/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, August 21th:
1831 – Nat Turner leads black slaves and free blacks in a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, which will claim the lives of 55-65 whites.
1888 – The first successful adding machine in the United States is patented by William Seward Burroughs.
1942 – World War II: The flag of Nazi Germany is installed atop the Mount Elbrus, the highest peak of the Caucasus mountain range.

EU4 Rights of Man DLC announced

EU4 DD18/08

CK2 DD 19: The end is nigh

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 29/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V8

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

First for AGOT memery.

Where the fuck is the DLC repository faggots

You know, for a general full of liqtoria players who like to make fun of Eu4 for its mana, Victoria has a lot of mana too. Research points, suppression points, diplomatic points, and leadership points.

lmao good luck Spain

poor bait but niggers will still bite

Is the mod really any good? I downloaded it but got bored after like five minutes

Reminder to not take the bait.

I honestly don't really like Victoria 2 it's slower and runs less optimal on even my recent computer. Plus there's pretty much the same sort of scenarios happening with not much variety.


Victoria 2 is just a poor man's EU4. EU4 requires a lot more skill and strategy meanwhile in victoria 2 you literally just sit there and watch the map and every so often click the meaningless "events" that come up.

What are some mods that you would like to see?

Victoria II, 22nd century. Would likely use NWO as a base mod. Could last the typical 100 years because more than that tends to ruin the economy and pops.

Current cuckery has now ruined most of the West. Islam is by far the largest religion in the world. Hundreds of millions of Muslims and niggers are living in Europe, some islamic republics or caliphates have been established, due to shit birthrates and feminism native whites are either only a slightly majority or a minority. Natives might as well be second class citizens in their own country, with most of them having been forced/encouraged to convert to Islam, or remain irreligious. Christianity is smaller but still noticeable, with some of them having been holocausted entirely in some states.

In the US, while Islam hasn't had that much of a big impact, Hispanics and non-hispanics are now equal in population but excessive white guilt and affirmative action have turned non-whites and non-hispanics into little more than second class citizens. At least a dozen states are undistinguishable from Latin America now, with significant Hispanic minorities just about everywhere else. Operates as a far more authoritarian country now.

Much of Asia is well developed by now, while Africa remains an unstable third world shithole with billions of people. Massive immigration from Africa to Europe still exists as many of the Islamic republics are taking in hundreds of thousands of nigger muslims into their country every year to keep the whitey down and use as manpower to fight a seemingly inevitable war against the uncucked Eastern Europe, which has remained largely Christian and white.

Would take as much work as NWO but you could just make up most pop and economy statistics.

Something like Voltaire's Nightmare in Victoria II

>union liberale
>not bonapartiste

It's great if you're into the series' lore, there's a bunch of start dates and a shitload of minor characters included. It has some interesting mechanical additions, like decisions for taking civil war sides, personal combat and calling realm-wide councils, though some of them are reserved to certain title holders. Overall, I think it's very enjoyable.

i want my lazy fair

/pol/ memes: the post

No seriously what happened to the DLC
I only come here for the DLC where the fuck is it Eggman

lol liquoria 2 general, no other games allowed

Literally why? State capitalism is better in every way possible. At least go for interventionism so that your factories won't go to shit.

Enjoy your Unemployment

you literally don't know how to play this game correctly

>reality and an easily predictable future are memes


Fuck off commie scum

>Eastern Europe

>ever white

>/pol/ memes


Any anons have the even codes Japan needs to unite handy? I want to just unite Japan from the start and go full co-prosperity sphere.

>State capitalism


t. hitler

I do tho. You're the one that's gonna find yourself fucked out of strategic supplies once a great war breaks out because said supplies are made in unprofitable factories.
t. military-industrial complex pro

t. Mao

Are you just genociding the bongs or is there a plan

Ok I have a full proof plan to make /gsg/ great again

1. Shut down the discord group that raids the thread.

(Most of the non-modders on there are cancer by doing this you eliminate liquorlad and make liquor great again)

2. Join or create a new mp group led by popular modders who are moderate. Make sure a majority of /gsg/ is a part of it so it dosent turn into a steamgroup.(Moderate meaning not as extreme as R&I who harnesses and doxxes steamgroup members and not as radical as Cobrah who shits up threads with drama)

3. Ask Meneth to create an HPM suggestion thread on Reddit and hand over updated links of mods to him regularly so Reddit dosent have an excuse to go on the general

4. Known shitposters and steamgroup members are welcome into the mp after a formal apology. Also a proper vetting system analyzing users who have been in every steamgroup. So they can't fuck it up

5.liquor,willy,waggle,kaiser,grandi,alex,rob and steamgroup become word filters or result in a 2-3 day ban.

We are going to make /gsg/ great again folks!

Victoria 2 question
why can't i get any canned food for production of ships or land units?

based drumph poster


Because you are playing a shithole.

I got a CB for colonial conquest through an event and decided to fuck with them a bit. We're all cool now though

except they are profitable

Too low rank and GPs are at war or building shit.
If you want guaranteed access to basic military goods, build factories.


Its always going to be profitable if you're a proper GP.

