/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous Event part 2 details

>[White Beach of Healing from 11.8 to 31.8]
- Fuyuki must have been cleared to access the event
- Welfare Scat Assassin 4* as reward
- New mystic code [Brilliant Summer]
- New ascension material added [Shell of Recollection] required for ascending the time limited servants
- Summer Gacha part 1:
Tamamo no Mae Lancer 5*
Anne Mary Archer 4*
Mordred Rider 4*
Kiyohime Lancer 4*
Everyone is limited.
-Event CEs:
5* Carmilla CE: Crit dmg up by 15% and 30% NP at the start of battle - Water and Food +1
5* Drake CE: Ignore Invul. and gives 3 stars per turn - Iron +1
4* Evil Cat CE: Evasion (1 hit) and Quick up by 8% - Stone +1
3* Boobyca CE: Defense and Arts up by 3% - Wood +1
All CEs will gain a second effect during the second part of the event
For material bonus see: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oept0VLDr00R7cUQE4tXus7dgCMdFjPq7HUbtFXwcSo/htmlview?sle=true#gid=0

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
- New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- news.fate-go.jp/2016/xbalo9/
- Shakes, Phantom, Benkei, Ceasar, ROMA, Tesla, Curry Bros., Frank and Lancer Alter to bond 10


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Alternate servant/CE database

>Complete materials
mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


I love you all, even if you hate me.

What if Emiya Alter is Shirou's mind broken body from Sparks Liner High that Illya took and inserted a personality into, in this case the personality of Masamune.

Hassan thread.

Are there any other famous blackmiths in legends?Most of them tend to be Gods.

Fuck off Justeze

EMIYA Alter will be Rin's fanfiction version of EMIYA. Sakura will get Monster Medusa instead.


Who want a sketch of a waifu (in swimsuit)?

Why do they all call their NP Zabaniya? Do they lack originality?

leave and never return to MY thread

Nobu a CUTE.




Yeha, most famous Blacksmiths are literal gods, the only semi-famous blacksmiths i can think of that aren't gods are Musamune, Muramasa and the guy who reforged Gram.

Who are these handsome men?

"She had grasped that which shone at the world's edge.
The changes began taking to her instantly.
First, her flesh. Then her mind.
However, the moment before she was shifted completely to becoming the goddess of the holy spear, she made her choice.
That she would remain as the Storm King - as herself.

She ended up a tempestuous existence, removed from the aspect of herself that wielded the holy sword as the King of Knights.
Even so, she would continue to be a human being.

She would exist not as Lady Rhongomyniad, but as Artoria Pendragon.

What stood here was not she who would become the Lion - but the heroic spirit of the holy spear."



gib swimsuit NR pls

tfw all my favorite servants are featured in the swimsuit event



Best swimsuit.

Bradamante when?

Wow, I didn't know half of the people from BL were gay.

So liking typemoon makes you gay, huh. It really makes you think.

xth for best Saberface, best Saber, Lancer, Rider, best waifu! Clowns need not apply.

I wonder what's up with their direction for this character. It seems like they just keep changing it as the story develops. This has nothing in common with the in-game profile at all.

i mean, BL also stands for Boys love...

Darnic seemed really unimpressive, considering he was supposed to have held the same rank with the Association as Touko and Satsuki did.

I regret burning out all those green keys.

And people say she's the same as Saber Alter.

Mata Hari please.

I think this is her actual character. In game profile is a placeholder that avoided spoilers.

xth for the best snek and her older sister


He managed to invent a method of sustaining his life based on consuming the souls of others. Sure, it'd fuck up the soul eventually, but it's still impressive as shit.

Have you gotten your teams ready for part 2?

>Lets give her the Greatest sword created by the planet which is as strong as the planet
>Lets give her lance which controls the two sides of the world and binds the worlds of man and divine apart.
>Lets give her a dozen super soldiers which are each maybe as strong as Karna, although she's even stronger than all of them
>Lets give her super heaven realm that breaks the reincarnation cycle and no one else is as super special as this
>Lets give her super dragon core which is better than all other characters with dragon core or dragon power, and makes her the strongest heroic spirit. As strong as probably divine spirits, or literally impossible to fully replicate her power as a servant since she's too great.
>Lets say that her sword is so super special as well that even when she beats other heroic spirits with it, that's reallly her sword at 1/10th power or something. Since we retconned in the fact that there are thirteen seals upon her sword.
>Although she lost to a normal human army in life, and almost a dozen times in F/SN. Lets say she was at less than 1/10th power there, as a way of shitting on the other heroic spirits she fought.
>Really her sword is now anti-planet, and can fight TYPES
>Also lets give her a dozen other powers and mythicial EX rank items more blessed than anyone else on the planet greater than anyone else on the planet forever, for no reason
>Lets say that she is powered by the hearts of all warriors throughout time, when she absorbs spirit bomb for her sword
>No this isn't some special king that needed divine protection and all the greatest items in creation, in fact she was someone who was destined to lose a very small kingdom from the start.
>Now let's make her lance able to transform her into a goddess

Why is Saber such a Mary Sue?

