Eve Online General - /eog/

POS create content Edition

old thread: permalink: orph.link/eog

>Can I make enough ISK to PLEX during the trial?
If you have to ask, you can't do it.

>I just started, what should I do?
Do the Opportunities then all the Career Agent missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

>Read the /eog/ pastebin: pastebin.com/ser9Acpg

>Focus Group Logs: focusgrouplogs.tech.ccp.is/

>Winter: drilling platforms
>Fall: industrial arrays, barge visuals, AOE BOOST/LINK REWORK, Rorqual rework
>Nov 25: Eve Down Under
>Oct 28: Eve Vegas
>Sep 12: CSM 11 first summit

>Aug 20: Battle in SH1-6P, NC/PL smack CO2/TEST, 1.25t destroyed, ~300b more than Asakai but 9x less than B-R imgur.com/a/YhwzU
>Aug 13: soundcloud.com/orangeeagle/wh-csm-townhall-13aug2016
>Aug 09: Citadel contracts, damage/repping visuals, DX11 clouds performance boost, cargo notifications
>Jul 26: AT prizes announced (blood raider variations)
>Jul 23: Goons moving to Delve, SMA alliance closes
>Jul 19: Broski joins then kills QFC
>Jul 18: Billboards submissions open
>Jul 07: AT 14 rule changes: 10 players, no cap-transfer, no jumpdessies, blood raider ships encouraged
>Jun 29: "Shadow of the Serpent" event began, serp capitals introduced
>Jun 28: Citadel trading, tactical overlay vectors, new implants, legal drugs, NSA nerfs, triage/seige/bastion give ECM immunity, mass fitting tool
>Jun 23: RIP SP dailies
>May 30: RIP Dust 514 (long live Project Nova)
>May 12: Name ships automatically with a saved fit name
>May 06: Eve Online 13th Anniversary
>Apr 27: Citadels & cap rebalance released. Tears, bugs, etc. RIP rolling yachts.
>Mar 09: Massive mod tiercides that broke a lot of fits.
>Feb 09: SP trading
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)

Other urls found in this thread:




1. Nullsec botters/ratters/mission runners
2. Highsec botters/ratters/mission runners
3. Nullbabby napfest blobbers
4. Lowsec 'elite' link-alt slave set pvpers
5. 'hisec pvp'
6. Miners
7. Industrialists
8. Traders
9. Scammers

9001. Honorabru solo roamers

90001. Small gang NPC sov nullsec/lowsec

900001. C5-6 WH pvpers

First for, fuck you, you can't make me log in to kill an eos.


>allowing your links to get trackled by shitty ceptors


>citadels are supposed to replace POS's but can't even insure ships or repair modules
>some CCP turd thought this was a good idea

my autism is on defcon fucking one right now

or repair modules

The tether repairs modules.

>this thing is 1000% more powerful than it should be

>should ccp fix it, or should we all just 'adapt' by using it all the time and thinking we're smart

>small gang forms up
>somebody asks if he can bring a Eos

>it's fine, just fit all of those hundreds of modules to ships, then undock and wait outside for 5 minutes like 50 times

>have to wait for an eternity in front of station to get repaired instead of just docking, instant repair, and undocking


>try to tackle enemy fleet's pair of link eoses in my crusader
>tfw die to tracking bonused dual 150mm railguns

IF it was up to me repairing modules wouldn't be a thing. I'd rather have you have to have hundreds of replacements stored up and just scrap the slightly broken ones.

