League of legends general /lolg/

best waifu edition

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xth for stomping cockroaches into the dirt.

For you.

Never been in my life of commentating have I seen a team worse than CLG.

does garen do well against gangplank

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

>queues up for a game that usually takes 30+ minutes
>"guys i lets finish this quick i have to leave in 20 min
If this is you, kill yourself.

I've seen this fucking OP hundreds of times by now.


plans within plaans~

Cinematics are cancer when Riot thinks they replace lore

Xth for Katarina
best girl

What are some good tank junglers besides Gragas, Zac, and Boarslut? I need a new one since Hecarim is constantly banned.

And don't say Sion.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I love healing my ADC!

>It's a TSM stomps NA just to get their teeth kicked in my Koreans episode

Will NA ever come up with new material


One day a friendly user was walking through the crisp new snow fall and enjoying life like anons are want to do. Then all of a sudden a terrible terrible waifu popped out and yelled "PLANS WITH IN PLANS" as she shot a big chunk of ice at the nice user. It pierced him through the anus and he died of severe butt hurt. His last thought was wondering if this is what it felt like to get laid. The end.


Amumu and Reksai?

Tank Akali

>5th pick vayne pciks vayne into irelia, tf, rammus
>complains about "point and click cc noobs"
>dies 14 times and complains about "mega feeders"
>opponents and team mates both give the advice not to pick vayne into that type of team comp
>just defends her pick and blames "feeders"
I will change your experience of vayne

I want Lulu!

Vi, Wukong, Jax. They're flexible so if you feel you need more damage you can just build them like assassins

I like to play support now and then when I don't feel like putting effort into a game


>Throw lantern towards my adc
>He fucking walks past by it trying to run away

>Throw lantern over my adc behind me
>Hook their adc and dash to them flay and box them
>My fucking adc walks past by the lantern it trying to walk to us
>Their adc gets away


xth for polygamy.

While Riot's cinematics are great and varied from a visual standpoint, it's basically just champions fighting each other 90% of the time. There's no real story to them.

Also the new lore is more developed and fleshed-out than ever before, it's just difficult to find as it isn't on the bio pages in the game or on their main site for some stupid fucking reason. They have these stupid 5-sentence paragraphs there instead.

Post yours and rate others.

How do you build jax tank? Im genuinely curious.

Do not fall prey to the witch and the demon, for only suffering and death awaits you. Reminder to denounce the beast and to stay on the path of virtue.

rek'sai, ekko, volibear, olaf, amumu

Is he still a decent jungler after all of the nerfs he got earlier in the season?

I don't really like amumu

Don't like Rek'Sai either

I enjoy all 3 of those, but I only have success on Wukong.

Every time I pick Vi and Jax no matter what I do my team shits the bed.

uh no. That sounds awful. Maybe Malphite though?

Like Ahri's harem or your harem?

xth for fucking retarded support bitches

>Every time I pick Vi and Jax no matter what I do my team shits the bed.
Sounds like you're just unlucky.

Play them more you'll get teams that don't shit the bed.

And when you do. It's good practice to try and salvage it.

Yeah, I just don't want people forgetting that we had to go a long time without lore and instead got trite cinematics instead. Lore is fine now except for the reason you stated along with being underdeveloped.

Why you don't like Amumu? He has a simple, flexible and effective kit.

Just like any tank who abuses triforce, TF rush into either botrk/gunblade to full tank.

Mundo is somewhat decent in the right comp. He still shits out damage and is unkillable later on. Maybe Rammus is the guy for you

>Riven getting her soul sucked out

Based fox.

>This will never be real

gets invaded and dies

Well the lore is more devolved, but some of it is pretty dumb. Ala Panteon's and Taliyahs.

looking for support gf

>be a dirty gangplank picker
>riven locked in to counterpick
>riven roams level 2 and lets me freeze
>comes back when I'm level 5 and she's level 2
>destroy her
>"gangplank is so stupid"

Never change Riven mains :^)

tell me your pirate secrets.

I think it is bad luck.

When I play Jax, all of my lanes lose hard.

When I play Vi, I usually do really well early, but we lose late game.

I've played Rammus and I'm not very good with him.

is it gay to sometimes want to be a girl so I could be nice and cute for some lonely guy like me now?


That cinematic was straight up-weeb trash.

Though a League anime would be cool, it should be more tasteful than that.

I don't understand why people play ranked to give up 5 minutes in due to something arbitrary or stupid. I'm seeing this near Plat 5. I mean, if you don't care about ranked, why not do normals? If they do care, why not adapt to what's going on instead of giving up?

Someone please explain it to me, I'm getting a headache

You did it again didn't you /lolg/...

You let HIM have it? You let the failure of a waifufaggot have it? Not only the OP but that he didn't post the links?

Regardless of your stance on LCS, we want the links to exist in the OP so our thread looks cleaner and nicer.

Lissandrafag, you miserable piece of dogshit. I shouldn't even give you a (You) but I will solely because I find its the only way to get a message into that neanderthal of a skull of yours:

/lolg/ fucking hates you. Period.

And I can't believe I know how this will play out as well, you'll dismiss me as some sort of shitposter when I've been trying to actually improve the place. So fuck you. Just fuck you and your pathetic house

>b-but I live in an apt/condo/cardboard box

Fuck it too.

