Really weird q, but its Veeky Forums so what do you guys think. All these nofap faggots say you cant be someone if you jerk off alot and well this is fucked. Im broke and now i cant even jerk it to get away from the pain of having no money
Do successful people jerk off?
Do you think the problem with your life is masterbation
Honestly no, I dont feel like I do it alot, once a day to sleep is about it. But I could be in denial
The guys who say Nofap is the solution to all your problems are the kind of people for whom fapping is a, or indicative of a huge problem.
But basically it's a matter of self control, if you can stop yourself from a compulsive activity be it fapping, smoking, biting your nails... doesn't matter what it is, if you can apply that same self-control to other aspects of your life.
Say, learning new skills, not selling your stocks everytime it takes a minor tumble, waking up earlier, avoiding procrastination etc. etc. then indirectly Nofap will help you achieve.
What do you feel is holding you back in life?
when I was a teen I yanked it 7-10 times a day, usually in front of the neighbor girls.
when I was dating I jerked off maybe 3-5 times a day.
first time I got married I rubbed one out about 10 times a day and fucked the wife daily and twice on sundays.
second time I was dating I'd skip entire weeks and then whack off 20 times in a single day.
second marriage I started off jerking it 3-5 times a day and slowly over a period of 15 years dropped to 3 times a day exactly. Doc says I have low testosterone now, apparently that happens when you get older.
point of this little diary entry is that I've made a couple million bucks over the last 13 years or so. Believe it or not.
If you're good youre thinking of money while doing it
myself, my procrastination/lack of discipline. I often feel comfort in mediocrity and I have episodes where I hate myself for it and get into huge depression. I know im capable of more but I cant fucking focus I cant get into the "zone" its sad. I dont tell people this irl because they'll think im some huge failure
What is the secret please help me
which secret?
masturbating 10 times a day or running a business and making a couple million bucks over 13 years (which isn't really all that much if you do the math. A little over $150k/year).
The business one man, though 10 times a day is quite the feat. Your dick must be dust.
Well every time I start to see a growth in my income I fuck things up by closing myself from other people and start jerking off a lot then everything goes back to the beginning for me. It's like I'm on this ladder and porn as well as hentai is shown before me and I have to stop and start to jerk off then after I have a fine release I fall all the way down just to repeat the cycle.
Bro, I've posted it a lot on several boards, but my dad passed away last week.
My life is pure emptiness and feels like it lacks any meaning.
I'm still going to try to improve to make my parents proud.
You have life on a silver platter right now and you're going to waste it if you're not careful.
There's nothing stopping you other than a pointless addiction to your computer.
Are you in school right now?
oh. The business one is easy. I clean two banks, three government buildings, and a number of ever-changing industrial hazardous waste sites.
or at least my people do.
get jobs cleaning things. Pay other people to do the work. Masturbate all you want.
Yeah I am, sorry for your loss man.
What you gotta do is find one thing you really wanna do but requires work, no matter how mundane, and just pull it through. And fully pull it through. Like learn an instrument, learn a new language, catcv a shiny Pokemon. You'll get this feeling of success that's so addicting. And the most pure form of it. The one only you appreciate and that's not dependant on others. Then you can go on and pull through all other things
Every morning to get the mind ready to day trade
My father is a millionaire and one time he asked me how my friend is doing. I told him he has no job and is not going to school. My father replied so he's just jacking off all day then.
I dont blame you that shit sounds stressful
My father is also a millionaire, it makes it even more disheartening he has a good work ethic. When i say im tired during the day or take a nap he gets mad and asks me how I got so lazy(i wish I could tell him) and we argue over other stuff. I think I'm smarter than him but then I remember that he runs multiple businesses while I cant even find the willpower to stop stroking my own dick. Fuck.
Idk what it is ive been struggling with this problem since middle school. I cant study for shit and I cant stay motivated through a school year(beginning of a new year I am very motivated but it gets shitty about now). My grades were Ds and Cs in uni last semester and I fucking hate myself for it more than ever. How am I supposed to start a business in this sorry state?
sorry for text wall
Work for his businesses. He will start you off with a low base salary. If after years of hard work he is pleased with your performance, he will let you take over his businesses.