Make a cute Nursery Rhyme please.

I think they were on the fence about it. First, they had the totally bare-bones profile that didn't even mention the Alter part and then just added that much later.

Well if someone doesn't really defeat anyone else in a fight people are bound to find him unimpressive

nasu is a hack

Cool, make one for Scat now

>Lets say that her sword is so super special as well that even when she beats other heroic spirits with it, that's reallly her sword at 1/10th power or something. Since we retconned in the fact that there are thirteen seals upon her sword.
Weren't the thirteen seals on Ron, not Excalibur?


Ask Geoffrey of Monmouth

Takeuchi won't accept any other character being better than his waifu

xth for cutest boy and cutest girl

Well if you only count the canon material, FSN and HA, she'd a pretty hard jobber. Far from a Mary Sue.

My poorfag edition is yet to be completed. I'm going all poor so no 4 5 * CEs and kirei's key are really good CEs when you LB them.

Excalibur also has 13 seals now.

Rhon has seals, Excalibur has arbitrary conditions that weaken it.

And Kuzuki almost defeated her...

Heroic Spirit KUZUKI when?

My harem is ready

That only happened thanks to Medea buffing him. After she was dead he couldn't even hurt Emiya.


Wayland the Smith.

Pretty jealous of that lvl 100 ibaraki

I meant that more like "it's better to compare Zouken to Darnic rather than Touko".

Best grill deserves the best

He was a superpowered assassin who has the element of surprise and whose fighting style was specifically countered Saber's sixth sense Instinct and learned reflexes. Even so she could survive only because of her skill and strength, instead of simply dying like Medusa. And because his style only works a single time she would have beaten him if they ever fought again.



Emiya was already proven to be stronger than Seiba. Triple Crane Linked Wings checkmates her.

Thanks for answering a question no one asked.

So, Ishtar's Fanfiction?

Darnic really didn't get to do much mage stuff apart from possessing Vlad. Though that's more because Higashide was in a hurry to get him out of the way so his and Nasu's Samurai resurrection homage could take center stage.

Lets calm down. Minamoto won't kill ibaraki because kintoki rider will protect oni best grill.

Why is Alcides there? Is he confirmed Herk alter or something?

that shit only worked because alter has nerfed instinct and agi though

If monsters like Asterios and the Gorgons can be Servants,the Cyclopes could be too,right?

They were pretty good smiths from what I recall.Can be turned into victims too.

Fucking Higashide.

in SF he is archer/avenger class

Kinda, yeah. He went through much the same thing as Saber did in HF and UBW.

emiya got his ass kicked by her in seconds in UBW tho

Yeah but servant Emiya has better stats to make up for that difference

I am the user who posted last thread saying that he was locked out of his account.

I bruteforced it and got it. Feels good to be back.


She isn't even the strongest Servant.

Read this.

Is Shiki user here?

>2 ibaraki vs 1 minamoto
Oni duo wins here.

He can be, if you want him to.

Yes my Tamamo harem is ready.

Are you watching the Worlds' finals?

The Gorgons are all presented as exceptions for a few reasons. Not sure about Asterios, since at least his mother was a mortal.

Nasu's rule of thumb has always been that anything goes, though. If the author wants it to happen, it may happen.

But Raikou can summon 4 other Raikous

I haven't gotten that shinji CE in the longest
Kinda miss it

Why does she use the modified axe instead of the original?

>DW incharge of not being lazy

Put Kintoki in there since she cucks you with him in London.

Why would you use a boring ass axe when you got a lightning chainsaw axe

The Cyclops are most likely considered divine spirits.

Tamamo's My Room line with Kintoki makes it clear that she doesn't actually like being around him.


>All those lvl1 skills

Not going to lie, when I saw that NP the first time, I got a boner out of nowhere.

I feel you lol. Now, whenever I roll the FP gacha, it gives me books, books and more books.

Anyone interested in a throwaway account with attila, tamamo lancer, rider mordred NP2, pirate sluts (both archer and rider ver)

>spends half her appearance in london teasing kintoki
Yeah sure.