League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fizz's best skin edition


the games are rigged

So this...is the power...of western fans..wow

You really must be in a lot of distress to start counting your succesful (or in this case failed) attempts so far.

Xth for Katarina
best girl


>no kills in 12 mins


Silence Lebalanced almost made me quit

>Reading youtube comments

thats the blast from the past i didnt expect



there is a difference between just getting by and "dumpstering every gook/chink he has played against." everyone hypes bjerg up to be this god but in international play he is a pretty big nonfactor.

play dota

Do you know what this image features, user?

Here's a tip: it doesn't involve waveclear.

im not gay

>TSM winning every single lane

Didn't CLG counter pick them in all of them?

>people find hitting creeps for 14 mins fun
wtf I hate lol now.

>PvE, the TRUEST TEST OF SKILL, is going to be the meta at world's
>no buffs for the HIGHEST OF SKILL champs


theyre letting TSM farm for free and scale follow the script man come on

Who's your favorite youtuber, /lolg/?

I want to _____ Shyvana

Why is Stixxay so stingy with his flash in professional games?
I know his reaction time isn't that slow, that was just pure greed

kiss legs of

real men like big dixxay only flash for kills

hold the hips of

>Riot removes them
>Comp play is stills boring no kill fest, arguably even worse

>"im going full ad garen"
>0/5 against yasuo in 10 minutes
>"im tilted"
i wish to leave gold 1 now please

Ex LoL god here, Why does no one pick my waifu Akali any more?

Actual drafting when?
Also, the pick order can be changed in dota. Winning a coinflip at the start of a game gives you the ability to either choose side or to pick first. (And then alternating if a series)

she is bad diana

She's dogshit

Wait for the rework when they mass overhaul assassins.

Her only hope was tank akali and riot nerfed that to shit.

gold 1 is literally cancer
all the boosted plat retards that play like shit are there

what is that hero and why is he disabled?

Kiss her lips softly while holding her hand and caressing her face

when a new hero gets released they leave it before putting it in pro tournaments to see the balance and shit.

also its Arc Warden.

Aurelion sol and its because tsm are faggots

pobelter died for this clg.

get huhi the fuck out of here

Why would anyone get boosted to plat

Arc Warden, one of the newest additions
He's disabled because dota knows their balance isn't perfect, so heroes aren't instantly available to pro play

when the map is asymmetrical
when there is more farm on the map
when the map itself is bigger

Arc Warden, and he's disabled because he's the latest addition. In dota, new heroes aren't directly available in captain's mode, to prevent bugs affecting games or if they turn out way more OP than expected.

For example, tuesday Dota sees the release of Underlord (the new name of pitlord), and he'll be disabled as well. Arc warden might get added to captain's mode then, though my bet is more likely for him to be added this fall with the monkey king patch.

>6 kills in 24 minutes

Huhi is top 3 midlaner NA

She's bad Diana, who is in turn Bad Fizz.

Because getting boosted to Diamond is too expensive retard.

>He's disabled because dota knows their balance isn't perfect, so heroes aren't instantly available to pro play
but same goes for lol?
they play on a previous patch for some part of the 2 week cycle?

Because both teams play smart

im sorry are those good things?

to get the border, and getting boosted to diamond is expensive

Pobelter is a shitter too. The only one that can compete against Bjergsen in NA is Jensen, maybe Froggen on a good day.

yes? map design allows for more diversity
im sure that riot literally forcing 2v2 fixed the problem of the games being boring

qtpie t b h

top 10*

Yeah this kass pick is clutch. does this guy think he is froggen or something lmfao

They don't, which is why viewership is down. It's driven entirely by mindless fanboys who just root for their favorite team and don't really care about the game itself. The fact that it's dull to watch doesn't really matter.



but lol map is asymmetrical

jensen turns to shit when he plays bjergsen

>Almost entirely the same picks the entire series.
>Barely any teamfights or action
>Casters are making up shit as they go
>Bug disabled a pick during the series
>TSM is going to be hyped up as the "Western hope" only to fail again like they always do

Worlds is going to be a disaster, I can already feel it.

Comp league will never be like your gold 5 kill per minute clown fiestas, get over it you pea brained mongoloids

Thank god the games are rigged the good guys are finally going to win.

their solutions and changes theyve made over the years about towers and dragons are a huge issue
it has nothing to do with the map
a larger map requries rotational tools added like tp scrolls and at that point you may as well be playing dota (the inferior game)

>maybe Froggen on a good day
good joke, froggen is relegation tier trash

kill yourself eurouck

That's not true, c9 and IMT had a lot of fights yesterday. But I will agree that higher level teams won't have that many kills usually.

>bjergshit too shit to press the zhonya button when getting jhin ulted


No, but here's another tip: it still doesn't have waveclear despite all the seaworthy puns

one the other hand g2 looks promising and SKT is probably not gonna win a 3rd worlds. korea might win their 4th in a row though

Does ANYONE know any insider info about the assassin update? Yorick update? Warwick update?


>Bjerg dies to curtain call
>When sven was right there
>When he had zhonyas up
Nice to see that NA is still garbage

I don't think people want that, they just want more action.

The teams are obviously playing passive because they know that competitive League snowballs like hell.

Lose one teamfight and you have like a 80% chance of losing the entire match.

C9 is the only NA team that somehow performed on worlds

and current C9 is pretty bad if Impact is not inspired

>what is the lpl

I love Lissandra!

>he didn't watch season 3 competitive

This year's lineup for LCK is really scary if KT makes it.


you do know skt is just sandbagging until worlds right now right

>Burger King exposed

It used to be. But boring conservative play is more consistent and safe for seasonal splits. You only see hammy plays at the lower end by teams who have nothing to lose. The top teams in any league have the same dull playstyle.

I guess LCK teams play dumb?

It is not related to food and has no waveclear.

>getting cucked by Trundle when your Waifu doesn't even exist
How sad is your life?

NA and EU play to not lose.

well known fact

>At the start of the split I said Biofrost would be a better support than Aphromoo it happened on the first day.

why is competitive dota a gold 5 kill per minute game

im so fucking piss that i ordered papa johns for a blowout series . pic related

>he thinks fiestas have anything to do with mmr

Is bronze 2 elo hell?

I always shoot right back up to it to about 60lp and then the following happens

My name gets fucked and I start getting silvers

I get toxic afk, whiners, feeders

I get straight shitters that belong in bronze 5

I get plat smurf gangplanks on enemy team

I get shitters silver 5s

I get tilted and drop back to bronze 3

Been like this for weeks

Their pizza is really fluffy and chewy.

Not a fan.

You should probably refund that. It looks like they melted plastic on top of your pizza.

>cheese pizza

Can CLG beat IMT?

Has League been this boring all season? This is the first time i watch an LCS game this season and i now i remember why i don't watch it anymore.

if you werent a shitter youd be challenger by now