>My father is also a millionaire blah blah blah
does your father lurk Veeky Forums?
are you my son?
anyways I'm not disappointed in you, son. I didn't get my head straight in business until I was a lot older than you. And everyone faps.
I know you can do better than I did is all. You just can't be lazy. Part of it's my fault for letting you be lazy, and for casting a long shadow.
but you're an adult now and you can't use me as a crutch. Get off your ass and live your life before it's over! I don't care if you get rich, I care that you live. So go fucking live.
This is going to sound like some airy fairy shit but the first thing you need to do is believe that you can actually control your focus.
If you think really hard you'll find times, even recently, when you amassed real willpower.
Find the magic moments and repeat them!
Also, stop fucking comparing yourself to your dad.
He started multiple businesses because he HAD to. He developed a good work ethic because it was the only chance he had to have a better life.
Stop thinking that you're smarter than him, you probably are, you had more opportunities than him, but it doesn't really matter -- his accomplishments and your own are unrelated.
Why do you want to be successful? What do you want to get out of Uni?
Zero in on the shit you care about with lazer focus. The thing that if you don't have it by age 30...40... you'll literally kill yourself.
Maybe it's seeing the Mekong Delta, maybe you want to fly your own private jet, maybe you've always wanted to own some Armani Suites.... maybe your dream is more simple, you just want to have a collection of remote control robots...
I don't know, I don't care. But it's what YOU CARE ABOUT?
Just remember being lazy is a choice. Your choice.
And no amount of feeling shitty about your fathers judgement will make that choice any easier.
I did try, showed up late too much and he yelled at me in front of other employees and on the phone. The words that linger are "I cant run a business with people like you". Maybe he'll give me another chance but Im not gonna waste it again. Have to improve now.
Yeah he was an immigrant, so it was do or die. Im just sitting around wasting his money and also air.
You lost your chance. Your father wanted you to take over but saw you unfit.
But don't give up. Take a month off, and travel to the woods. Read books by Brian Tracy. Once your back and have a fresh new mentality talk to your father. Tell him I feel more mature now. I was brat back then. Now I accept that whatever happens to my life is up to me. He may give you a second shot. But the moment you slip up at work he will be very upset.
Didnt answer the rest of the qs so here we go
Why do I want success? To have a better life, to move out and stop being a dependent bloodsucker to my parents.
What to get from uni? CS degree so I can make apps, or many other entrepreneurial ventures. I feel like it opens a lot of doors. I could be wrong though. Lots of the worlds best tech guys didn't even finish college, zuckerberg only needed to know a couple languages (c, php, C++), and im here looking at machine code, so I'm not certain. Maybe that is the problem?
What my vision is? living independently in a nice apartment downtown in a big city(LA, NY) and owning a business, also a nice car.(materialistic shit, I know)
That first sentence makes me want to kms man.
>Im just sitting around wasting his money and also air.
So is 70% of the population.
You're not that special, but you're not that un-special either. You're utterly unspectacular, and not even pathetic enough to be pathetic. Be liberated by that.
Well your vision is actually pretty obtainable, nice car and a downtown apartment. There are endless ways to achieve that -- only requires money.
You've got these tech entrepreneurs the wrong way round, what languages they knew was less important than identifying a market point of entry. Steve Jobs is the extreme example of this, this man was not a CS major, not an electrical engineer: but he knew enough about the industry and more importantly could see that there was a market of non-hackers who would have a use for a pre-packaged home computer.
What language Zuckerberg coded in was irrelevant to the success of Facebook, after all a language is only as good as the application you use it to create.
Your focus should be on finding these products or services which can make you money: and they are everywhere, I mean Adblock Plus is a great example. People hate ads, create plug in.
Soundcloud, what's that? Just an easy way to upload your music. Same fucking ideas as Myspace.
Please don't be so hard on yourself user.
To be successful, first you need to believe you can be.
>Sometimes that involves self deception.
