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suzuki a best

I do it for the memes, nothing more, nothing less.

Though I would like to agree with you, I sold my 750 so naturally Suzuki a shit.

are you a nigger

how do make sure all the tripniggers get splattered across the pavement?

you should at least freeze that dent out of your header then

>All that creepy fog

I like that shit

you guys should come to the Barber Vintage Festival this year. nobody from Veeky Forums ever goes and its really worth the trip. i think i'm going to be racing there with AHRMA


>le edge

i just wish i could get out in it more often, i like the isolation in the trails and service roads

fucking sturdy those boxes eh

regular offerings to our patron god, the skid demon, these can be libations of motor oil or chain lube, or burning the rubber of worn tires while wearing the ceremonial garb of a motorcycle chain over your riding gear.

incredibly tough.
they make skidplates out of the same stuff for a reason

I don't blame you maneed. It's relaxing, unless it's in the city and ppl try to kill you more :/

Maneed...what kind of auto correct was that?
Man* lol.

Share this knowledge.


Don't do that, it can burst the pipe . Look up 2 stroke pipe repair, those dudes will take the dents out of your pipe for around $60.

i hate city riding for that reason, no matter what the weather or time of day is a gamble with the idiots here.

pull the header off, fill it partially with water to fill the dented section and freeze it a few times to push the dent back out. only put enough to fill the damaged area.

Your chop bowl and choice of scissors is very manly.


post baikus

No u

>gutted pipe
for shame user

Well I live in the city, so not many choices sadly. But I like to be out in the farmland areas riding usually

Its not bobbed, I just took off the broken rear fender and built a frame for the plate and light.

Pipe isn't gutted, the baffle is still there.

And yeah this bike lived a hard life before I got it, looks like it was beaten like a back alley whore, but it runs and is fun to ride so I literally don't give a fuck.

Alright, after putting solid 50 miles on my new bike, I already started putting shit on it.

>milk crate

I approve the fuck outta that yo.

What's a good price to ask for my jacket on Craigslist? It originally cost $400 new, doesn't have any damage and comes with a vented back protector and chest protector inserts. Size 40US/50Euro.

Just not sure what typical Craigslist depreciation is for motorcycle jackets.

swing arm stickers stick out like a motha..first thing i noticed

Milk crates are great...until you hit a sudden bump in the road. Then all your shit is on the windshield of the car driving behind you. Ask me how I know.

How do you know

ask 250, take 200. one time i got $50 for a ridiculous XXXL mesh joe rocket jacket that was 5 generations old and only cost $110 new.

I've wrapped some extra mini bungees around it so I can swing them over the top and cover the crate, but I'll look into maybe getting a cargo net.

cargo net is life

dents in your header really don't matter. In fact a shitbike with an undented pipe is heresy

if/when that tail light falls apart on you, get the drz250 assembly for a much tidier and more compact setup, its a straight plug and play fit.
mine fatigued and broke last weekend in the woods so it just flopped around for the ride home

>there's no way you can catch me bruh. I have a SEE BEE ARE one THOUSAND ARE ARE


That does look much better.

good night puppers

I remember that when I slid my 06 dr200se out, a bolt punched a nice circular hole through the back of my right blinker and crushed the bulb as well. I """"""""repaired"'"'''''''''' the hole with duct tape, but my bars are still bent from the crash.


thank you based suter for giving us a glimpse into our dreams coming true.

pupper says "boof"

*until I reach a corner

Who cares about corners.
Speed is all about straights.

best breed on earth. they're full of energy yet not meant for keeping inside though

Thanks. They say they do titanium pipes now.

Are DG exhausts good? Procycle specifically lists them as very light, so I was thinking about getting one, but it's suspiciously cheap.

It's street legal where you live?

How tf do you ride trail bikes on normal roads?

The CRF is a MX bike, not a trail bike.

crf r is the mx crf x is trail

she does pretty good at hanging around inside but we do have to run her for a good hour minimum a day. she spends the whole weekend running with terriers too

Half the states in this country just don't give a shit

Why does fallout have such good taste in motorcycles?

that is the 450R. I was talking about that CRF.

You can legally register any dirt bike that is not an MX bike where i live, things like 300cc 2 strokes are actually listed as LAMS bikes so even learners can ride them on the road.

They are supposed to be nuclear powered in fallout

But that's whatever

i like harley's too man

>a little bit of wheelspin and the police can steal your bike and send you to jail

>living in melbourne
Lucky i don't live in the hipster city and cops don't give a fuck i guess.

Lol. No

its a fucking cruiser faggot of course its gonna be afucking harley

It has a nuclear powered engine not a v twin that was designed in 1906 though, harley could never build a new engine.
its probably a Honda.

