/ovg/ - Lada edition

Previous thread: Our Wiki should answer every single question you could possibly ask about sim racing and racing with us!

We have a Mumble server, drop by and introduce yourself!
>Mumble IP: mumble.get-good.net
>Port: 64738

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We're racing on Saturday, Sunday, and sometimes on Friday. Check out our Google doc for info!

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first for ded

2nd for Ladas are the root of all evil

> it's shit
Okay why?

>tfw someone else actually played OMSI

series when?

if I have DiRT Rally, is there any reason to get DiRT 3 just to have a rally game I can play on my mac? I know it's arcadey as fuck but is it still fun? does it still take some skill to do well in? or is it just stupidly easy

6th for World of Subways 3: London Underground Simulator

It took me 15 minutes just to figure out how to get the damn thing moving then i reversed it into another train

where can i download the EGT cars for rf2 , the link on the wiki is broken and i aint buying them

everything is grippy in dirt 3, and fun is subjective

but well, it's $5 on sales, no harm in checking it out if you want.

Besides buying rF2 how can I get my own name in the game?
I change the .ini files and shit but when I'm on track it still says "ALI123".

Guess you won't be racing with them either then.

It's a fucking masterpiece. From the sound that the sliding window makes to the bumping and squeaking over bumps and turns.

read the fucking wiki

Maybe you should stop being such a thief and actually support the developers. It's only the cost of a couple cups of coffee.

Here at /ovg/, we don't support piracy.


and this is why /ovg/ is dead.

based, thanks
someone should update the link on the wiki unless ranek wants no one to show up to the ranwec server


If you are a pirate, you're automatically banned from the ae86 series.

The series is only for the elite


now that we're on the topic of piracy
anyone know how i can get the latest version of automobilista and have future updates like we did with gsc

try here:



>almost £30 for rfactor with new shaders and mods
no thanks

You gotta pay for those quality mods.

It's worth it

Potential for fuckery is high

Bought Dirt Rally because of the sale and joined the league, needless to say
But the Kit 306 is fun and I can carry waifu stickers.

It's still not solid. The track can get quite scary with those cars. I might do serres instead.

>be brave
my ass.

Would anybody be interested in a Need For Speed: Underground 2 Series? Played over gameranger in heats of 5 + ref probably. Details honestly to be determined.


Well, if it can work somehow, yeah. But we're just gonna hotlap right?

No, probably cars off, but collisions on.

can you hit pedestrians?

just bought dirt: rally to check it out after playing RBR for a while. gotta say that the cars are a lot more grippy than in the latter. handbraking and cutting corners are trickier than the it usually is here. don't know if it's more natural this way or not but cars behave differently than in RBR.

wished they had some proper mod support. game could use more cars and courses [spoiler]unless they've planned DLCs for them[/spoiler]

I'd vote Knockhill over Serres, but I voted Donington over LRP and that was some of the best racing I've had in a minute.
I'll go cut some laps now though, haven't tried either track yet.
>finished the lap like this

better than in RBR or Rally 2000 but still a bit silly


Ah, you are that autist that spends his time crashing into things in every racing game, right?

do you want an autograph?

Can I get a signed copy of Black Flag

Knockhill with the 86 is proper scary, and I know some people don't use a wheel, so I don't want them to have a very hard time. I'll do the final choice tomorrow.



Should I get DiRT Rally? I'm tempted

torrented version works fine, but it's your money senpai

I generally just buy shit
Good game though?

Nope do not do that, instead if i where you i'd dazzle your search bar up with the word "ebay.con" and pick up a copy of rally 2k or Mobil 1 rally championship.

Its the sim for ever rally fan.

Thanks, I'll look into it
The only racing game I have left on my PC is Grid so I'm looking for something new to play that isn't Rainbow Six or ARMA or something

as long as you don't play it more than 2 hours per week

MR is really good

So what was the "special sauce" that made ovgt3 season 1, ovgec and ovgf1 so popular? I feel like we had just as much shitposting and blogging then as we do now, but none of the recent crop of series has had the same level of success or longevity.



ovg used to be frequented by a lot of sim racing aliens who all came from different games but were united by their hatred of autistic league moderators.

then the Veeky Forums autists chased out everyone who could be considered a normie IE all the good drivers.

starking and valrys used the mumble to start an online gay tranny fin/dom relationship and that was the end of things.