You don't deserve the ability to post here after the shit you pulled. And I can only fathom the shit spewing fat fuck on the other end of a monitor eating pizza with pineapples on it (Which is a sin in itself).

Lissandrafag, you are without a doubt the worst /lolg/ poster here. You have forever cemented that title as the worst, you and your failure of a waifu are the absolute worst.

You don't have any friends to fight for...you never will.

He is not a good champ the higher rated you go. Most people just know how to counter his kit.

you fucking farm until you have your 2 core items.

No meme shit, just farm.

If you go 0/0/0 by 20 minutes you've won the game.

Do you mind having a gf with a tight boypussy?


Yes. Wanting to be the cute girl is some overrated shit and it's not nearly what you lonely men and/or neckbeards make it up to be.

t. femanon

Fuck off. Soraka is love. Soraka is life.

He gets fucked way too hard by grevious wounds. Unless there's a Soraka then he sort of just gets blown up, nobody is that dumb enough to skip out on buying grevious wounds since everyone is still recovering from vlad and swains reign of bullshit



>being this fucking autistic

am i really the only one that doesnt give a shit about these kind of retards

To brave for me.

>play with 4 premade
>stomp game 10-41
>ofc im the one who get blamed
>next game
>the same premade
>they still flame me
>pick kench top and keep trolling them
>make on of them ragequit
>lose another point lp but worth

feel good revenge

>be me
>have gf
>she's dependent as fuck
>have to be the strong one in the relationship
>sometimes wish I was a girl so someone actually took care of me

Fuck this gay earth.

Lulu wants to swim in ME

Holy shit. Bravo, user. Bravo.

At this stage NA LCS is about as dull as the KR LCS is. There's no hype as to who wins because it's always the same team. TSM for NA, SKT for KR. The only way to watch it and enjoy it at all is to watch two 'bad' teams duke it out of the EU LCS, where most of the teams all bumble around. Even TSM vs IMT isn't hype anymore because IMT have just become so utterly awful.

I'll make the next thread if you provide the links, friendo.

and it won't be waifu-faggotry.


t. pool

>t. femanon
t. landwhale




That's a pretty tasty pasta recipe you crafted there user, props, mind if it save it to reheat it for later threads?

say whatever you want between you autists, at least Lissfag has had the decency to not be a tripfag



>>be me
>>have gf
What are you gay?

Well, you seem to be one yourself, so it's obvious you wouldn't care.

how would you tell whether I could appreciate someone like that or not

>tfw I was the dependent one and she got tired of it pretty quickly

so the irony is i'm not only incapable of picking up girls at all, I'm also not able to maintain a single relationship

Yeah I play jungle. What about it?
That makes sense. I mean I guess the answer is to just practice not getting mad, but idk. I've just never been "that guy" in league, so I can't sympathize. Even when I was bronze 3 I was consistently doing well on the team. Maybe not carrying, but never feeding. I just don't know what it's like to be a feeder, so I just can't understand how it's possible. The only time I've ever been that way is when I was learning jax, and I eventually got good with him by practicing in normals. I can't know if other people will do that, so I just assume they're awful and will always stay awful and need to quite making everyone suffer.

this general has prior to recent months never really bothered with links in OP beyond eyoson
stop being an entitled little shit and go back to savescumming like a whore or advertising your shitty cuckcastle in fates.

Jinx solo movie when?

Keep it up user. I also hate Lissfag and links are important.

Useful stuff:

Make wallpapers:

I was planning to make the OP next and got into an aram. I missed my opportunity so here.

We have an ikefag now?

Akali jungle is a perfectly viable and respectable pick.

get used to it because majority of girls will be like this

No trust me, it's trash.

The attention isn't worth it, especially when you're a gamer. That opens up a pile of creepy nice-guy betas vying for you instead.

Then again I just don't like people or relationships in general, so that probably plays a part in it.

The map here kinda reminds me of the old fall SR map skin

>tfw no seasonal map skins ever again


oh well i suck at predicting things

did you at least win?

Post Ranked music.


Shitty early clear but after that she does fine, yeah.

Hey Azirfag, any progress on mastery 6 Trist?

When your goal is to win in ranked you should be willing to play whatever gives you the highest chance of victory
I don't plan to gain elo by shitpicking
> you wouldnt win any games if you dont play them
alright you exposed me

I completely forgot about ESPORTS

esports typically winds up with links as well IIRC

but beyond esports, nothing usually. S@20 is just an unmentioned given, and quite honestly I'm certain most people play league because of friends who will show them all the useful shit upfront if they even need to. There's no point shoving a bunch of links into the op, and if you think it minimizes waifufags, a quick ctrlc-ctrlv would like a word with you

meant for


shoutout to reese and sseth

Its about this time of year where that one delusional chinkaboo starts shouting that "chinese team X is better than even Korea!" based on their record in the insular LCS scene where there are really only 1-2 top teams because those teams buy up all the good players.

They argue that "This year will be different because of player transfer Y!" with extreme autism. And then when China gets their shit stomped/"fails to meet potential" they disappear again.

Where are you, chinkaboo shitter?

Where did this stupid "le bully Riven xD" meme come from? It's fucking autistic and just as bad as luluposting or lissposting, etc.

>Then again I just don't like people or relationships in general
Well no shit you think it's trash.