>being mad because hardly is shit
Ok cuck.

I forgot only hardly makes a cruiser

>I don't know what an Indian is

I'm the guy who badly wants a CBR250RR in the USA. I'm doing some research about importation and I found this shit outlining what you actually need to do, and this is actually really promising.


Basically, if I find one that's from 1996 or older, I don't have to worry about EPA restrictions. So no worrying about having to cable tie a catalytic converter onto the end of the exhaust and pay $2000 for someone to emissions test it. There's half the problem solved.

The thing that has me slightly worried is that it unless I find one from 1991 or older (which I don't want), it has to comply with DOT requirements too. Is that just headlights, signals, and plates? What do they actually check for? This is the form you have to submit.


Do I just submit the form with code 2A and then do whatever is needed to make it US street legal? Worst case, I can't imagine getting it registered to be any harder than converting a dirtbike into a supermoto.

Has anyone done this? Does anyone know anyone who has done this? Am I wasting my time?

Also, look at the fenders, especially the rear. That's indian's calling card, their fenders.

If you are importing the bike why don't you get a nc35?
400cc is better than 250.

>tfw no nuclear reactor between your legs while riding

This shows their design perfectly
And please, next time, think before you speak. It is still shitposting even if it is ironic.

CR500 is LAMS, shit is retarded.

>the feel is real bro :(

The sad thing about nuclear reactors is they are literally big steam engines that use nuclear material to generate the heat.
they really are not high tech at all.


You always ruin the fun here.

That's a sexy ass bike, I like where you're going with that

O no, DOT requirements are a bitch. Don't import one that doesn't comply.

Just as well, honestly.

But something about specifically a tiny inline 4 gets me off. Plus...

>19k redline

Fucking listen to this shit.

It is..?
my brothers yz250fx isn't lams approved because technically it is an MX bike, can only get rec rego on it too

>Am I wasting my time?

Yes, and wasting your money. I can see you trying to import a 48'trailer full of rare bikes and selling them, but buying one just for personal use is kind of pointless.

>price of bike
>importing / misc fees
>= you can buy a nice bike here in the states

Ehh what ever floats your boat

You can find them overseas for like 2500 USD. For whatever reason, motorcycles are duty free. Shipping is probably $700. Maybe another $500-$1000 to make sure it's not going to seize on the road and get it registered. Even if the asking price is higher, you can walk away for probably $5000, and for that you're riding something that maybe 10 other people in the country have. Yes please.

the high tech part is the stuff that keeps it from killing you when you get within 3 miles of it.

fall in love with an MC28 NSR250R instead, i see them already imported, registered, and for sale here occasionally.

>jimbob can build a completely custom bike in his garage and register it with ease
>but registering a bike from another country is nearly impossible.

Seriously though why would anyone bother to import a 250 into the US?

>it doesn't even sound very good IMO. A high revving single sounds better

Apparently NC35s used to be popular imports as race bikes but you skip most of the bullshit that way, plus they couldn't give the fucking things away in Japan anyways.

Is it because it doesn't have lights or what? Because the X isn't the MX model.

So lead walls and water..? So high tech

because it is basically the MX bike with the enduro gear box, fx is a special snowflake bike for endurocross

Would I just be better off getting one that's 25 years old? That would get around noncompliance, according to that page I found. If it's disgustingly expensive to get DOT compliance, then yeah I'd rather not bother.

>two stroke V-twin

a write up on them if you are actually interested in the bikes

MC22 starts in 1990 anyways, there's practically no difference between 1990-1993 models besides graphics and 1994+ they had to nerf the engines for new licensing laws.

Also I should say if you're that desperate for a 92 it will be 25 years old in a few months anyways.

That's useful to know. The MC22 is what I'm actually after. So the real trick is going to be finding a model year 1991 that isn't beat to fuck, and then buy it sight unseen from halfway across the world, get someone to put it in a crate and fly it to Texas.

Worth it.

>engine nerf

Well Japan's license classes are 250/400/unrestricted, with 250 bikes having lower cost of ownership because they don't require mandatory biannual inspections, so when they had the big race replica craze in the late 80s and early 90s the 250 boy racer bikes started getting way the fuck out of hand.

Not much point in a 250 license restriction if they can get a 250 supersport or GP replica faster and more dangerous than a normal 400.

when did WRs get a 6 speed?

Yeah, they sound nice for the price. Not too loud but they have a clean bassy thump to them.

The nigra I bought it off of secured a street legal title somehow. I did the conversion myself.

NJ, and mostly legal.

Not the best choice but you get snowflake points.

anybody have the screen shot of kkk explaining the difference between a street and speed triple?

they have had them for a while.

since 2008 iirc