Get fucked.

and drones

>your fleet somehow wasn't able to warp to you

>heavy drones track perfectly thanks to info linked tp v bellicose

And everyone else on the fleet shooting at it the second it got in point range

They all landed 70km from the Eos current position

>fleet initiates warp
>you die
>enemy command destroyer jumps eoses away
>fc kicks you from alliance

>no fun allowed
back to jita, gayboi

bet u haven't even trained thermodynamics 1

>They all landed 70km from the Eos current position
more like 25km off, and the eos dies

>not always keeping a mjd destroyer with the Eos to link it and jump it so the Eos can jump again with its own mjd

>only 1 interceptor was in fleet and you're not allowed to use more than 1

>needing to mjd when you have tracking bonused railguns

You mean the eos warps

>no defensive bubblers are in the enemy fleet and they're not allowed to use any

>Many ceptors burning straight at you
>Kiting fleet shoots half down with help of their counter ceptors
>Warp when they get to close
Now they have less verities and can't try that shit again
Happens every time

m8s what if links and rlml got completely removed

caracal would stop being the number 1 used cruiser

Maybe in 8 years user
Once they introduce the T5Ds with 25 modes and global cap less guns that shoot missiles with neuts and the new de-linking ewar.

No you, double fuckboi

I would have hoped as gamers we have learned that balancing towards player convenience ruins games 100% of the time.

but then linkfag would have to adapt and actually get good at the game

>Implying de-linking wouldn't be a good E-War
Give it to cruiser pirate ships for some reason.
Works like ecm and it turns off all the links the targeted ship is recieving, no falloff or optimal, it just werks at any range.

thats pretty OP and pretty pointless at the same time

just shoot at the links

You fags would still bitch about something else.

Muh implants, muh drugs, muh pirate ships, muh clicking in space, muh svipuls, muh recons, muh BLOPS, muh carriers. Etc


I-I'm helping!

drugs are fine retard

The worst mistake of the modern game is community input in balancing.

Good links are impossible to catch.

>Combining plates with reps
Goddammit dog, not again

>only 1000 dps tanked
>not even cap stable
>dual 150's
>hitting any interceptor ever
>a couple of small neuts shuts this entire thing off
>2-3 cruisers overwhelms this tank

>triple rep

I want meme fits to leave

Tell that to all the faggots complaining about having to use consumables

which faggots? I've never heard anyone bitch about drugs and shit

I think community input is good. you just have to filter out the retards, which is really a lot of people

So only listen to top 3 AT people
Got it

Many games need community input. What happened before when CCP didn't take any community input is what caused burn jita

And you fags would still bitch about the people bitching, so you can continue to feel superior.

We ARE superior
1v1 me at the sun
All is allowed

more like listen to well reasoned arguments, it's pretty easy


Reddit makes well reasoned arguments all the time.
They just happen to be reasoned towards the wrong demography.

Theres non-retards that will push for multiple differing viewpoints on what the game should try and achieve, People that highly value PvP in EVE that aren't dumb would actively provide input that would make the sandbox far shittier.

Balancing is the most important thing for PvP, high skill cap is also important, many options is important but less important than the other two. A person pushing for PvP could reasonably argue that having to buy ships and ammo and modules just gets in the way of people PvPing. But that would also severely fuck up everything that EVE was created to be.

I'd rather have a team of developers headed by an idealistic director that makes everything in the game towards a centralized vision while completely disregarding profits and player input.

>A person pushing for PvP could reasonably argue that having to buy ships and ammo and modules just gets in the way of people PvPing.
No they wouldn't thats a mechanic of the game which few other MMO's have

If you die in PVP in other MMO's theres no loss, you just spawn in the last place you died, you still have your shit and gear and theres no loss.

>We ARE superior

Superior at being shit. Checkmate r/eve shitter.

you think it's really bad for some reason to have devs that sometimes read their own forums, because you think they will take all the shitty posts as some kind of vote and do what the shitters want?

Not true, many MMOs deal with exp loss and equipment loss.

People would, and have argued for this.

>mfw CCP would rather post and read reddit than their own forums

no wonder everything functions so well

You got me there

>Not true, many MMOs deal with exp loss and equipment loss.