>dudes going faster than me, let's own the inside line
>oh shit he's going for it
>the fucking madman

with all the updates coming with it? yes buy that. you'd probably rather torrent the game than buy a decade old game that'll cost just as much as Dirt: Rally with no reason at all other than "a collector's price". but it's your money dude.

better yet, get RBR with RSRBR instead of all of those if you can

we're lucky the nigger finally left, but we still have manrys around and being a shitter.

>that autist that spends his time crashing into things in every racing game

t. everyone on /ovg/

Novelty and good timing.
Once people realized the skill gap in /ovg/ is about as wide as the Atlantic Ocean, a lot of people who would be considered shitters simply stopped racing. The aliens stopped racing because they got bored with small grids and the same people shitting up the track.

Now we keep trying to start race series but not enough people are active because obviously they have life shit to take care of, the times are being experimented with, and hell, not everybody's got RF2.

Frankly, the experience that was OVGT3 S1 is very special and while we should certainly attempt to achieve that again, it's not necessary to hold ourselves to such a high standard every weekend.

Nice chop

captcha: bananas





is this the crew?

I played the beta, but now that the dust has settled i might actually buy it.

such an easy car to drive, how retarded can you be?

No, it's ぼくの捜索隊.

>now that the dust has settled
Never has that phrase been more appropriate.
The game is miles better now than when it was released.

For example, the devs reworked the PVP system completely, added a voting system and a couple of divergent gametypes.
The motorcycles that came out with Wild Run just got a physics update that makes them more challenging and fun to drive.
There's now a photo mode that allows export of resolutions up to 4k.

it's so fucking comfy, I only wish it were possible to crew up with more than 4 players.



>when you're stuck in the wide open gap not battling anyone
>when you get close enough to join the battle but spin out


Hey, you can meme with my name, but there are things that are off limits.

So I was thinking of getting either Project CARS, Asseto Corsa, or The Crew. What I want to know is
>Community sizes
>Customization options
>Which one has best physics
>Are they super serious, or is it a more casual time?

all trash

>community size
tossup between AC and the Crew

The Crew if you mean car customization, AC if you mean mods

>best physics

>ranking from serious to casual
AC>PC>The Crew

>im too stupid to use a trip

Guys on mumble have been playing the crew alot lately, id buy that. Other two are not worth it full price

Hey its another episode of lets reflect on past /ovg/!

I-it is?

yup, check the wiki m80

I was just joking, I've read the wiki and so on.
But I'm a newfag indeed and I've been wondering why automobilista/gsce aren't being used for the series in session now, seems they are usually praised everywhere else.
Or rather, what sims do people here race the most? to like get used to the game engine physics and be "elite" in there.

Automoblista and gsce are meh, the physics on the content have big short cuts done when it comes to suspension. Not game breaking, but once you push the car you notice. but it looks nice and there is alot of it. Tracks are pretty good.

Rfactor 2 is the newer sim that most here enjoy. Has alot of cool features, looks okay and physics engine is good.

rF1 probably. It's well established, free, any toaster can run it, etc.

>elite in ovg
lel after the mandatory greentext, probably the most played sims are rf1 (ease of use, runs on toasters), rf2 (muh tyre flex). We used to race gsce. Personally i think automobilista needs some polishing, and sorting all the "use steam to join mp" that makes it difficults to piratefags to play.
You could practice with the urd mod in rf2, since it seems to be the next big series that will Make OVG Great Again

It's very grippy but it's fast and really fun but gets boring after like 70 hours. You gotta get the any car any track mod tho

>any car any track
I'll never know why this wasn't carried over from DiRT 2 tbqhfamalam
Trophy trucks down that narrow Croatian rally stage was the shit

I actually stopped playing because I thought it got worse. I use a wheel, so I don't care about motorcycles at all. Wild run just seemed to add a bunch of useless cartoony garbage I didn't care about and nothing of value for a huge price tag.

Automobilista and GSCE are polished up version of rf1 with worse UI and optimization.

That is why we play rf1.

Anyone on Assetto Corsa here?

Could really use someone fast to do touge runs with. I've also been in GT leagues.

I'd hop on but I'm currently working on a motorcycle. kek.

>falling for the real life meme

>not enjoying testing every contact on a modern motorcycle to figure out where that one fucking wire isn't connecting

>the ovgsc mid ohio race was exactly a year ago
>the race where we got tooley racecar and indy to crash james out
wew time flies

Stop trying to form a circle jerk

indeed it does

That's not what happened.

what happened