>tanks in 1863
wew bud

That is cheating.

Reminder that Victor(ia) AKA reed AKA Grandi AKA HPM AKA R&I AKA Discordlad AKA "Lad" is LITERALLY ruining this general.

What, did you sphere like half of the world? That's fucking annoying to pull off tho.

>once a great war breaks out
Where did I ever imply I had tanks in 1963? And btw, how did you do all that? Just sphere a lot of shit and focus on input and output tech?

Get your factories as efficient as possible. High input/output efficiency, high throughput, high enough resource production to keep up with demand, etc
Then you just need a lot of pops. Either from your country or spherelings. I have the Turks, Egyptians, and Brazilians sphered


What country should I play in Victoria 2?



Is it possible to mod Victoria so that pops can produce goods like artisans?

I think that PDM did this, capitalists produced goods much like artisans. But can other pops do this too? For example, have farmers or soldiers produce stuff at the same time they do their usual jobs?

Non-meme answers pls.

persia can be fun

Played that already. How fun is Catalonia?

This is becoming some 300 shit.


Bukhara isn't a meme, form Turkestan

how are those meme answers?

I know user

>no meme answers
>asks about a meme answer

Did it work?

What're you looking for?

Comfy and easy? USA
Comfy and unciv? Japan
Sit back and Empire away? UK
A bit of a challenge? Punjab/Sikh Empire
Not really going to do anything? Switzerland
Masochistic? Tripoli

Well, I mean...what are you looking for? Catalonia lacks flavor, long term goals (formables, decisions), just kinda...there.

>surrender to Ottomans
>I keep everything
What ?


Behold, the next installment in the Victoria series. Victoria...'s Secret?

Something kinda challenging. My last game was comfy (Ottomans), so I think I'm gonna try the Sikh Empire.

As for Catalonia it can blob into Sardinia and Naples. It can also get the Kongo.


Cheating yourself from that great feel when you accomplish it without cheating.

orc warrior

1-3 West Germany NWOII '50 start
4-6 Russia NWOII '46
7-8 USA NWOII '46
9-0 UK NWOII '46

Jan Mayen

>can blob into Sardinia and Naples. It can also get the Kongo.

I know...but why? Sardinia and Naples are pretty worthless for the infamy cost and the Congo is for any secondary power.

If you're going for the "Reestablish Charles V Empire" thing, Spain or Austria are more appropriate choices. Otherwise...unaccepted cultures that will give you a pain in the ass once Italy tries unifying, nothing of worth besides one precious metals province, useless positioning (they aren't strategically useful. The Pyrenees provinces are more useful for terrain and culture. Spanish provinces are more useful for culture and RGOs).


I probably could assimilate a bunch of pops there due to internal migration. And as for Italy being a problem I was kinda hoping that once I suck up to France and Spain I could fend off Italy just by building a navy. I have yet to play a truly naval power in Vic 2. I always preferred to beat people on land.
Just thought it may be a fun game for me. And I am not you. We both have different tastes.

Yes, absolutely. Check the .pdf, Hitler (and especially Himmler) wanted to unite all Germanic people's (Swedes, Danes, Dutch, Flems, Norweiguans, etc.), and given the option of autonomy or deportation, the above groups would undoubtedly choose to be integrated into the Reich.


What event IDs help raise population in Vic2?
inb4 >cheating

ottoman cb is just puppet, their event to limit you have not fired yet

what did you change in it?

Seconding this
Please respond, why is no one answering this

The European GPs' CB on you is to return all Ottoman cores to the Ottomans.

The OE's CB is just to puppet.

event 14680

you are still their bitch

Yeah it fired later, I thought it would fire faster

>u is right next to I
Thanks for pointing out a typo; what a comedic post of epic proportions

How do I best bring about the Roman Empire 2.0 in Vicky 2?
Eastern or Western Roman acceptable


annex ottomemes empire

release as greece (grobs easternromaniums) puppet

Republican papal states
Go mad with blobbing

Did Simsulla fix the fucking states already?

The goal is to hold both Constantinople and Rome and the surrounding areas


roman republic

>Inb4 Caesar

Pick Italy, Spain or France and blob your way into former Western Roman territory.

Why not Greece? I read on the wiki they can form the Byzantine Empire, and they're literally roman

>they're literally roman
Lets not do this again

Well eastern roman
The point is, I can be Byzantium

Russia is the true heir to Rome
Tsargrad must be reclaimed

Why the fuck is the archive mods only? Which Jew faggot changed this?

Read the readme

>Literally Roman

On a more reasonable note, the Byzantine Empire was long dead by Vic2's start date and reforming it was more of a nationalist's wet dream than ever reality. It was put in more as a nod to the Byzantiphiles from Europa Universalis. The best the Greeks could've hoped for was the Megali Idea.

The Byzantine Empire only gives cores on Turkish and Greek culture provinces you own, not anything outside of your domain. It doesn't add any additional accepted cultures, making your newfound Empire a hotzone of militancy and crises. Plus no additional flavour, no events, etc. etc.

In regards to other easter egg nations, there's Babylon (fucking great fascist flag btw) and Jan Mayen (it's rather unbearable).