Spectators' depiction of YGO WCS 2016 finals
Dueling Network General - /dng/
Leo Thompson
Austin Jenkins
>I-If we only had Kaijus, Mermails would be w-winnning w-w-wWorlds
Keep crying Mermailfaggots
Julian Reyes
Poll for Japan vs America.
Hunter Richardson
Literally no one's talking about Mermails anymore lmao
Nathaniel Fisher
what a meme deck
Jackson Stewart
Mermails would win anyway if someone actually brought them.
David Baker
Cameron Stewart
Who allowed you to come back?
Daniel Diaz
It's true though, lack of Kaijus are the only reason Blue-Eyes for this far.
Alexander Ross
>playing mermailfag with my BE
>he wumbocombos into le black ballsack
>spirit float into moonlight to bounce it
>he's stuck with the two tokens
Castel's existence finally makes sense.