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Gonna post this here too

Universe Issue 75 was entirely devoted to strengthening Silver and Sonic's relationship. They joked around, fought Metal and tricked him into space together, and Sonic showed concern for Silver's future.

>another lawsuit
Would it be better just to end the comic or just reboot everything to the very beginning?

Actual theme here:

Can someone who's more aware of the comic explain what the deal is with "Team Freedom" and "Team Fighters"?
Not the backstory, just their status post-Super Genesis Wave. Nicole's Comic Origins story mentioned them briefly, but that story came after the SGW, and I thought that the splitting of teams being done away with was part of the retcon.

I really don't like Sonic Rush. The music is horrible, (with a few exceptions) The game is full of bottomless pits, the level design of Water Palace and Night Carnival is cruel and is full of insta-death spots, the boost screws you over unless you can remember the stages, and the special stages gave me aids.

Seriously, why do you people like this music? It's either gibberish with random instruments, or ear rape. (I like "A new day" and "Wrapped in Black" though)





It's less that they were retconned and more that they reunited.
Team Freedom was meant to protect the city while Team Fighters actively chased Eggman. It allowed a group to focus on character drama while the other focused on character action. After the planet split and Eggman started his plans with that there was no need for the two teams/they needed both teams to fight Eggman so they became one again.

I think it's just a Team A and Team B type of thing.

If SEGA pulls the license and moves it to another company, I think it'll get full reboot treatment.

>shitting on Naganuma
You have to go back


The music is some of my favorite in the whole series.

So, anyone have any news as to when SAGE is gonna happen?

>not liking based Naganuma, composer of Jet Set Radio
Literal shit taste
Get out of my sight

I haven't heard a peep since it got delayed to Spring. I think it's dead.

>implying i don't like a musician because he made a couple of shit songs
desu i've got jet set radio but i've never played it

Maybe I just dislike Rush because I didn't grow up with it, or because I played Rush Adventure years before it.

>not just releasing your fan game whenever you want

nth for bunnies

Why do people wait for SAGE just to release their fangames (demo or not) anyways? It feels like the E3 of the Sonic fanbase.



>Disliking Rush's Music

>Perfect Chaos skateboarding.

Thinking back to the park builder it'd be neat to see a Sonic game with a similar feature.

What is good about rush's music? I'd like to know


You like Jet Set Radio?
That's why.

You mean like Mario Maker



I find it very catchy, unique, and high energy.

>I really don't like Sonic Rush


penders just want his adopted baby back

Looking back, the idea of different music for stages depending who you played as was really neat. Adds an extra layer of difference between playing as a certain character. Kind of a shame that besides that, Sonic and Blazes' gameplay and level design is pretty much the same, just some levels out of order.

Fingers crossed that Mania goes far-out with character-specific routes.

>Fingers crossed that Mania goes far-out with character-specific routes.
I'm sure they will.

Blaze would likely be shit on a lot more these days had her gameplay not been pretty much like Sonic's.

Why are you so sure

Why did I even draw that?

that's the thing though. every time a new sonic game comes out all everybody wants is what S3&K did: all the characters play the same at a basic level with each having a unique ability to keep the game fresh.


Literally a 90s kid.

Looks like a normal case of contrarianism to me.

Because you're a cringelord

Because I trust the team involved to make a true classic game and making use of their abilities to the fullest.


I don't really like 3&K much either, but I could never put Sonic 1 over it.

Is it weird that I dislike chiptunes in general even though I grew up on the Genesis? I honestly put both CD soundtrack and Saturn/PC 3D Blast ahead of the Genesis soundtracks simply because it's CD quality audio.

>kitchen sink level design
what did he mean by this?

Ess funny to me

>kitchen sink level design
this is a new one

I think some great things can be done with chiptunes, but I can understand where you are coming from.

>Sonic + Tails option in Mania

Yay or nay?


All Tails does is get in your way.

Not really. You hardly ever have to interact with him

When I'm bouncing on bounces he gets me to fall into pits. Like in Chemical Plant.

If they had some kind online multiplayer support for that I'd be real happy

>bouncing on bounces

*Bouncing on Bosses

What objects is the Tails AI interacting with to get you to fall into pits?

Okay I'll give that to you, in S3&K, I'd sometimes fall right through the final boss to my death because of Tails.

Bosses. He just jumps in killling Eggman and leaves me nothing to bounce on so I fall into a pit.

I wanna play Sonic mania so bad holy shit. How do you guys keep your hype in check?

Does he even jump unless the player does?

Also, let me play with a friend

By doing non-Sonic related stuff or being hype for other stuff that's coming out sooner.

I listen to Studiopolis on loop till I hate my self.

He follows your inputs with his AI. So he'll do what you do with lag.

I think Tails acts on his own to defeat enemies, since he's programmed to help you and stuff.

Ive been waiting for P5 for a considerable portion of my young adult life. This is nothing to me.

What do you guys think is the saddest moment in the games?

I play other games besides Sonic. Like Street Fighter and Final Fantasy as well as many visual novels
Speaking of which, isn't there a Sonic H-game that's supposed to come out this year?

Call me a fag if you want, but I actually miss having to play multiple characters stories to unlock the ending. I'm hoping Sonic 2017 will let you play as other characters. Í miss Sonic's friends. It feels kinda lonely when it's just him and Tails.

The title screen for Sonic 06.

When Metal Sonic dies in the OVA

That's not a game, user.


Too bad, the asshurt Generations fanboys are in complete control now. They freak out whenever something shifts from the standard and no new innovations will ever be accepted in sonic again. They won't be happy unless we get Generations and Colors over and over until we die.

Sonics friends will never do anything ever again, new gameplay options will be condemned and hated without a chance to improve or expand them. Stagnation is our new destination.

Having to kill Gamma's brothers one by one

Big and Froggy escaping from the Egg carrier, and Big says "No one would bother to save us, old pal"
It hurts because it's true

What a huge deflection by user. How will he ever recover?

W-we're gonna be okay, right?

Sonic 06 is my favorite anime


>no new innovations will ever be accepted
>in a franchise where innovation has almost always been handled terribly
>in a franchise where the problem was they kept trying to innovate instead of building on what they already had
Don't see a problem.

Sonic realising he's on the verge of death towards the end of Secret Rings but quickly dismisses it so he doesn't upset Shahra.

Not too saddening but I found it a bit depressing.

>E-102 Rescued

He just wants people to smile.

Well we got Lost World which was pretty different from previous entries and look how that turned out. If they can't get Sonic alone right then it seems pretty useless to try other character styles as well. Unless you make it like 3&K/Advance games and just have different abilities.

> sonic hgame


I liked Lost World, I don't know why people hated it.

Tbh I'd be fine if only Tails and Knuckles were playable.

Rotor revealing that his dad is an nazi

>Y dos Sonc hav run buttttttotn?! 0/11 igN

Essentially; they don't like the sudden change that Sonic Team took with the gameplay.

Shit story, dumb controls, bland level design, bland villains, boring boss fights, and boring graphics. Not to mention some levels can be bitches at times. All in all a poor experience.

E-102 death.

Besides Sonic I mean

There's more wrong with it with just a run botton. That idea wasn't really that bad just done terrible.

Lost world gameplay

Is your entire side to this just one big crying strawman?

Tails goes with everything

Lust Chaotix

>boss fights are terrible
>Parkour takes a shitload of time to wrap your head around
>level design is all over the place
>art design is somehow more bland than NSMB
>quality Pontaff writing
>the final boss was literally copy and pasted from Colors