half second hang time for the ult at close range?

You don't pick Shen to win lane, you pick Shen to win everyone else's lane

Is Gnar difficult to learn? He looks really fun.

That's a big deal. His E cd is also raising to 16 -1lvl

I have come to the conclusion i cant play ADC to save my life, therebefore i am filler with everything except adc, unless mordekaiser can go adc

Post,rate and hate

I Unironically prefer the tank top meta rather than this shitty Gnar standard too meta. Jesus christ

why the fuck people in nemesis think janna or taliyah are bad? holy shit

Janna isn't inherently bad but blind janna is awful

So should I buy him? I almost got 3150 and I wanted an AP jungler/tank.

Fucking Riot, next they will nerf Elise so I have to jungle with evelyn or amumu.

Evelynn and Amumu are both fun and completely viable junglers

what the fuck do you do when you can't win no matter what

Are this good?

>tfw dont own lissandra

Take a break from playing seriously and do meme games in Normals with friends. Just have fun.

but there's no fun in losing in this game


It's honestly kinda embarrasing this is supposedly the best EU has to offer in the Midlane considering its history

who is that artist

Vlad and Fiddel are pretty cool.

This is the worst Liss skin tho.

>tfw got queen ashe from a reroll, been dreaming of it for ages

fucking rekt

zven and mithy are such fucking trash


Fun yes. But she needs at least who people who didn't feed on your team and for the enemy team to not be sitting on top of their carries.