GW2 you lose nothing and your armor loses a little affinity which is pointless since you can just repair it literally anywhere


>you lose exp

wow, it's fucking nothing

>they would because I said so

t. some retard on the forums or reddit that wants an extremely unpopular notion

this really triggers me, and not even in a grr reddit way. post things about your game on the official site, not fucking twitter or whatever

tfw guard will never hang out in r/eog with us

Look mum, I posted it again! xD!!1

I know the feeling. shitters taking a sensible plate + rep fit and ruining it with more reps is really upsetting

Remember Tibia?
PvP always enabled.
Dying to anything or anyone dropped your backpack and random gear pieces, exp loss was massive.
I'm talking 2 weeks worth of grinding to get back at high levels.
Only way to get exp was to kill npcs, no quests.
Most high level equipment was worth 5 PLEX each in comparison wo their premium token subscription own.

That's not true. Removing SP would make the game popular.

GW2 is popular.

>mfw replying to no-sp fag


>no-sp fags have to insert themselves into everything to feel relevant
>mfw skill injector made them all irrelevant in a single swoop

Character bazaar existed long before noskill injectors though.

>she doesn't want EVE to be a game where only real-life player skills and only real-life player skills matter
>she fell for the white guilt of CCP
Wake up sheeple...
Stay woke...

But injectors was the final swing of the axe

From the other thread:

"You can increase your wealth by a statistical 2.09% an hour by flipping PLEX from buy orders in a citadel to Jita.

Minimum limit 10b, upper efficient investment limit per hour, 63bil.

63b * 2.09% per hour is +20.9% per 10 hours, or 76b, or 13bil per 10 hours of consistent, bot-level flipping.

To compare the profitability of that, the second most profitable item (per hour) is currently Logic Circuit, with a statistical hourly flipping profit of 79mil and an upper limit of investment of 734mil. The following 10 items ranked in profitability can be flipped for a total of 380mil per hour with a required 13.5bil in reserve to do so, or a 2.8% ROI per hour (3.8b per 10).

The top 10 items change hourly and profitability fluctuates in the ranges of 200mil to 500mil, with capital required ranging from as low as 2b to 20b. The PLEX fluctuates from high profitability to high unprofitability (spread too tight to pass Jita taxes), which forces the spread to expand by either increasing top sell prices in a bull trend, or decreasing top buy offers in a bear trend. The trend usually follow the model for a week, which is a good mid-term investment if you manage to identify the trend.

This has been your daily spreadsheet statistics autism."

So, you're getting all of us cap characters for /eog/ sov?

but how do you transport them safely without getting ganked?

instawarp interceptors

And blockade runners with Instadock

>People that highly value PvP in EVE that aren't dumb would actively provide input that would make the sandbox far shittier
>pushing for PvP could reasonably argue that having to buy ships and ammo and modules just gets in the way of people PvPing
This has been your /eog/ shitpost. In the future, please keep to stuff that would actually happen or that you have literally any reason to post, whether scientific or actual forum posts.

/eog/ Titans roam when?

eog does have titans tho
Even all-out has a titan

Is there a price point per ship that makes a fleet profitable? Is PvP ever flown for profititability except gatecamps?

Ganking, that's about it.

Not really.

Also not particularly on topic.

>instadock bookmarks
>jump freighters
So how will I prevent someone from jumping a titan into my cyno alt, bumping my freighter out of alignment/docking, and doomsdaying my ship and my pod?

>not omen

>So how will I prevent someone from jumping a titan into my cyno alt,
don't invite them to fleet?

Yes it is.

>Invulnerability window

/eog/ AF roam when


Inb4 "b-but EVE isn't about s-skill.. what would I have without m-my SP??" Enjoy the game without getting upshipped on where you can't do anything about it.

because you're in dock range and/or invulnerable at all times

only a massive shitter could lose a jump freighter

Only if it's arty jaguars
Or lml shield vengeances


It has huge critical and market disapproval.

It's WoW without trinity roles and decent PvP.

Still popular


>It has huge critical and market disapproval.
If that was true then no one would play it. But currently it has far more players than EVE does