Well dude. Your father wants to pass on all of his wealth and businesses to a family member. He needs to feel confident in you. He knows you are still growing up and developing. He will give you another shot once you show him you mean business.
10/10 post
yup all the time , its good for your body op.
I disagree with the usual opinions on willpower.
Yes,it is important to develop focus, etc but we all have weaknesses and different tolerances. Winston Churchill was doing half a bottle of Brandy before noon, but he would outlearn you, outwork you and outwit you. Some musicians, actors and artists are high most of the time. Some CEO's sleep in their offices. Some traders are doing rails of coke and self-medicating with prescription drugs and coke. Some programmers are railed on caffeine all day.
But there are others who sleep in, and still perform. Please recognize if you are a lark or an owl - look it up.
I'm an owl - I get very little done before noon, if I do it's just some appointment or low-value tasks. I get my shitty stuff done then. But I guarantee you I outperform 80% of our sunny side of the planet between 6pm - 2am. Half the planet is still open for business.
And it's more peaceful, so I get more done.
The day is better for socializing for me too.
A thing Tim Ferriss often refers to (and I strongly agree) is 'don't rely on willpower, build or use better systems'
Use porn blockers.
Remove curtains.
Browse more at coffee shop or bar.
Aversion therapy - consequences for actions - If you spend $20 on porn, fine yourself $40, give to a bum, or a charity.
That's a system that relies less on willpower, and more on social consequences, and self-imposed penalties. I was so addicted to porn at one point that I would even openly watch porno videos while in Internet cafes and just openly watch porn videos.
I used to act out like this, just to feel the shame, so I would do it less later. Sometimes I still do, but not risky stuff, just a form of aversion therapy.
I'm not gonna lie, I work from home partly because I can take more porno breaks, but thanks to the above systems, it's managed a lot more now. Not being able to browse for 10 minutes during the day, meant know would binge all night and be tired all day.
OP here im browsing on a phone
I think I can be either Owl or Lark as I can do work in the morning but if given the option i will procrastiate until late and do work then.
I like your example of having systems though, you think at one point I wouldn't need to rely on them or will I always relapse?
Yeah I guess but I know I would be depressed even if I inherited the business, i want something for myself. Honestly would not mind if my father just sold it and retired on some golf course its his in the end. If worse comes to worst ill of course not be an idiot and take it. But I can see myself still being in the same shitty place mentally.
You won't be depressed. Once you see the money flowing in, it will motivate you to continue reaching for your goals. Once you've mastered your fathers businesses, you can essentially hire people to do the work for you while you overseer. Use the income generated to fund whatever it is you want to do.
everyone jays off.
Oh sorry, yeah, I forgot to add -
You only need to follow a routine for 66 days for it to become a habit.
So, I followed these methods for that amount of time, until it became a habit. I view porn and jerkoff off, but it doesn't get in the way of what I want to do now.
Know thyself also comes into this.
Life isn't fair.
Some people can do coke, and take it or leave it.
Some people are weak and it is affecting their life, it's an addiction, not a habit..they can't stop, then they can't function without it.
I tend to go all out on something,.so I avoid hard drugs, and have never tried them.
I was reading a book by Geoff Thompson, and he says at the start he doesn't watch porn much, not because he has a problem with it, or doesn't like it, but because he likes it, too much. So he knows it's a weakness to avoid.
In an interview with Chris Walken, the actor said he never turns down a script, and that he works so much because he's lazy. He'd rather have a job lined up.
That seems like a contradiction, but what he means is, if he doesn't have something lined up, he will revert to default and do nothing.
I still love porn, I'd rather have it than get into the habit of not seeing women naked, since that could become a habit if you have a dry spell.
>All these nofap faggots say you cant be someone if you jerk off alot
That's because they're members of a fucking cult. Most of them are chronic masturbators who jerk it all day every day, so cutting it actually does improve their lives, but they're also idiots so they think masturbation is the problem and not addiction. If you are healthy then there is nothing wrong with jerking off and you will probably see negative health effects from nofap, since regular orgasm is good for you.